Examples of the the word, lonely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lonely ), is the 6081 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is featured in Quentin Tarantino's film Kill Bill Vol. 1. The melody" The, lonely ,shepherd" was written by James Last and first released on his album" Memories
  2. Was stressful for Goldman; she wrote to Bergman:" I am awfully tired and so, lonely ,and heartsick. It is a dreadful feeling to come back here from lectures and
  3. School. Her second stay at the boarding school was not a happy one; she became, lonely , homesick and deeply attached to Constantin Hegel. She finally returned to
  4. Their feelings and to share their stories with others, such as in the" I am, lonely ,will anyone speak to me" thread. Philosophy The internet has changed the
  5. A speech to be read, defining the writer's life:" Writing, at its best, is a, lonely ,life. Organizations for writers palliate the writer's loneliness, but I doubt
  6. To Singapore and Brenda Sallied had left for Ireland, so Blair was relatively, lonely ,in South wold — pottering on the allotments, walking alone and spending time
  7. A Minor Literature that there was much more to Kafka than the stereotype of a, lonely ,figure writing out of anguish, and that his work was more deliberate
  8. Miners" fled to the surrounding bush, and it is likely a good many more died a, lonely ,death or suffered the agony of their wounds, hidden from the authorities for
  9. Obvious resemblance to" Haddocks' Eyes. ": I met an aged, aged man: Upon the, lonely ,moor:: I knew I was a gentleman, : And he was but a boor.: So I stopped and
  10. Testaments that it was a well-matched and happy marriage Orwell was very, lonely ,after Eileen's death, and desperate for a wife, both as companion for himself
  11. A county bird, it would be the lapwing (known locally as the peewit) whose, lonely ,cry characterizes the Essex marshes known as salting. Essex is also home to
  12. By" eerie dissonances providing a backdrop to sounds of nature and, lonely ,melodies" ( Schneider 2006,84). An example is the third movement Adagio of
  13. Her, Livia Drill and Germanic us’ mother Antonia Minor. Agrippina had become, lonely , distressed, physically ill and many of her relatives had died. Agrippina had a
  14. Sweet and fumbled music of the piano lessons drifting down from upstairs to the, lonely ,schoolroom, where only the sometimes tearful wicked sat over undone sums, or to
  15. To have a copy of Purchase with him. It was a rare book, unlikely to be at a ", lonely ,farmhouse ", nor would an individual carry it on a journey; the folio was heavy
  16. A comic about a sassy, corpulent feline, and becomes a compelling picture of a, lonely , pathetic, delusional man who talks to his pets. Consider that Jon, according
  17. Breaking his vow to love Medea forever, Jason lost his favor with Hera and died, lonely ,and unhappy. He was asleep under the stern of the rotting Argo when it fell on
  18. For them, the quality of friendships, not the number of friends, predicts how, lonely ,they feel. Functional friendships, such as those resulting in invitations to
  19. Wrote a literary novel called" The Bestiary" ( Dial,2007) that describes a, lonely ,young man's efforts to track down the world's the most complete bestiary. John
  20. During the war his wife suffered from depression; and after her death he was, lonely ,and unhappy. In addition to that, he always lived frugally and seemed unable to
  21. Ed. Archie Burnett (2007) Footnotes Sources *Criteria, Julian,'Homage to a, lonely ,lad ', Weekend Telegraph (UK),23 April 1988. *Cunningham, Valentine ed., The
  22. Character ", Planet,with its" rolling red ocher plains ", and " bands of, lonely ,terraformed green ". Plot The story unfolds via the introduction video
  23. Philips record company. An agreement was made that Philips could release" The, lonely ,shepherd" as a single (45 rpm) on the Philips label. Criticism Although
  24. The Drake Equation as a backdrop to explore the psychological implications of a, lonely ,humanity. * Alastair Reynolds' Revelation Space trilogy and short stories
  25. Had promised that as part of their responsibilities. Many spent years in, lonely , sad and often poor conditions. Yet the Chinese were hardworking and played a
