Examples of the the word, lengthy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lengthy ), is the 6074 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Script (as the variable assignment on command line one does),but is a bit, lengthy ,: BEGIN $0 ~ pattern The Beginning is necessary not only to extract the first
  2. Had taken a decidedly leftist approach to American politics. In his often, lengthy ,comments during concerts his expressed positions were consistently anti-war
  3. In 1504 purports to be an account by Vespucci, written to Soldering, of a, lengthy ,visit to the New World, leaving Spain in May 1497 and returning in October
  4. That proposals for a merger between the two parties were shelved after a, lengthy ,debate at the SDP's 1983 Conference. During the 1983-87 parliament some SDP
  5. Could be done for Christians. But it would again not be difficult to compile a, lengthy ,list of persecutions, arbitrary confiscations, attempted forced conversions, or
  6. They remain unpredictable and can appear at any time. Some have extremely, lengthy ,orbital periods which means their past appearances and returns cannot be
  7. By Rabbi Simon bar Rocha close to two thousand years ago, makes frequent and, lengthy ,references to reincarnation. Angeles, a righteous convert and authoritative
  8. Gen. David McMurray Gregg's division and Brig. Gen. Custer's brigade. A, lengthy ,mounted battle, including hand-to-hand Sabre combat, ensued. Custer's charge
  9. In a few evenings to meet their own specialized needs. Eventually, during the, lengthy ,lifetime of VB3,knowledge of Visual Basic had become a marketable job skill.
  10. S most extensive statement of Objectives in any of her works of fiction,a, lengthy ,monologue delivered by Salt. Atlas Shrugged became an international bestseller
  11. Including his ancestry and lineage. Later in the inscription, Darius provides a, lengthy ,sequence of events following the deaths of Cyrus the Great and Cambyses II in
  12. Kaczyński oversaw additional controversial storylines — most notably his, lengthy ," Spider-Totem" arc, which raised the issue of whether Spider-Man's powers
  13. To the Ted Williams Tunnel, reopened on June 1,2007. On July 10, 2007,after a, lengthy ,investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board found that epoxy glue
  14. Laurent's spent three months trying to clear his name, and after submitting a, lengthy ,letter explaining his political beliefs in detail, it was determined they were
  15. To be a hollow shell of a marriage, and they finally divorced in 1921,after a, lengthy ,period of separation. During this period, Russell had passionate (and often
  16. Sean Young. Casting their roles of Rachael and Paris was also challenging, and a, lengthy ,series of screen tests, with Morgan Paul playing the role of Declared, were
  17. Comprehensible to the censors by reworking his earlier pieces and starting two, lengthy ,poems on the Russian Revolution of 1905. He also turned to prose and wrote
  18. Care facility, told Israel Radio that the chances of waking up after such a, lengthy ,coma were small. " Every day that passes after this kind of event with the
  19. In 1919,after delays caused by the destruction of World War I and a, lengthy ,debate over who should head the institution and the socio-economic meanings of
  20. Of the grandfather) * Maurice Ravel: Rhapsodic Español (features a fast, lengthy ,dual cadenza at the end of the first movement),Bolero (the bassoon has a
  21. Council seats, took place in August 2009,but remained unresolved during a, lengthy ,period of vote counting and fraud investigation. Two months later, under
  22. A Memoir of Broadway and Hollywood, published in 2000. In it, he discusses his, lengthy ,career and his many gay affairs and long-term relationships, including those
  23. Anglican Church of Canada answered that the actions had been undertaken after, lengthy ,scriptural and theological reflection, legally in accordance with their own
  24. Of oak trees on the UC campus. The protest ended in September 2008 after a, lengthy ,court process. In 2007–08,Berkeley received media attention due to
  25. Teach forced the large and well-armed merchant ship to surrender after a, lengthy ,engagement. He ordered the Great Allen to move closer to the shore, disembarked
