Examples of the the word, synopsis , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Reported to be Against the Day and a Penguin spokesperson confirmed that the, synopsis ,was Pynchon's. (Patterson 2006ab; Italic 2006) Against the Day was released
  2. Latin, and were preceded by a vernacular prologue spoken by a herald who gave a, synopsis ,of the events. In 1210,suspicious of the growing popularity of miracle plays
  3. In which an image demonstrating a media effect was presented with a textual, synopsis ,on the facing page. The reader experiences a repeated shifting of analytic
  4. President of the United States Notable cast and characters Synopsis This, synopsis ,reflects the current licensed version of the show. The published script of the
  5. Or composer. Other Uses The term scenario is also used for an account or, synopsis ,of a projected course of action, events or situations. Scenario development is
  6. Part of the genus. Sources *O'Kane Jr’S. L., & Al-Shabab, I. A. (1997). A, synopsis ,of Arabidopsis (Brassicaceae): Noon 7: 323–327. *Al-Shabab, I. A., O'Kane
  7. Plot, in that the libretto contains all the words and stage directions, while a, synopsis ,summarizes the plot. However, some ballet historians use the word libretto to
  8. Write the essay Mr. Vernon assigned earlier (the subject of which was to be a, synopsis ,by each student detailing" who you think you are" ( sic) ), which challenges
  9. Green light to proceed by producer Carl Andes Dealing on the basis of a short, synopsis , He was in the hospital for two months, being treated for recurrent gastric
  10. Horror story, a nightmare you'll never be sure you've woken up from. " Plot, synopsis ,The novel takes place in the" North American Confederation" of 1992,wherein
  11. He paid $75. The article apparently does not survive. Lovecraft's detailed, synopsis ,for Cancer does survive, as do three chapters of the treatise written by Eddy.
  12. Rushes in, but he is too late. Synopsis (standard version) This is a, synopsis ,of the standard version of the opera, with its arias, duets,trios, choruses
  13. Changed with the times and outlooks of the various authors, and gave his own, synopsis ,and interpretation of the previous century's findings. He maintained that the
  14. Mathematical logic as based on the theory of types presents a historical, synopsis ,of the origin of the theory of types and the" ramified" theory of types:
  15. Their principal catchphrase," Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! " Plot, synopsis ,This is a recurring sketch always predicated on an unrelated sketch in which
  16. A potential fourth Conan story concerning Conan as a thief was abandoned at the, synopsis ,stage. Instead of abandoning the entire Conan concept, as had happened with
  17. Press. The leak was correct, and the novel was published in August 2009. A, synopsis ,and brief extract from the novel, along with the novel's title, Inherent Vice
  18. A Ballet is a ballet based on Uncle Tom's Cabin. The ballet is detailed in a ", synopsis ," as well as descriptions of four" episodes ", which were published by
  19. Is the diminutive of the word" Libra" ( book). A libretto is distinct from a, synopsis ,or scenario of the plot, in that the libretto contains all the words and stage
  20. Its place in the creation;" We have no way of knowing of whether Lee wrote the, synopsis ,after a discussion with Kirby in which Kirby supplied most of the ideas ".
