Examples of the the word, favorable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( favorable ), is the 5689 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Redemptive autobiographical sketches. In 1941,interviews on American radio and, favorable ,articles in US magazines, including a piece by Jack Alexander in The Saturday
  2. Depopulation occurred to re-establish demographic equilibrium with the less, favorable ,climatic conditions. It has also been recently suggested that the rapid
  3. Then 1 % of their total wagered amount with strictly average luck; this is very, favorable ,to the player compared to other casino games. The loss rate of players who
  4. Of Blackness published by author Debra Dickerson, she warned against drawing, favorable ,cultural implications from upwardly mobile black immigrants who are not the
  5. Or more in the last five years. In Saudi Arabia, only 10 percent now have a, favorable ,view of al-Qaeda, according to a December poll by Terror Free Tomorrow, a
  6. Undergoes binary fission (mitosis) as single-celled amoebae under, favorable ,conditions. However, when conditions turn un favorable , the cells aggregate and
  7. By Jive Records, when she was only 16 years old. The song received generally, favorable ,reviews from contemporary critics, who mostly praised its composition. It also
  8. Will not survive the winter cold. Conversely, an annual grown under extremely, favorable ,conditions may have highly successful seed propagation, giving it the
  9. The sole exceptions to American and United Airlines. Lower fuel prices and a, favorable ,business climate led to higher than average profits in the 1990s. The industry
  10. The book reached No. 1 on the New York Times Best Seller list and received, favorable ,reviews. Politics Agassi has donated more than $100,000 to Democratic
  11. Patterson also developed and published a shuffle-tracking method for tracking, favorable ,clumps of cards and cutting them into play and tracking un favorable clumps of
  12. By a variety of methods: digging long tunnels under the wall, waiting for, favorable ,winds and taking a hot air balloon, sliding along aerial wires, flying
  13. Could also be extended to the criminal's family. Agriculture A combination of, favorable ,geographical features contributed to the success of ancient Egyptian culture
  14. East Turkestan, Ahmad Shah sent envoys to Beijing, but the talks did not yield, favorable ,prospects for the Uyghurs. Rise of the Sikhs in the Punjab During the Third
  15. Of the country, we can attract them to the peace process; provided, we create a, favorable ,environment on this side of the line. At the moment, the people are leaving
  16. Key control points occur in enzymatic reactions that are so energetically, favorable ,that they are effectively irreversible under physiological conditions. In
  17. From astronomers than any other class M dwarf star due to its proximity and, favorable ,location for observation near the celestial equator. Historically, research on
  18. And objects, while retaining the necessity of ritual to ensure good luck, favorable ,harvests, and so on. Death Most animistic belief systems hold that the spirit
  19. Should become even smaller with a water reflector. Such small critical mass is, favorable ,for portable nuclear weapons, but those based on 242m1Am are not known yet
  20. Species also produce sandblasts that lie dormant until conditions are, favorable , which enables a colony's lineage to survive even if severe conditions kill
  21. Commission of the Cortes Generals (the national legislature of Spain),with, favorable ,votes from the left-of-center Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (SOE),the
  22. Churches in Scandinavian countries (see immediately above and below) are, favorable ,to the traditional doctrine of apostolic succession. Others de-emphasize it, e.
  23. CY Young, pitching in his third start of the series, would face a much more, favorable ,fate, holding the Pirates to only three runs. Game 8 Tuesday, October 13, 1903
  24. Of government was superior to the British monarchical system. It gave a highly, favorable ,and idealized view of American progress and criticized the British royal family
  25. Equivalent, the successive Key values will differ since it is energetically less, favorable ,to lose a proton if the conjugate base is more negatively charged. Although the
  26. By a reward-punishment mechanism. When a particular behavior is followed by, favorable ,consequences, the reward mechanism in the brain is activated, which induces
  27. Older than 770 AD, making Aarhus the oldest big city in Scandinavia. The, favorable ,central position of the city within Denmark afforded it trade from Germany, the
  28. Of China). By depicting their destinations, airlines,and other services in a, favorable ,and pleasant light, countries market themselves to populations abroad in a
  29. Of life or recovery, a high rate of discontinuation, selective highlighting of, favorable ,results in the abstracts of publications, and poor reporting of side effects).
  30. Games at electronic consoles. Video blackjack game rules are generally more, favorable ,to the house,e.g. paying out only even money for winning blackjacks. Video
  31. Brought in, the opposing managers will often go back and forth trying to create, favorable ,matchups with their substitutions: the manager of the fielding team trying to
  32. By Default, feature anarcho-capitalist societies, sometimes portrayed in a, favorable ,light, and sometimes not. Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash and The Diamond Age
  33. East Turkestan, Ahmad Shah sent envoys to Beijing, but the talks did not yield, favorable ,results for the Uyghurs. Third Battle of Animal The Mughal power in northern
  34. When a hominid is higher above the ground, the organism accesses more, favorable ,wind speeds and temperatures. During heat seasons, greater wind flow results in
  35. Diversity. The variation of geomorphology, climate and terrain create, favorable ,conditions for a number of endemic and sub-endemic species with 27 endemic and
  36. Create a risk of forest fires, which are otherwise rare in rain forests. In, favorable ,locations, such as Parasomnias, in the northeastern part of Pará State, a new
  37. Of the Four Knights to dissolve. Initial reception abroad was somewhat more, favorable , but Dodesukaden has since been typically considered an interesting experiment
  38. The New York Times review, while positive for Peters and Stretch, was not, favorable ,for the production:" The nuanced truth Ms. Peters brings to this scene is not
  39. Lurasidone (Laura),a recently FDA approved once daily antipsychotic with a, favorable ,efficacy and safety profile. Third generation antipsychotics * Aripiprazole (
  40. Landscape paintings. She continued to show regularly in the Salon, to generally, favorable ,reviews, until 1873,the year before the first Impressionist exhibition.
  41. How the gods revealed to him in a dream the constellations that would be most, favorable ,for the planned construction of a temple. However, there is controversy about
  42. The transcontinental railroad. Ames was founded near a location that was deemed, favorable ,for a railroad crossing of the Skunk River. Geography According to the United
  43. That novel antipsychotic drug use leads to improved medication compliance and, favorable ,clinical outcomes. Overall evaluations of the KATIE and other studies have led
  44. Parity with the US in terms of ICBM forces. A nuclear war would no longer be a, favorable ,exchange for the US, as both countries would be devastated. This led in the
  45. Measures, as well as to undertake increased privatization and to create a, favorable ,climate for business and investment. Although there has been some American
  46. Negatively charged. Although the subsequent loss of each hydrogen ion is less, favorable , all the conjugate bases are present in solution. The fractional
  47. World Bank-funded development of the northwest corridor in the 1980s. Despite, favorable ,laws, promising institutional arrangements, and external funding, the
  48. Lutherans, however,may favor High Church Lutheranism which remains generally, favorable ,to the traditional doctrine of Apostolic Succession (see above). Methodist
  49. Or popular books, but migrated to areas in the southwest with more, favorable ,rainfall and dependable streams. They merged into the various Pueblo peoples
  50. The first elements of life may have formed on another planet with even more, favorable ,conditions (or even in interstellar space, asteroids,etc.) and then have

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