Examples of the the word, canyon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( canyon ), is the 4742 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Who had broken into a Canadian couple's motor-home) into a Balboa Park, canyon , He was stabbed twice with a screwdriver. The murderer was sentenced to 26
  2. Something akin to a national pastime, with 3 rivers including the deepest river, canyon ,in Europe, Tara River. The first university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. File: taint. JPG|Taint petroglyph in a cave in Puerto Rico File: Mammoth cave, canyon , JPG|Canyon passage in Mammoth Cave, the world's the longest cave. File: Townsend
  4. Known as the Madison Limestone, and then rises again a half-mile down the, canyon ,in a placid pool. A Turlock is a unique type of seasonal lake found in Irish
  5. Was removed. Since the dam was an arch-gravity type, the side-walls of the, canyon ,would bear the force of the impounded lake. Therefore, the side-walls were
  6. Maps of the Arctic region and the North Pole, making a case for a 100-mile wide, canyon ,in the center of the physical North Pole, into which north-flowing rivers drain
  7. Suggested that these large roads were used to quickly move an army from the, canyon ,to the outlier communities, a purpose similar to the road systems known for the
  8. Stone, adobe mud, and other local material, or were carved into the sides of, canyon ,walls. Each were influenced by themselves and design details from other
  9. For swinging co-workers (and, at other times, cases of dynamite) across the, canyon , To protect themselves against falling objects, some high scales took cloth
  10. Unique in form due to the individual topography of different alcoves along the, canyon ,walls. In marked contrast to earlier constructions and villages on top of the
  11. Than Shan (" Heavenly Mountains ",200 km east of Almaty) at. The steep, canyon ,slopes, columns and arches rise to heights of 150–300 meters. The
  12. Been incompletely done, and was based on less than a full understanding of the, canyon ,'s geology. New holes were drilled from inspection galleries inside the dam
  13. To stabilize the rock, to prevent water from seeping past the dam through the, canyon ,rock, and to limit" uplift"—upward pressure from water seeping under the dam.
  14. May 1931. Shortly afterward, work began on two similar tunnels in the Arizona, canyon ,wall. In March 1932,work began on lining the tunnels with concrete. First the
  15. Money, Hwi, Leto, and a number of courtiers into the jagged rocks in the, canyon ,below. Kayla obeys, despite her fanaticism toward the God Emperor, believing
  16. S main purpose was to transport local and exotic goods inside and outside the, canyon , Someone also suggested that these large roads were used to quickly move an
  17. Suspended from the top of the canyon with ropes, high-scalers climbed down the, canyon ,walls and removed the loose rock with jackhammers and dynamite. Falling objects
  18. Represent the palatal nasal, a sound somewhat similar to the ‹ NY › in English, canyon , In Italian, the digraph ‹ GI ›, when appearing before a vowel, represents
  19. Each separation plant consisted of four buildings: a process cell building or ", canyon ," (known as 221),a concentration building (224),a purification building (
  20. To identify dry watercourses in the desert to the west of the Nile. An Mobile, canyon , now filled by surface drift, represents an ancestral Nile called the Mobile
  21. And arches rise to heights of 150–300 meters. The inaccessibility of the, canyon ,provided a safe haven for a rare ash tree that survived the Ice Age and is now
  22. Area through Lower Nubia (Upper Egypt and northern Sudan) within the narrow, canyon ,between the cliffs of sandstone and granite created by the flow of the river
  23. Storage complexes were built in shallow caves and under rock overhangs along, canyon ,walls. The structures contained within these alcoves were mostly blocks of hard
  24. The water's force into the abutments, in this case the rock walls of the, canyon , The wedge-shaped dam would be thick at the bottom, narrowing to at the top
  25. From an incident in which hikers from a nearby camp had thrown rocks into the, canyon , There are also local rumors that pranksters harassed the men and planted faked
  26. The Pacific Ocean and ranges from desert and semi-arid plateau to the range and, canyon ,districts of the Central and Southern Interior to boreal forest and sub-arctic
  27. Site. To accomplish this, four diversion tunnels were driven through the, canyon ,walls, two on the Nevada side and two on the Arizona side. These tunnels were
  28. 1931 rather than in October. The company built bunkhouses, attached to the, canyon ,wall, to house 480 single men at what became known as River Camp. Workers with
  29. M (100 ft),the precipices" seeming to close in at the top. " Through this, canyon ,the Marion leaps along, at times, at the rate of 20 km/h (12 miles an hour).
