Examples of the the word, problems , in a Sentence Context

The word ( problems ), is the 5692 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Additional data structures like stacks to solve the given problems . Some, problems ,are naturally suited for one implementation or the other. For example, towers
  2. Agencies are involved in terrorist attacks inside Afghanistan. Despite these, problems , Pakistan is a participant in the reconstruction of Afghanistan, pledging $250
  3. Were 6,000 Jews in Alaska (for whom observance of the mitzvah may pose special, problems ,). Estimates for the number of Alaskan Muslims range from 2,000 to 5,000. In
  4. Out of Water: From abundance to scarcity and how to solve the world's water, problems , authors Colin Chartres and Salyut Karma of the International Water
  5. Not worth a continental. ") The U. S. finally solved its debt and currency, problems ,in the 1790s when Alexander Hamilton spearheaded the establishment of the First
  6. Asleep, frequent nocturnal awakenings, and early morning awakenings. Sleep, problems ,are associated with difficult behaviors and family stress, and are often a
  7. The United States. In 1935,Elsa Einstein was diagnosed with heart and kidney, problems ,and died in December 1936. Patent office After graduating, Einstein spent
  8. women's mental health, and that women are no more likely to have mental-health, problems ,after a first-trimester abortion than after carrying an unwanted pregnancy to
  9. By NATO countries through the Afghanistan Police Program, there are still, problems ,with the force. According to a 2009 news report, large percent of Afghan police
  10. A boilerplate Command/Service Module. Apollo 6 had suffered several major, problems ,during its April 1968 flight, including severe Pogo oscillation during its
  11. Often present and these comorbid diagnoses are increasingly accepted. *Sleep, problems ,affect about two-thirds of individuals with ASD at some point in childhood.
  12. Water shortages, which have had a significant impact on GDP. Asia's resource, problems ,are exacerbated by inadequate infrastructure. At the end of 2008.37 % of China
  13. Backpack created a tendency to tip backwards, but neither astronaut had serious, problems ,maintaining balance. Loping became the preferred method of movement. The
  14. Had to be shipped across the Atlantic Ocean. The British usually had logistical, problems ,whenever they operated away from port cities. Additionally, ocean travel meant
  15. Revolution itself),it also shows how potential ignorance and indifference to, problems ,within a revolution could allow horrors to happen if a smooth transition to a
  16. Being given senior positions in top level companies. Among Angola's major, problems ,are a serious humanitarian crisis (a result of the prolonged war),the
  17. For headcase. However, the higher melting points of these alkanes can cause, problems ,at low temperatures and in polar regions, where the fuel becomes too thick to
  18. Overhead is expensive. Iterative algorithms are generally parallelize. Some, problems ,have no parallel algorithms, and are called inherently serial problems . *
  19. Conclusions, stating that there is a significant increase in mental health, problems ,after abortion. Other researchers and professional organizations have noted
  20. Has been described by William as" one of the most elusive of the traditional, problems ,of human culture ". It has been defined as a vehicle for the expression or
  21. Then usual; studies report conflicting results, and the relationship between GI, problems ,and ASD is unclear. Parents of children with ASD have higher levels of stress.
  22. Signals and electrical-mechanical synchronization of time, two technical, problems ,that show up conspicuously in the thought experiments that eventually led
  23. Medical or therapy expenses are associated with likelihood of family financial, problems ,; one 2008 US study found a 14 % average loss of annual income in families of
  24. Trimester because of fetal abnormalities are not thought to cause mental-health, problems , though researchers have not examined the effect of second-trimester abortions
  25. Had usually changed. Suppressing a rebellion in America also posed other, problems , Since the colonies covered a large area and had not been united before the war
  26. Provide schooling for existing children, disruption of education, relationship, problems , with a husband or partner, the perception that she is too young, and
  27. Making progress in developing its telecoms sector. Nonetheless, it still faces, problems , These include poor infrastructure and an immature telecom regulatory regime.
  28. Forces. " In the South, the use of Loyalists presented the British with" major, problems ,of strategic choice" since while it was necessary to widely disperse troops in
  29. One of the most significant contributors to today's most serious environmental, problems ,". Livestock production occupies 70 % of all land used for agriculture, or 30 %
  30. A third stage that failed to reignite in orbit. Without assurances that these, problems ,had been rectified, NASA administrators could not justify risking a manned
  31. Second argument to its square, see; dealing with complex values, this may cause, problems , * Exponential integral, page 228 http://www.math.sfu.ca/~cbm/aands/page_228.
  32. Ready. Teams from the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) went to work on the, problems , Of primary concern was the Pogo oscillation, which would not only hamper
  33. Causes include vascular disease (such as lupus),diabetes, other hormonal, problems , infection, and abnormalities of the uterus. Induction methods Medical "
  34. Loops and sometimes additional data structures like stacks to solve the given, problems , Some problems are naturally suited for one implementation or the other. For
  35. Gives blind and visually impaired students a tool to compute mathematical, problems ,that equals the speed and mathematical knowledge required by their sighted
  36. From France. Housing and medicine shortages continue to be pressing, problems ,in Algeria. Failing infrastructure and the continued influx of people from
  37. Study found that ASD is associated with higher probability that child care, problems ,will greatly affect parental employment. US states increasingly require private
  38. Fast-rising earnings of the oil sector, Angola faces huge social and economic, problems , These are in part a result of the almost continual state of conflict from 1961
  39. From December 5 through 11. Final testing of modifications to address the, problems ,of Pogo oscillation, ruptured fuel lines, and bad igniter lines took place on
  40. Of many control characters, combined with their historical usage, created, problems , when transferring" plain text" files between systems. The best example of
  41. A paper on the general theory of relativity. He continued to deal with, problems ,of statistical mechanics and quantum theory, which led to his explanations of
  42. Sciences seek to feed the world's population while preventing biosafety, problems ,that may affect human health and the environment. This requires promoting good
  43. Celtic and Germanic peoples. Herodotus first formulated some persisting, problems ,of anthropology. Medieval scholars may be considered forerunners of modern
  44. Through pesticides, nutrient runoff, excessive water usage, and assorted other, problems , A 2000 assessment of agriculture in the UK determined total external costs for
  45. Of braille code for mathematics) but large multiplication and long division, problems ,can be long and difficult. The abacus gives blind and visually impaired
  46. Living allowances or other benefits. Under diagnosis and over diagnosis are, problems ,in marginal cases, and much of the recent increase in the number of reported
  47. These include technological fields that assume the solution to technological, problems ,lies in better technology, such as integrated pest management, waste treatment
  48. Of anthropology that brings linguistic methods to bear on anthropological, problems , linking the analysis of linguistic forms and processes to the interpretation
  49. Group of factors Above identified derived from the substantive nature of the, problems ,the Continental Congress confronted after 1783,especially the inability to
  50. 17 % of all deaths in the Asia-Pacific Region are related to environmental, problems , Policies to encourage private sector investment in Environmental Markets are

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