  26. Portrayal of the Ascension-tide Fair and Carnival in Venice, and large and, lengthy ,ensembles and choruses. It also included an innovative scene that would combine
  27. Useful when the algebraic manipulations involved are very complex or, lengthy ,* if a function has no elementary antiderivative (for instance, exp (-x2) )
  28. During the long Wars of the Roses, considered Bosworth Field just another in a, lengthy ,series of such battles. It was through the works and efforts of Francis Bacon
  29. A 3D body–motion interface for the Xbox 360 uses algorithms that emerged from, lengthy ,AI research, but few consumers realize the technology source. AI applications
  30. Pre-Columbian times, as in the Northwest. Central region and leis Pampas For, lengthy ,time spans, urban areas such as Buenos Aires, Rosario and Córdoba welcomed
  31. Antidepressant and dosage suitable for a certain case and a certain person is a, lengthy ,and complicated process, requiring the knowledge of a professional. Certain
  32. By advocates of AHIMA. The Mahabharata and the Manumit (5.27–55) contain, lengthy ,discussions about the legitimacy of ritual slaughter. In the Mahabharata both
  33. During a concert. During a jazz concert, a jazz bassist may have a number of, lengthy ,improvised solos, which are called" blowing" in jazz parlance. Whether a jazz
  34. Gives it a reluctant soft-shoe charm. " The album closes with" Sugar Baby ",a, lengthy , dirge-like ballad, noted for its evocative, apocalyptic imagery and sparse
  35. Congo assassination, were convicted in the Ouedraogo case and sentenced to, lengthy ,prison terms. Since the death of Norbert Congo, several protests regarding the
  36. Into a seal. Handball turns into a seal as well and fights Loki. After a, lengthy ,battle at Singasteinn, Heimdall wins and returns Brísingamen to Freya. Sorry
  37. The year. Alabama receives an average of rainfall annually and enjoys a, lengthy ,growing season of up to 300 days in the southern part of the state. Alabama
  38. Data. ” The list of scholars maintaining authorship by Luke the physician is, lengthy , and represents scholars from a wide range of theological opinion. However
  39. To the studio, and provided them with the series bible, pilot script, artwork, lengthy , character background histories, and plot synopses for 22 episodes" or so
  40. Germans. A typical example is," For a German it is even good to have somewhat, lengthy ,words in his mouth, for he thinks slowly, and they give him time to reflect. "
  41. Although these front-office gains continued, Major League Baseball saw a, lengthy ,slow decline in the percentage of black players after the mid-1970s. By 2007
  42. Capability, albeit slower than the Valkyrie at about Mach 2. Given the, lengthy ,series of design studies, Rockwell engineers joked that the new name actually
  43. The occupation of Jeff by the British, the Muslim-Christian Association sent a, lengthy ,memorandum and petition to the military governor protesting once more any
  44. You must know that the threat is stronger than the execution ". Nimzowitsch had, lengthy ,and somewhat bitter dogmatic conflicts with Carrasco over whose ideas
  45. But have been extensively reorchestrated, rewritten,and remixed by France into, lengthy ,movements. The second full-length CD also features the main titles from seasons
  46. Colonial Office,'although Foreign Office papers were understood to have been, lengthy ,and to have covered a considerable period '. " The 'most comprehensive
  47. Orioles of the IL won nine league championships, first in 1908,followed by a, lengthy ,run from 1919 to 1925,and then dramatically in 1944,after they had lost their
  48. Hearing the message, Speer burst out," The Führer can kiss my ass! " After a, lengthy ,argument, Milch persuaded Speer to withdraw his offer of resignation, on the
  49. Alleging widespread civil rights violations, including systematic use of, lengthy ,detention without trial, forced confessions, torture,mistreatment of prisoners
  50. Detached his entire mounted force from the marching column and led it away on a, lengthy ,excursion, leaving his infantry without cavalry cover, a tactic he had already

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