  30. Is shown by the presence of luxury items at Pueblo Bonito and elsewhere in the, canyon , Items such as macaws, turquoise,marine shells, and imported vessels prove the
  31. Which was renamed the Bureau of Reclamation the following year) found that, canyon ,unsuitable. Or for a spillway. The Service investigated Black Canyon and found
  32. Help of scouts led by Kit Carson, he caught and defeated them April 4,at the, canyon ,of Jo Client. Peace treaty efforts On January 22, 1858,Kit Carson concluded
  33. Indians. Many Chiapanecans chose to throw themselves from the high edges of the, canyon ,rather than be defeated by Spanish forces. Today, the canyon is a popular
  34. Roadway. Isolated structures located on the roadsides as well as on top of the, canyon ,cliffs and ridge crests have been interpreted as shrines related to these
  35. Spanish, there is no palatal nasal but only a palatalized nasal, as in English, canyon , In Brazilian Portuguese NH is frequently pronounced as a nasalized j, that is
  36. World ocean level at Aswan and below Cairo. This created a very long and deep, canyon ,which was filled with sediment when the Mediterranean was recreated. At some
  37. Grout, called a grout curtain. Holes were driven into the walls and base of the, canyon , as deep as into the rock, and any cavities encountered were to be filled with
  38. Stairways into the cliff rock to connect the roadways on the ridge tops of the, canyon ,to the sites on the valley bottoms. The largest roads, constructed at the same
  39. Past Suntanned, and piercing the limestone barrier of the Kitchen by a major, canyon , before reaching Marine, situated on a plain. A little past Marine, near
  40. High edges of the canyon rather than be defeated by Spanish forces. Today,the, canyon ,is a popular destination for ecotourism. Visitors often take boat trips down
  41. As its middle course, where it is jammed between two mountain walls, in a deep, canyon , along which it dashes over high falls and numerous reefs. This is the stream
  42. Ecotourism. Visitors often take boat trips down the river that runs through the, canyon ,and enjoy the area's natural beauty including the many birds and abundant
  43. Killed in Guadalajara, Mexico,when a train plunges off the tracks into a deep, canyon , *1917 – World War I: President Woodrow Wilson of the still-neutral United
  44. Entrances are located behind each dam abutment, running roughly parallel to the, canyon ,walls. The spillway entrance arrangement forms a classic side-flow weir with
  45. Park in Kolas. File: Tara_River_Canyon. JPG|Tara River Canyon, longest, canyon , in Europe and the second-longest in the world. Demographics Ethnic structure
  46. Most important of the rivers are the Minor and the SIL, which has a spectacular, canyon , Most of the rivers in the interior are tributaries of the Minor. Other rivers
  47. This rock were called" high scales ". While suspended from the top of the, canyon ,with ropes, high-scalers climbed down the canyon walls and removed the loose
  48. Top travel writers" by The Observer, Palin named Peru's Pong ode Mainique (, canyon ,below the Machu Picchu) his" favorite place in the world ". He is currently
  49. Canadian French, but used also in Louisiana with a different meaning);, canyon , mesa, arroyo (Spanish); via, skate,kill (Dutch, Hudson Valley). The word
  50. Leading towards small outlier sites and natural features within and beyond the, canyon ,limits. Through satellite images and ground investigations, archaeologists have

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