Examples of the the word, glossary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( glossary ), is the 6078 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And even at its most intense can be understood fairly easily with the help of a, glossary , " The St Andrews Agreement recognizes the need to" enhance and develop the
  2. Locus (generally a group of genes). Name" Collins"/> name" Basic, glossary ,on genetic/IN"> epidemiology"/> Sometimes, different alleles can result in different
  3. Tool for discussion of abstraction is thought space. In the Urania Book, glossary ,Dr. William S. Sadler commented that" Philosophers commit their gravest error
  4. Others pronounce the final consonant like the" sh" in" push ". Polar, glossary ,Polar in use" Omits and pal ones of the jury, vada well at the eek of the poor
  5. Disturbed by grid & lines, text image consisting of special fonts, symbols, glossary , words etc. All the factors affect OCR products’ stability in recognition
  6. The Jargon File (a. k. a. The New Hacker's Dictionary),which is a, glossary ,of internet slang maintained by Eric S. Raymond, differentiates kludge from
  7. Of other feudal duties, dying out along with other feudal duties. This is a, glossary ,of some terms used in the branch of mathematics known as topology. Although
  8. Objectives of this project are (1) to produce guidelines for terminology (, glossary ,of terms) and nomenclature (concerning topology, not naming of individual
  9. And signed by Richard Llewellyn. The original print run also included a, glossary ,covering Welsh words and terms at the end of the book. Sequels The author
  10. Syria) and dated roughly 2300 BCE. The early 2nd millennium BCE Ursa=bull, glossary ,is the canonical Babylonian version of such bilingual Sumerian word lists. A
  11. A hand combined with community cards. This version of Omaha is defined in the, glossary ,of" Super System" ( under Omaha) as being interchangeable with" Tight
  12. Tychonoff's theorem. Theorems Some theorems related to compactness (see the, glossary ,of topology for the definitions): * The pre-image of a compact space under a
  13. The Fitzgerald translation. Each quatrain is accompanied by Persian text,a, glossary ,of terms,Yoganada's spiritual interpretation, and practical interpretation.
  14. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/ The following is a, glossary ,of diabetes which explains terms connected with diabetes. __NOT__ B
  15. Between the original Old Kalevala and the current version, and a detailed, glossary ,of terms and names used in the poem. Wagon also translated The Old Kalevala
  16. In this division. Knot theory studies mathematical knots. See also: topology, glossary ,for definitions of some terms used in topology and topological space for
  17. Treat sampling and reconstruction of continuous signals as others did. Their, glossary ,of terms includes these entries:: Sampling theorem (of information theory):
  18. Policy, or relying on common legal resources, or even sometimes a common, glossary , However, the differences between the various groups that make up the modern
  19. Of examples in general topology will also be very helpful. All spaces in this, glossary ,are assumed to be topological spaces unless stated otherwise. __NOT__ A;
  20. Grammar appeared in 1834. At the same time he compiled a Sanskrit and Latin, glossary ,(1830) in which, more especially in the second and third editions (1847 and
  21. Is, however,already attested in Samuel Gyarmathi's Russian-German-Hungarian, glossary ,(1799),where it is glossed with Latin venue frustum (" burnt i.e.
  22. A wide range of topics. Off the Wall has been on the air since 1988. This is a, glossary ,of medical terms related to communications disorders such as blindness and
  23. Billy Bud: Forewoman ed. David Padilla with extensive linked footnotes and, glossary ,of terms from American Studies at the University of Virginia
  24. Clopen sets. External links * http://math.berkeley.edu/~apollo/topodefs. Ps A, glossary ,of definitions in topology Theodore Sturgeon (born Edward Hamilton Waldo;
  25. It gives rules for non-human, Kzin or Puppeteer, player characters, and a, glossary , Game master Book The Game master Book begins with technical essays on the
  26. Blueprints for Babel: Do - Commentary and grammatical summary of Do, with, glossary , and links Pages in Do and places to learn the language * http://www.ido.li
  27. Characteristic structures, elements,and motifs, which are identified in the, glossary ,below. Since a number of different architectural styles succeeded one another
  28. English Etymology). See also LSP dictionary Glossaries Another variant is the, glossary , an alphabetical list of defined terms in a specialized field, such as medicine
  29. Ravens) before the existing prologue, and To the Blight with an expanded, glossary , In 2004 the same was done with The Great Hunt, with the two parts being The
  30. Or science. The simplest dictionary, a defining dictionary, provides a core, glossary ,of the simplest meanings of the simplest concepts. From these, other concepts
  31. So when stored together the two casks would produce a curved V-shaped gap. The, glossary ,of The Ashley Book of Knots by Clifford W. Ashley, first published in 1944
  32. Found in the discussions of poetry of particular cultures or periods and in the, glossary , Sonnet Among the most common forms of poetry through the ages is the sonnet
  33. According to the editors, for the first time printed, a biography of Chaucer,a, glossary ,of old English words, and testimonials of author writers concerning Chaucer
  34. With the stories of Creation. Name dome/> He also wrote a grammar and, glossary ,in Old English called Latin, later used by students interested in learning Old
  35. Graphs are one of the prime objects of study in discrete mathematics. Refer to, glossary ,of graph theory for basic definitions in graph theory. Applications Graphs are
  36. Work of the Reverend John Dart, corrected and revised by Timothy Thomas. The, glossary ,appended was also mainly compiled by Thomas. The text of Urry's edition has
  37. 500 years. Etymology The Oxford English Dictionary cites Ælfric's 10th-century, glossary , in which henge-cliff is given the meaning" precipice ", a hanging or
  38. Common law also were influenced by Roman law, notably in the Laminate legal, glossary ,— stare decisis, culpa in contraband, pacta sunt servanda. In contrast
  39. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Glossary_of_atmospheric_reentry jargon, glossary ,before continuing with this article on atmospheric reentry. Blunt body entry
  40. The price was halved to 7s 6d by printing in a smaller font. It includes a, glossary ,compiled by W. S. Dallas. Book sales increased from 60 to 250 per month. Darwin
  41. Conceived and practiced by the majority of its members. " Also in the same, glossary , he defined" theology" with nearly identical words, changing the feminine
  42. Preceding numbers — slightly in error, as the correct sum is 131. Glossary This, glossary ,contains terms that are possible meanings according to the rule that Linear A
  43. The Airplane Spotter was published in January 1940. The publication included a, glossary ,that was refined in 2010 and published online (see
  44. By Chu not characters (c. 15th century) and the Chinese–Vietnamese, glossary ,Huawei Yo-yo (c. 16th century). By this point a tone split had happened in
  45. Axiom, and they use the term quasi compact to mean what we call in this, glossary ,simply" compact" ( without the Hausdorff axiom). This convention is most
  46. Year-to-year variations. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), glossary , definition is: The difference between climate and weather is usefully
  47. A separate dialect by the late 18th century when George Cartwright published a, glossary ,of Newfoundland words. Other names for Newfoundland English Newfoundland
  48. Methods related the special image, such as business rules, standard expression, glossary ,dictionary and rich information contained in color image, to improve the
  49. Sounds" ) and reached its golden age in the 17th. c. AD (Qing Dynasty). The, glossary ,Era (c. 3d c. BCE),comparable to the Indian Nishant, is regarded as the
  50. In Albanian within a Latin text by the Bishop of Durrës, Pal Engels; a, glossary ,of Albanian words of 1497 by Arnold von Half, a German who had travelled

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