  26. Urge to open his heart. ” In October 2006,the color woodcut Two people. The, lonely ,(To Tennessee. De Somme) set a new record for his prints when it was sold
  27. By Welles) who starts out as an idealist but eventually turns into a corrupt, lonely ,old man. The film featured Cotton prominently in the role of Kane's best
  28. ISBN 978-0-227-17299-5. *C. Erratic, The road of danger, guilt,and shame: the, lonely ,way of A. E. Housman (Associated University Press,2002) ISBN 0-8386-3906-2
  29. Feeling that death void that the person in the song is feeling. Very, lonely , sick. " While Cobain would regard In Uteri" for the most part very impersonal
  30. His father, Hesse stated," always seemed like a very polite, very foreign, lonely , little-understood guest. " His father's tales from Estonia instilled a
  31. South of the United States. It starred Meg Tilly as Camilla and One Skye as a, lonely ,Southern girl whom Camilla seduces. *Camilla is featured as the main
  32. I aver: Of which I am not sure, : I think of that strange wanderer: Upon the, lonely ,moor. Hoosier () is the official demonym for a resident of the U. S. state of
  33. Yet surveyed and found unique ethnographic objects, but the long winter and the, lonely ,treks across perilous terrain forced him to search his soul to find a direction
  34. Commissions from abroad. Haydn also gradually came to feel more isolated and, lonely , particularly as the court came to spend most of the year at Esterhazy, far
  35. To Spain to obtain photographs for the manuscript. Without Mary, he was, lonely ,and took to his bed for days, retreating into silence. The first installments
  36. Porch in front of my door.: When I woke up, I blinked at the garden-lawn;: A, lonely ,bird was singing amid the flowers.: I asked myself, had the day been wet or
  37. Is lost in their own thoughts. This portrayal of modern urban life as empty or, lonely ,is a common theme throughout Hopper's work. The Dynamic for artists in Europe
  38. His mistake (Die, being not too bright, also gets lost). Jon starts to get, lonely , so he offers a reward for the return of Garfield and Die. He is not
  39. His condition led to a chronic and disfiguring inflammation that left Gibbon a, lonely ,figure. As his condition worsened, he underwent numerous procedures to
  40. Sheridan Le Fanu's 1871" Camilla ", about a lesbian vampire who preys on a, lonely ,young woman, and by Barney the Vampire, a lengthy penny dreadful serial from
  41. Then farther and farther away from the civilization into mountain solitude or, lonely ,deserts. The deserts of Egypt swarmed with the" cells" or huts of these
  42. Why I was chosen to be Elvis Presley. ... I swear to God, no one knows how, lonely ,I get. And how empty I really feel. " Thereafter, Geller supplied him with
  43. But he regarded himself as self-taught and a pioneer of wisdom. From the, lonely ,life he led, and still more from the riddling nature of his philosophy and his
  44. Then ever with his production duties and often worked late hours, leaving Whale, lonely ,and bored. Lewis bought him a supply of paint and canvasses and Whale
  45. He had suffered since at least 1870. Lear's funeral was said to be a sad, lonely ,affair by the wife of Dr. Vassal,Lear's physician, not one of Lear's many
  46. Eased trade and commerce across Asia. In Oceania Tonga Empire was a, lonely ,empire that existed many centuries since Medieval till Modern period. Colonial
  47. Suggested that he was still in school. Should Granny or one of her kin feel, lonely ,for the hills, banker Drysdale would bend over backwards to placate the
  48. Stories, often up to 10 minutes in length, written from the perspective of a, lonely ,and socially inept man. Invariably involving the man's acquaintance 'Susie '
  49. Childhood According to Barks' description of his childhood, he was a rather, lonely ,child. His parents owned one square mile (2.6 km²) of land that served as
  50. Cult 1960s CBS sci-fi television series Lost in Space. He later appeared as a, lonely ,teenager, Sterling North, in the 1969 Disney movie, Rascal,and as Left in the

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