  21. Film brochure Too Films Vol. 8,which states in the film's plot, synopsis , A spectacular duel is arranged on the summit of Mt. Fuji, and King Kong is
  22. Many other historians could be quoted in terms similar to Woolf. A feasible, synopsis ,of the emerging consensus, may be put forward, namely,that the kingship of
  23. Illegitimate son of Cromwell via one of Charles I's cast-off mistresses. For a, synopsis , go to: http://www.angelfire.com/il/ClevelandFamilyChron/Book.html this link *
  24. Kids website (http://moviekids.info/mk/epi/index.php? Id=18302) offers a, synopsis ,: The big Danville magic show is spoiled when a lion belonging to The Incredible
  25. A distinct personality and is a complete supporting character in the film. Plot, synopsis ,Early in the 23rd century, the United Planets Cruiser C57-D has been sent to
  26. Catalogue MDP 1175),the recordings were produced by Norman Newell, with a, synopsis ,written on the back by Roger St. Pierre. On the front cover is the picture of a
  27. A Guide to the World of Fiction, Burgess related that he would often prepare a, synopsis ,with a name-list before beginning a project. Seymour-Smith wrote:" Burgess
  28. And 45,393 sites linking in. The primary stories on the site consist of a short, synopsis ,paragraph, a link to the original story, and a lengthy discussion section, all
  29. The Lieu, Barcelona; its conductor was Bertrand de Billy. Roles Synopsis: This, synopsis ,is based on the original five-act version composed for Paris and completed in
  30. S=pet01. HTML autobiography and a, synopsis ,of his philosophy in life. It was originally written in Latin and was completed
  31. The story of Jane's stepdaughter Adèle Learns and her mother Céline. Only a, synopsis ,survives. * 2000: Jane Rochester by Kimberly A. Bennett, content explores the
  32. Upgrades, and seeks his parents in the future. Pal also worked on a detailed, synopsis ,for a third sequel, which was partly filmed for a 1980s U. S. TV special on the
  33. Is entitled" 20,000 Digi-Leagues Under the Sea" ( though the actual episode, synopsis ,is completely unrelated). *In the 1968 Beatles cartoon Yellow Submarine at the
  34. Draft (though they did not appear in intervening versions). The later story, synopsis ,established her as Leia Antilles, the daughter of Bail Antilles from the
  35. The five-month shooting schedule, some information about Albee and a brief, synopsis ,of the film. This album is also out-of-print, was never re-released in any
  36. C. S. Lewis: Beyond Narnia (starring Anton Rodgers) provided a general, synopsis ,of Lewis's life. Many books have been inspired by Lewis, including A Severe
  37. S four Space Odyssey novels. Baxter has also published a novel based on a, synopsis ,written by Clarke, The Light of Other Days. In February 2007,Baxter was
  38. Are regulated (often by other transcription factors). Below is a brief, synopsis ,of some of the ways that the activity of transcription factors can be regulated
  39. Presumably in accord with Pynchon's wishes. An edited version of Pynchon's, synopsis ,was used as the jacket flap copy and Kovalevskaya does appear, although as only
  40. Standard version of the opera, with its arias, duets,trios, choruses,etc. The, synopsis ,is organized into the 34 tracks that constitute most recordings.: Time: 1904.:
  41. Die Mastering at Wagner. Net Includes a, synopsis , list of leitmotifs and complete libretto.
  42. By train, accompanied by Aleksandr and Tissue. Later he produced a brief, synopsis ,of the six-part film which would come, in one form or another, to be the final
  43. Written a treatise on the astrolabe. Notes: For the author of the early Gospel, synopsis ,please see: Ammonium of Alexandria Ammonium Sacks (3rd century AD) () was a
  44. In the Transvaal. The essay galvanized Gandhi, who wrote and published a, synopsis ,of Thoreau's argument, calling its 'incisive logic... unanswerable' and
  45. Version of Adam is given a glimpse of the future of mankind (this includes a, synopsis ,of stories from The Old and New Testaments),by the angel Michael, before he
  46. In July 2006,a new untitled novel by Pynchon was announced along with a, synopsis ,written by Pynchon himself, which appeared on Amazon. Com, it stated that the
  47. With precise detail who created The Fantastic Four. Although Stan Lee's typed, synopsis ,for The Fantastic Four exists, Earl Wells, writing in The Comics Journal
  48. The story was mainly a rehash of Bride of the Monster in a western setting (a, synopsis ,of the screenplay was published in Filofax no. 18,December/January 1989-90).
  49. 1944). However, his experience in Hollywood was not a success. When he wrote a, synopsis ,of Alice in Wonderland, Walt Disney rejected it on the grounds that" he could
  50. With health conditions, from both medical and social perspectives. Historical, synopsis ,In 1893,a French physician, Jacques Bertillon, introduced the Bertillon

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