Examples of the the word, inability , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inability ), is the 4764 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Katakana or Latin alphabet. The unwieldy nature of the Japanese kana with its, inability ,to accurately represent terminal consonants has contributed to the degradation
  2. Also showed the key on the side of the window. " These letters and the, inability ,to perform the kaddish ceremony inspired Ginsberg to write" Kaddish" which
  3. Karma as a failure and blamed him for the problems. Years later, when Karma’s, inability ,to consolidate his government had become obvious, Mikhail Gorbachev, then
  4. Of income while she is caring for the child, lack of support from the father, inability ,to afford additional children, desire to provide schooling for existing
  5. Forces' movement, and,by the constantly imposed stress, threat of losses and, inability ,of enemy forces to relax or sleep, lowers their morale. *Interdiction fire:
  6. Bone marrow; however, in HIV-positive patients, this balance is lost due to an, inability ,of the bone marrow to regenerate CD4+ cells. In the case of HIV,CD4+
  7. Were also denied. The rejections were considerable setbacks. Rodin's, inability ,to gain entrance may have been due to the judges' Neoclassical tastes, while
  8. People incapable of resistance. In such cases taking advantage of a person's, inability ,to resist in order to perform sexual acts on that person would be clearly
  9. Have been observed, and study of these organisms has been hampered mainly by an, inability ,to maintain these organisms in culture through successive generations. The
  10. Involuntary repetitive body movements (tardive dyskinetic),diabetes,an, inability ,to sit still or remain motionless (akathisia),sexual dysfunction, a return
  11. Product of intention or consciousness. Piaget explains this with a cognitive, inability ,to distinguish the external world from one's own psyche. Developmental
  12. And the nature of ultimate reality is unknowable by reason of our natural, inability ,to verify any experience with anything but another subjective experience. A
  13. Go up or down a step. However, the helpfulness of guide dogs is limited by the, inability ,of dogs to understand complex directions. The human half of the guide dog team
  14. Dependence. These changes maintain the person with alcoholism's compulsive, inability ,to stop drinking and result in alcohol withdrawal syndrome if the person stops.
  15. People with severe damage to the hippocampus sometimes show amnesia, that is, inability ,to form new long-lasting episodic memories. *Semantic memory is the ability to
  16. Of War under the Constitution, blamed the weaknesses of the Articles for the, inability ,of the government to fund the army. The army had long been supportive of a
  17. As Americans because of mistaken assumptions that they are U. S. citizens or an, inability , particularly of people overseas, to distinguish Canadian English and American
  18. A legato sound where there are no rests in the music. Primarily because of this, inability ,to stop playing, grace notes (which vary between types of bagpipe) are used
  19. Covarrubias. Sadly, personal troubles related to his homosexuality and his, inability ,to break from the formula writing that made him a success led to his early
  20. Admitted sheer embarrassment when the finished product aired, blaming his, inability ,to rewrite the script due to the 1981 Writers Guild strike. The Last Hillbilly
  21. Is caused by salicylate intolerance and is not a true allergy, but rather an, inability ,to metabolize even small amounts of aspirin, resulting in an overdose. Other
  22. Of the political and economic elites which had led the Revolution. The apparent, inability ,of the Congress to redeem the public obligations (debts) incurred during the
  23. Determined the presence of a disability because it relied solely on her, inability ,to perform specific manual work tasks which was insufficient in proving the
  24. Paraphasia (substituting letters, syllables or words) * pragmatism (, inability ,to speak in a grammatically correct fashion) * prosody (alterations in
  25. Change orders were made after delivery. Frisson was so frustrated with the, inability ,of the training simulator engineers to keep up with the actual spacecraft
  26. Blast effects resulted in the 8-inch battery being completely unusable, and the, inability ,to train the primary and intermediate armaments on different targets led to
  27. Of mind approach, which hypothesizes that autistic behavior arises from an, inability ,to ascribe mental states to oneself and others. The theory of mind hypothesis
  28. Family in her novel Little Women in 1868. Alcott is often criticized for his, inability ,to earn a living and support his family; he often relied on loans from his
  29. Is unknown, but antidepressants are associated with increased cravings,an, inability ,to feel full despite consuming enough calories, low energy levels and increased
  30. Summary judgment in favor of the respondent, Ella Williams that qualified her, inability ,to perform manual job-related tasks as a disability. The Court held that the "
  31. Is a negative Romberg's test, or more accurately, it denotes the individual's, inability ,to carry out the test, because the individual feels unstable even with open
  32. Which devolved several key royal powers into the hands of lesser nobles. His, inability ,to resist the demands of his nobles was to leave a heritage of disunity in
  33. Himself. In the story, he is kidnapped by Ricky and held as punishment for his, inability ,(or refusal) to provide the main characters with free tickets to a Rush
  34. Alessandro Scarlatti, Leonardo Leo, and Alasdair Galumph, as evidenced by his, inability ,to keep a production running for any period of time in any major opera house.
  35. Of the problems the Continental Congress confronted after 1783,especially the, inability ,to create a strong foreign policy. Finally, the Confederation's lack of
  36. Aid them in language development, whereas a deaf infant at times must show the, inability ,to learn a spoken language before they are taught sign language. This thought
  37. Autism is a specific subtype, Research into causes has been hampered by the, inability ,to identify biologically meaningful subpopulations and by the traditional
  38. Effective than initially thought because of its radar and control system's, inability ,to discriminate warheads from other objects when the Scud missiles broke up
  39. Problems such as dysarthria or Arabia and not primarily due to aphasia. *, inability ,to pronounce, not due to muscle paralysis or weakness * par aphasia (
  40. And a battle's surrounding geographical regions. After the battle was won,the, inability ,to contain enemies who escaped death led to widespread epidemics affecting not
  41. Gene disorder whereby an alteration of the ATP7B gene results in an, inability ,to properly excrete copper from the body. Copper accumulates in the nervous
  42. Had many flaws and shortcomings. The greatest of those, in my opinion, was his, inability ,to understand that everyone else in the world was not as educated and clever as
  43. Control of Reconstruction. Historian James Ford Rhodes explained Johnson's, inability ,to engage in serious negotiations:" But," as Sumner shrewdly said," the
  44. Pius V. Augustine's doctrine about the liberal arbitrary or free will and its, inability ,to respond to the will of God without divine grace is interpreted (mistakenly
  45. Though not ultimately decisive, was nevertheless in sharp contrast to the, inability ,of the German battle fleet to challenge the supremacy of Britain's far stronger
  46. III's experienced heating issues, allegedly caused by insufficient cooling and, inability ,to dissipate the heat efficiently. To address the heat problem, later Apple III
  47. By Steven Spielberg Medicine and biology * Accommodate insufficiency,an, inability ,to focus on an object * Active ingredient, the substance in a drug that is
  48. The BBC was capable of three-way polyphony (plus one noise channel) and the, inability ,to provide teletext mode. The LA controlled memory access and was able to
  49. Especially among current philosophers in the Anglo-American tradition. The, inability ,to comprehend any aspect of the thing other than its properties implies, this
  50. For eleven months, but Anne still protects her virginity. Fredrik laments his, inability ,to make love to his wife (" Now" ). Meanwhile, his son Henrik, a year older

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