Examples of the the word, calculator , in a Sentence Context

The word ( calculator ), is the 5685 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The end of that decade, calculator prices had reduced to a point where a basic, calculator ,was affordable to most, and they became common in schools. Computer operating
  2. Taught in most schools until the 1990s. Even the 1874 invention of mechanical, calculator , Other arithmometer, had not replaced them in Russia and likewise the mass
  3. Addition, multiplication,square-root, etc.) ** Scanning unit - when a, calculator ,is powered on, it scans the keypad waiting to pick up an electrical signal when
  4. Integrated circuits made their size and cost small. By the end of that decade, calculator ,prices had reduced to a point where a basic calculator was affordable to most
  5. Calculators. However, in 1975,Texas Instruments, the main supplier of, calculator ,parts, entered the market directly and put out a line of machines priced at
  6. Up the pocket calculator function on a desktop computer, the image of a pocket, calculator ,appears on the screen. We don't complain that 'it isn't really a calculator '
  7. In the Solomon Islands. *1944 – IBM dedicates the first program-controlled, calculator , the Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (known best as the Harvard Mark
  8. Museum returning results to 31 digits, far more than the average modern pocket, calculator , Completed models The London Science Museum has constructed two Difference
  9. Results. Seven stripes (segments) are used to represent each digit in a basic, calculator , Example A basic explanation as to how calculations are performed in a simple
  10. Blaine Pascal designed and constructed the first working mechanical, calculator , the Masculine, in 1642. Charles Babbage designed a difference engine and then
  11. Science and technology * bc programming language, an arbitrary-precision, calculator ,language * Ballistic coefficient, a measure of air drag on a projectile *
  12. Of tools such as the abacus, developed around 2000 BC; and the mechanical, calculator , developed in the 17th century. It was developed in parallel with the analog
  13. Specifically, high-risk persons are 'those with a 5-year risk ≥ 3 % '. A risk, calculator ,is available. Regarding healthy women, the more recent Women's Health Study
  14. Of taxes owed and paid, Pascal,not yet nineteen, constructed a mechanical, calculator ,capable of addition and subtraction, called Pascal's calculator or the
  15. Was named Ada in her honor. Modern adaptations While the abacus and mechanical, calculator ,have been replaced by electronic calculator s using microchips, the recent
  16. Calculators (i.e. a market) has no advantage over one large central, calculator ,in overcoming complexity. While a true equilibrium may be impossible under both
  17. And after three years of effort and 50 prototypes he invented the mechanical, calculator , He built twenty of these machines (called the Masculine) in the following
  18. The device do not matter. " The question is, is the human mind like the pocket, calculator , essentially composed of information? Or is the mind like the rainstorm
  19. Of the microprocessor developed serendipitously by Intel for a Music, calculator , Modern electronic calculator s vary from cheap, give-away,credit-card sized
  20. Division, and trigonometry) and homographs in addition to the electrical, calculator , Decimal arithmetic Decimal representation refers exclusively, in common use
  21. Union in 1974. Today it is regarded as an archaism and replaced by the handheld, calculator , The Russian abacus was brought to France around 1820 by the mathematician
  22. Comparable in size to handheld calculator s. The first solid-state electronic, calculator ,was created in the 1960s,building on the history of tools such as the abacus
  23. Would have used loops of Jacquard's punched cards to control a mechanical, calculator , which could formulate results based on the results of preceding computations.
  24. And ARM architectures, as well as some custom designs specifically made for the, calculator ,market. ) History Precursors to the electronic calculator The first known tool
  25. Which were just coming on the market. Commodore soon had a profitable, calculator ,line and was one of the more popular brands in the early 1970s,producing both
  26. Are usually offset by the need for the accuracy and compatibility with, calculator ,or hand calculation that fixed-point decimal arithmetic provides. Denser
  27. Pascal. 1984 saw the launch of Sidekick, a time organization, notebook,and, calculator ,utility, notable for being a Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program. In
  28. A mechanical calculator capable of addition and subtraction, called Pascal's, calculator ,or the Masculine. The Muse DES Arts et Métiers in Paris and the Winger museum
  29. Airport for their holidays ”, and for the machine to not look like" a pregnant, calculator ," – in reference presumably to the Sinclair ZX81 and ZX Spectrum with their low
  30. As the successor to Babbage's difference engine, a design for a mechanical, calculator , The Analytical Engine incorporated an arithmetical unit, control flow in the
  31. Kind of mathematical thinking that students engage in. Others have argued that, calculator ,use can even cause core mathematical skills to atrophy, or that such use can
  32. The notion of a computer as a general purpose machine—that is, as more than a, calculator ,devoted to solving difficult but specific problems—did not become prominent for
  33. A basic explanation as to how calculations are performed in a simple 4-function, calculator , : To perform the calculation 25 + 9,one presses keys in the following sequence
  34. Though these machines are early forerunners to computer engineering,the, calculator ,failed to be a great commercial success. Because it was extraordinarily
  35. Unix have included interactive calculator programs such as DC and hoc, and, calculator , functions are included in almost all PDA-type devices (save a few dedicated
  36. Needed to do a computation. For instance, instead of a hardware multiplier,a, calculator ,might implement floating point mathematics with code in ROM, and compute
  37. Apparent. One anecdote describes Thomas Hunt Morgan banning the Fri den, calculator ,from his department at Caltech, saying " Well, I am like a guy who is
  38. Computer operating systems as far back as early Unix have included interactive, calculator ,programs such as DC and hoc, and calculator functions are included in almost
  39. In October 1983 was seen as revenge for TI's tactics in the electronic, calculator ,market in the mid 1970s,when Commodore was almost bankrupted by TI. In parts
  40. Calculator appears on the screen. We don't complain that 'it isn't really a, calculator ,', because the physical attributes of the device do not matter. " The question
  41. Had proposed. Howard Aiken, who built the quickly-obsoleted electromechanical, calculator , the Harvard Mark I, between 1937 and 1945,praised Babbage's work likely as a
  42. Things, simulation is as good as the real thing. " When we call up the pocket, calculator ,function on a desktop computer, the image of a pocket calculator appears on the
  43. To perform calculations" in the head ", with some curricula restricting, calculator ,use until a certain level of proficiency has been obtained, while others
  44. Have existed since antiquity. Wilhelm Shipyard designed the first mechanical, calculator ,in 1623,but did not complete its construction. Blaine Pascal designed and
  45. At a mechanical computing device, the difference engine, was a special-purpose, calculator ,designed to tabulate logarithms and trigonometric functions by evaluating
  46. To fit all the desired functions in the limited memory space available in the, calculator ,chip, with acceptable calculation time. Calculators versus computers The
  47. Time. Calculators versus computers The fundamental difference between a, calculator ,and computer is that a computer can be programmed in a way that allows the
  48. Flag register - The function for the calculation is stored here until the, calculator ,needs it. ** Permanent memory (ROM)- The instructions for in-built functions (
  49. Enclose Mosque, and Cirque de Cilaos on Réunion Eroded calderas An electronic, calculator ,is a small, portable,usually inexpensive electronic device used to perform the
  50. Bubble Bobble respectively. In 2002,a Homebrew version for the TI-83 graphing, calculator ,was released. In October 2005,a version was released for the Xbox, PlayStation

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