Examples of the the word, emergence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( emergence ), is the 5691 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Pueblo people, this road represents the connection to the ships, the place of, emergence ,of the ancestors or a dimensional doorway. During their journey from the
  2. Antibiotic such as flucloxacillin or dicloxacillin is used. With the, emergence ,of community-acquired methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus MRSA, these
  3. Universe to helium. Water and the long-lived stable stars essential for the, emergence ,of life would not exist. More generally, small changes in the relative
  4. The obstacles by the colonial administrators),even in remote rural areas. The, emergence ,of literary works entirely written in the modern versions increasingly
  5. Considered him the best general in the country; this was two months before the, emergence ,of Robert E. Lee as the pre-eminent general of the Confederacy. Epitaph
  6. Referred with the figures for the driving forces of differentiation (, emergence ,of consciousness and opposites),Helios God-the-Sun, and the Devil. Plaster
  7. Old non-Arab term that came into Arabic from Aramaic and Hebrew before the, emergence ,of Islam. - Medina, word of Aramaic or Hebrew origin; Alfred-Louis de Prémare
  8. States in 1953. And Shook Aikido, founded by Kenji Tomsk in 1967. The, emergence ,of these styles pre-dated Ueshiba's death and did not cause any major
  9. Follow the ASCII standard and had its own character set, called AT ASCII. The, emergence ,of AT ASCII art coincided with the growing popularity of BBS Systems caused by
  10. Saw a boom in popular-fiction versions of alternate history, fueled by the, emergence ,of the prolific alternate history author Harry Turtledove, as well as the
  11. Nutrients, and fostering completely separate maritime environments. Regional, emergence ,The land is still emerging statically from its subsided state, which was
  12. Silkworm feces, and ate them. A fortunate genetic mutation of carp led to the, emergence ,of goldfish during the Tang Dynasty. Japanese cultivated seaweed by providing
  13. American Family documentary. It has also been viewed as foretelling the future, emergence ,of reality television. Brooks also made a cameo appearance in the film Private
  14. Of yeast species of the genus Candida in the vulvo-vaginal area. Resistance The, emergence ,of resistance of bacteria to antibacterial drugs is a common phenomenon.
  15. Deeds and fates of larger-than-life heroes. Stephen Prince has identified the, emergence ,of the unique Kurosawa protagonist with the immediate post-World War II period.
  16. Or Ancient North Arabian, texts give a clearer picture of the Arabs ', emergence , The earliest are written in variants of epigraphic south Arabian mustard script
  17. Both inside and outside of medicine is playing a significant role in the, emergence ,of resistant bacteria. Although there were low levels of preexisting antibiotic
  18. Los Angeles. A cappella is gaining popularity among South Asians with the, emergence ,of primarily Hindi-English College groups. Examples of prominent groups include
  19. Through protection of voter registration and elections. By 1966,the, emergence ,of the Black Power movement, which lasted from 1966 to 1975,expanded upon the
  20. Widest, to almost any type of social dancing as recreation. However, with the, emergence ,of dance sport in modern times, the term has become narrower in scope. It
  21. Call the formative period, Amazonian societies were deeply involved in the, emergence ,of South America's highland agrarian systems, and possibly contributed
  22. To 10th largest in Texas between 1880 and 1920. The 1970s also saw Austin's, emergence ,in the national music scene, with local artists such as Willie Nelson, Asleep
  23. al-Qaeda's leadership has" become geographically isolated ", leading to the ", emergence ,of decentralized leadership" of regional groups using the al-Qaeda" brand ".
  24. Final struggle between the two comes as satanic influence is let loose with the, emergence ,of Gog and Magog. Satan gathers all his powers, and uses all his methods to
  25. At least one two among the singles. The period of Darling's captaincy saw the, emergence ,of outstanding Australian players such as Trumpet, Warwick Armstrong, James
  26. West Coast. Other cultural genres of a cappella are quickly expanding with the, emergence ,of East-Asian interest groups such as the Northwestern University Treble makers
  27. Creator designed the Universe with the purpose of supporting complexity and the, emergence ,of Intelligence. #The life principle #: There is an underlying principle that
  28. In western armies at least radio communications are now usually encrypted. The, emergence ,of mobile and man-portable radios after World War I had a major impact on
  29. The resurgence of expeditionary warfare in the past twenty years has seen the, emergence ,of gun-armed wheeled vehicles, sometimes called protected gun systems, that are
  30. Sodium. The development of the chemistry of alkaloids was accelerated by the, emergence ,of spectroscopic and chromatographic methods in the 20th century, so that by
  31. Spp., Campylobacter SPP., Escherichia coli, and Enterococcus SPP. The, emergence ,of antibacterial resistance has prompted restrictions on antibacterial use in
  32. By other Jewish communities as Must'Arab Jews or" like Arabs ". Prior to the, emergence ,of the term Iraqi, the term" Arab Jews" was sometimes used to describe Jews
  33. The factors that determined the sea's characteristics were the submergence or, emergence ,of the region due to the weight of ice and subsequent prostatic readjustment
  34. Questions among agricultural scientists and have led to the development and, emergence ,of new fields. These include technological fields that assume the solution to
  35. Have shown that phenotypic resistance associated to biofilm formation or to the, emergence ,of small-colony-variants may be important in the response of P. aeruginosa
  36. Emerge in search of insects, an exit visible on weather radar. Watching the bat, emergence ,is an event that is popular with locals and tourists, with more than 100,000
  37. Jefferson Davis to be the finest general officer in the Confederacy before the, emergence ,of Robert E. Lee, he was killed early in the Civil War at the Battle of Shiloh
  38. Erected in the 15th century BC. Assyria under Gianni domination However the, emergence ,of the Gianni Empire in the 16th century BC did eventually lead to a period of
  39. 1182) resulted in the weakening of the Eastern Chalky dynasty and led to the, emergence ,of the Galatia dynasty in the 12th and 13th centuries CE. The Kakatiyas were
  40. To permit the formation of commonly found matter and subsequently the, emergence ,of life. A slight increase in the strong nuclear force would bind the neutron
  41. Was an attempt to base all mathematics on Cantor's set theory. Here the, emergence ,of Russell's paradox, and similar antibodies of naïve set theory raised the
  42. Use in poultry production because of substantial evidence linking it to the, emergence ,of fluoroquinolone resistant campylobacter infections in humans. The final
  43. Was apparently the first evolutionist to recognize clearly that ... with the, emergence ,of that bodily specialization which constitutes the human brain, bodily
  44. Era The new merged company was known as Audi NSU Auto Union AG, and saw the, emergence ,of Audi as a separate brand for the first time since the pre-war era.
  45. England team was strengthened by the return of Pooch and Ensure as well as the, emergence ,at international level of Tim Robinson and Mike Getting. Australia, now
  46. A modified version of this criticism is that we understand so little about the, emergence ,of life, especially intelligent life, that it is effectively impossible to
  47. The absence of infectious diseases. This practice has been associated with the, emergence ,of antibacterial-resistant strains of bacteria, including Salmonella SPP.
  48. Of complicated carbon-based molecules that could eventually lead to the, emergence ,of life. Some researchers posit environments of ammonia, or more likely
  49. Strains. In supposedly well-regulated human medicine the major problem of the, emergence ,of resistant bacteria is due to misuse and overuse of antibiotics by doctors as
  50. To seek further opportunities to expand into new markets. Following the, emergence ,of the Australian Football League, the SA NFL, WAFL and other state leagues

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