Examples of the the word, broadly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( broadly ), is the 5687 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The descending aorta below the diaphragm In other animals All amniotic have a, broadly ,similar arrangement to that of humans, albeit with a number of individuals
  2. Some critics, however,argue these drugs trials are subject to bias. More, broadly ,anti-psychiatry and anti-medication perspectives are commonly found in the lay
  3. With cue shaft-enclosing rings, or wheels on the bottom of the head),are, broadly ,tournament-approved. In Italy a longer, thicker cue is typically available for
  4. The word British, and as a result can be used and interpreted in two ways, more, broadly , or more narrowly, within a range of blurring and ambiguity. " History English
  5. On a campaign to aid the Byzantines against the Seljuk Turks. This is, however, broadly , debated among historians since most do not accept this view of his death; it is
  6. Are powerful (and potentially addictive) sedatives. Antipsychotics are, broadly ,divided into two groups, the typical or first-generation antipsychotics and the
  7. With the most islands is the Archipelago Sea in Finland. An author is, broadly ,defined as" the person who originates or gives existence to anything" and
  8. Used in industrial meat production. The major agricultural products can be, broadly ,grouped into foods, fibers,fuels, and raw materials. In the 21st century
  9. Established a permanent British presence in the region. The Columbia District, broadly ,defined as being south of 54°40 north latitude, ( the southern limit of Russian
  10. Science of his contemporaries. In fact, the term" science" is used more, broadly ,in Europe as a general term that refers to any exact knowledge. Anthroposophy
  11. Aiming to combine the contextuality of archaeological research, which, broadly , describes the state of archaeoastronomy today, rather than merely establishing
  12. One image to the next. AM modulation methods Modulation circuit designs can be, broadly ,divided into low and high level. Low-Level Generation In many recent radios
  13. Were a development of the Derringer class, with 13.8-inch guns and a, broadly ,similar armor scheme, designed for 28 knots. In Britain, Jackie Fisher
  14. Equipment using its own armament. Combat aircraft divide, broadly ,into fighters and bombers, with several in-between types such as
  15. Role for individual employer-employee contracts. Kernel, however,remained, broadly ,opposed to the Liberal government. This, together with her personal ambition
  16. This to" closed-form numbers ", which may be defined in various ways. Most, broadly , any number that can be defined explicitly or implicitly in terms of
  17. Journalism, business,law, nursing,and public policy. The university is, broadly ,organized into 14 divisions and is spread across four campuses: the original
  18. From retaliation. The prohibition against retaliation or coercion applies, broadly ,to any individual or entity that seeks to prevent an individual from exercising
  19. Mechanism, which was based on classical mechanics, while Eddington speculated, broadly ,about the qualitative and quantitative consequences of possible proton-electron
  20. Escape from threat while anxiety was defined as long-acting, future-focused, broadly , focused towards a diffuse threat, and promoting caution while approaching a
  21. Or units. Terminology and its implications vary widely. However, very, broadly , artillery units are assigned in direct support or in general support.
  22. Of F. L. Lucas, based on his 1921 solo field-trip to Thessaly, is now, however, broadly , accepted by historians. “ A visit to the ground has only confirmed me,” Lucas
  23. Assistance services, and so on. ). Regions have authority in fields that can be, broadly ,associated with their territory. These include economy, employment,agriculture
  24. Not only amongst the inventory of drugs Thompson consumed for what could, broadly ,be defined as recreational purposes, but also receives frequent, explicit
  25. Process. Fuller also introduced synergetic, an encompassing term which he used, broadly ,as a metaphoric language for communicating experiences using geometric concepts
  26. Of Acanthus and Tulbaghia. Allioideae contained two tribes: Brodiaeeae and a, broadly ,defined Allied. Gilliesioideae was composed of about half of the genera now
  27. Jazz and country influences. This particular music style started to be, broadly ,popularized within the 1970s by J. J. Came and the cover versions performed by
  28. Developed, as a result of mass media and geographic and social mobility, and, broadly , describes the English typically heard from network newscasters, commonly
  29. Which germinated in the mid-1960s and was reaped throughout the 1970s. Artists, broadly ,identified under the heading of Conceptual art ... substituting performance and
  30. Is a charge sometimes levied at academic institutions and academics more, broadly , arguing that academia or academics are prone to undeserved and/or pernicious
  31. Latest (2009) revision of the APG classification supports the use of a single, broadly ,defined family, Asparagaceae sense late. Also did not recognize Asparagus
  32. View links the origin of Albanian with Syrian, though this theory is, broadly ,contested and challenged. Unattested prior to the second half of the 15th
  33. Abbess was Sofia Albertina, Princess of Sweden. The term abdominal surgery, broadly ,covers surgical procedures that involve opening the abdomen. Surgery of each
  34. In their attempts to build a New Jerusalem, and their pacifist brethren, later, broadly , known as Mennonites. Radical Anabaptist groups included the Monasteries, who
  35. Outside the big four (Ceres, Pallas, Vesta,and Hygiene) are likely to be, broadly ,similar in appearance, if irregular in shape. 50-km 253 Mathilde (shown at
  36. By an immediate show of force. Assault in some US jurisdictions is defined more, broadly ,still as any intentional physical contact with another person without their
  37. Sensu late. Also did not recognize Asparagus, using instead the very, broadly ,defined order Lilies. APG system The 2009 revision of the Angiosperm
  38. Store mechanical energy imparted by the user drawing the string. Bows may be, broadly ,split into two categories: those drawn by pulling the string directly and those
  39. Leagues comprising predominantly African-American teams. The term may be used, broadly ,to include professional black teams outside the leagues, and it may be used
  40. Of anti-Zionism and criticism of Israel are used to attack the Jews more, broadly , In this view, the proponents of the new concept believe that criticisms of
  41. Had weaker armament and were slower. The next British battlecruiser, Tiger,was, broadly ,on the model of Lion but also influenced by the design of the Japanese ships.
  42. The vast critique of the history of Western philosophy, which he saw, broadly ,as a monumental battle between Reason and Faith, Athens and Jerusalem, secular
  43. Recipients. " Other members of the antispam and blogging community were, broadly ,critical of move on. Org and the EFF's attempts to characterize this as a "
  44. But beads are also used in wall hangings and sculpture. Bead work techniques are, broadly ,divided into loom and off-loom weaving, stringing,bead embroidery, bead
  45. To conclude that while the term 'science' may be anachronistic, Thom was, broadly ,correct upon the subject of high-accuracy alignments. In contrast, Clive Juggles
  46. And general resemblance in linguistic detail throughout the sequence are, broadly ,suggestive of the work of a single author," though other scholars see
  47. Mountain climbing and or participating in extreme sports. The term also, broadly ,refers to any enterprise that is potentially fraught with physical, financial
  48. With a focus on HIV/AIDS-related programs after concluding 30 years of more, broadly ,targeted assistance in 1997. Similarly, the USAID phased out a long-standing
  49. Movement The Revolutionary Nationalist Movement (MNR) emerged as a, broadly ,based party. Denied its victory in the 1951 presidential elections, the MNR led
  50. Cartoon stone circle in Islam, also with a positive result. Mackie therefore, broadly ,accepted Thom's conclusions and published new prehistoric of Britain. In

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