Examples of the the word, capitalist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( capitalist ), is the 4484 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817),referred to" the, capitalist ," many times. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, an English poet, used capitalist in his
  2. Other words — wealth, money,funds, goods,assets, property and so on. The term, capitalist ,refers to an owner of capital rather than an economic system, but shows earlier
  3. Dominant in the Western world following the demise of feudalism. Today the, capitalist ,system is the world's dominant economic model. Etymology and early usage
  4. In infrastructure, capital and other resources necessary in production. In a, capitalist ,system, businesses decide when and how much they want to invest. Income in a
  5. And demands aimed to solve" the labor problem" through radical changes in the, capitalist ,economy; descriptions of the problem, explanations of it causes, and proposed
  6. Producer is trying to sell the same or similar products to the same buyers. In, capitalist ,theory, competition leads to innovation and more affordable prices. Without
  7. Networks began moving missionaries into the country in an effort to subvert the, capitalist ,north. Although it is unlikely bin Laden or Saudi al-Qaeda were directly
  8. Natural rights, but instead present economic justifications for a free-market, capitalist ,society. This latter approach, which has been called the Chicago School version
  9. Monopolistic manner to control output and raise prices. Role of government In a, capitalist ,system, the government does not prohibit private property or prevent
  10. In his work Table Talk (1823). Pierre-Joseph Proudhon used the term, capitalist ,in his first work, What is Property? (1840) to refer to the owners of capital
  11. Referred to the capitalist ic system (kapitalistisches System) and to the, capitalist ,mode of production (kapitalistische Produktionsform) in Was Capital (1867).
  12. West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany),which developed into a Western, capitalist ,country with a social market economy (in German) and a democratic
  13. Bureau, Canadian playwright (d. 1971) *1926 – Arthur Rock, American venture, capitalist ,*1928 – Bernard Kevin, English journalist, author,and broadcaster (d. 2004)
  14. Not extensively use the form capitalism, but instead those of capitalist and, capitalist ,mode of production, which appear more than 2600 times in the trilogy Was
  15. Between us and Russia over minds...." Crony capitalism is a term describing a, capitalist ,economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between
  16. Would when jobs are plentiful. Trade union and governments influence wages in, capitalist ,systems. Unions act to represent their members in negotiations with employers
  17. 1840) to refer to the owners of capital. Benjamin Disraeli used the term, capitalist ,in his 1845 work Sybil. Also, according to the OED, Carl Adolph Douay, a
  18. To is that of how to distribute resources rationally in an economy. The, capitalist ,solution is the price mechanism; Miles and Hayek argued that this is the only
  19. Such things as wage rate and acceptable working conditions. The market In a, capitalist ,economy, the prices of goods and services are controlled mainly through supply
  20. From a centrally planned economy (Communist system) to a market economy (, capitalist ,system). Both the nation and the economy are nascent. Regional conflict
  21. Revolution, the industrialist replaced the merchant as a dominant actor in the, capitalist ,system and effected the decline of the traditional handicraft skills of
  22. In practice, a mixed economy will be heavily slanted toward one extreme; most, capitalist ,economies are defined as" mixed economies" to some degree and are
  23. The routine of work tasks; and finally established the global domination of the, capitalist ,mode of production. In the 1840s,Britain adopted a less protectionist policy
  24. Appear more than 2600 times in the trilogy Was Capital. Marx's notion of the, capitalist ,mode of production is characterized as a system of primarily private ownership
  25. Have detailed underdevelopment and dependence in a world ruled by the, capitalist ,system. Pacifist and anti-imperialist traditions have strongly influenced the
  26. System, businesses decide when and how much they want to invest. Income in a, capitalist ,economy depends primarily on what skills are in demand and what skills are
  27. The three combined volumes of Was Capital (1867,1885,1894) contain the word, capitalist ,more than 2,600 times. An 1877 work entitled Better Times by Hugh Ga butt and an
  28. A nonprofit, non-partisan public media organization, with Austin venture, capitalist ,http://austinventures.com/team/teammember.asp? ID 24 John Thornton and veteran
  29. To-dos inspired the development of a market democracy with minimally regulated, capitalist ,economy. The Plan explicitly stated that Bolivian citizens would own a minimum
  30. Markets and government. According to their theories, individuals engage in a, capitalist ,economy as consumers, labourers, and investors. As laborers, individuals may
  31. Often assert that crony capitalism is the inevitable result of any, capitalist ,system. Jane Jacobs described it as a natural consequence of collusion between
  32. Is one of the central characters in Atlas Shrugged. Like many of Rand's, capitalist ,characters, he is a self-made man. He owns the most important steel company in
  33. Integrated into the economy, the Balinese performing arts did not exist as a, capitalist ,venture, and were not performed for entertainment outside their respective
  34. The capitalist " many times. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, an English poet, used, capitalist , in his work Table Talk (1823). Pierre-Joseph Proudhon used the term
  35. Emphasis has been given to the construction of grassroots alternatives to (, capitalist ,) globalization, the movement's largest and most visible mode of organizing
  36. To his current activities regarding it. Despite this he is a venture, capitalist , investing in GNR technology companies. He has also raised a specialty venture
  37. Governments controlled by the economic and social elite followed laissez-faire, capitalist ,policies through the first thirty years of the 20th century. Living conditions
  38. Was a single legal system, enforcement of law was entirely private and highly, capitalist ,; and so provides some evidence of how such a society would function. " Even
  39. The government, wherein the state intervenes in the economy to protect specific, capitalist ,businesses (although this is usually referred to as state monopoly capitalism
  40. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. However, in the United States,the, capitalist ,model prevailed with the passage of the Communications Act of 1934 which
  41. Capitalism as inherently authoritarian. In particular, they argue that certain, capitalist ,transactions are not voluntary, and that maintaining the class structure of a
  42. Marx did not extensively use the form capitalism, but instead those of, capitalist ,and capitalist mode of production, which appear more than 2600 times in the
  43. Consists of state ownership of profit-seeking enterprises that operate in a, capitalist ,manner in a market economy. Examples include corporatized government agencies
  44. Could not be maintained, and the claim that a society can be anarchist or, capitalist , but not both. Anarcho-capitalism and other anarchist schools Some scholars do
  45. Transactions are not voluntary, and that maintaining the class structure of a, capitalist ,society requires coercion, which is incompatible with an anarchist society. On
  46. Do not. " Bound explains this as follows: Murray N. Rothbard notes that the, capitalist ,system of today is, indeed,not properly anarchistic because it is so often in
  47. As well as the creation of new and improved products. Driving the, capitalist ,economy is the search for profits (revenues minus expenses). This is known as
  48. Through economic reforms and privatizations, with the intention of creating a, capitalist ,economy. This process was largely successful; in 2006 the Czech Republic was
  49. That is more compatible with laissez-faire, gained increasing prominence in the, capitalist ,world, especially under the leadership of Ronald Reagan in the US and Margaret
  50. Socialists and anti-Stalinist leftists argue that the Soviet Union was state, capitalist ,instead of socialist, since the state owned all the means of production

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