Examples of the the word, grievance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grievance ), is the 6076 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A policy of co-determination (Mitbestimmung),which involved a satisfactory, grievance ,resolution system as well as requiring representation of workers on the boards
  2. The nature of BASIS cooperation with foreign agencies and the defects in BASIS, grievance ,procedures. He later called for the inquiry to examine the 'poisoned
  3. He did not fail to mention the dismissal of Amherst and Melbourne as a personal, grievance , Later life Soon after his resignation a renewed attack of gout freed Chatham
  4. And released him. The Major League Baseball Players Association filed a, grievance ,on Ponson's behalf and the case was sent to arbitration and was eventually
  5. Finnish Army invaded the Soviet Union together. The Republic of Finland had a, grievance ,against the Soviet Union because the Red Army had invaded southeastern Finland
  6. Except for one Chatham Island sergeant who was killed because of a personal, grievance , The Pamela sailors were allowed to live and set sail for the coast of New
  7. Cases which came to be known as the Steelworkers' Trilogy. The Court held that, grievance ,arbitration was a preferred dispute resolution technique and that courts could
  8. In private homes. For that reason, the quartering of troops was cited as a, grievance ,in the United States Declaration of Independence: King George III has combined
  9. To define which behaviors are acceptable and which are not. Discrete cases of, grievance , known as" Honor Cases ", are adjudicated by a Judicial Board, which consists
  10. To be included in a new contract when the parties are unable to agree, and, grievance , arbitration,which provides a method for resolving disputes over the
  11. At Algae by Ananias of Orestes, a young Macedonian noble with a bitter, grievance ,against the young queen's uncle At talus and against Philip for denying him
  12. In those cases in which a party seeks injunctive relief to enforce the, grievance ,arbitration provisions of a collective bargaining agreement. Employment
  13. Taxed; troops were quartered upon them; and they also had the more lasting, grievance ,of being compelled to accept leases for three lives instead of holding their
  14. From India for administrative costs, were a lasting source of nationalist, grievance , though the flow declined in relative importance over the decades to
  15. Needs manifest themselves in such things as a preference for job security, grievance ,procedures for protecting the individual from unilateral authority, savings
  16. Problems, both within and between countries. Legacy of vengeance-seeking group, grievance ,: based on recent or past injustices, which could date back centuries. Including
  17. But as that event occurred 358 years ago, it is too late now to remedy the, grievance , All that can be done is to maintain the parties in status quo. In such a case
  18. We shall never go out with honor, or sit with honor here; that man is the, grievance ,of grievance s; let us set down the cause of all our disasters, and they will
  19. But follow inverted social norms. Riots often occur in reaction to a perceived, grievance ,or out of dissent. Historically, riots have occurred due to poor working or
  20. The cause of civil war are attracted by two opposing theories, greed versus, grievance , Roughly stated: are conflicts caused by who people are, whether that be
  21. Attempted to mediate disputes over contract terms, pressed for inclusion of, grievance ,arbitration in collective bargaining agreements. The Supreme Court subsequently
  22. Parliamentary candidate, moved in to her new house. Carrie had brought their, grievance ,to the local council and Storming and in both cases, he was asked to leave. He
  23. Suit in law, an action brought before a court to recover a right or redress a, grievance ,*Suit (cards),one of four groups into which a deck of cards is divided
  24. Not solely appeals by the public to the government for the redressing of a, grievance ,in the traditional sense, but also, petitions on behalf of private interests
  25. By the 1930s,and for the Kikuyu in particular, land had become the number one, grievance ,concerning colonial rule, African politics The first attempt to form a
  26. The people were satisfied with the administration, and they had no legitimate, grievance ,against it. Some individuals in various locations had some personal grievance s
  27. On 1 April 1818 a retired officer on half-pay, Lieutenant Davies, who had a, grievance ,about his application from the War Office for a pension and was also mad, shot
  28. Sold on the market. The Franks urged her to approach Saladin herself with her, grievance , According to Baha' Alvin, Saladin used his own money to buy the child back:
  29. Pregnant women. As she did not present an" actual case or controversy" ( a, grievance ,and a demand for relief),any opinion issued by the Supreme Court would
  30. Prison officers, or other groups of prisoners, often to express a, grievance , in an attempt to force change or an attempt to escape the prison. In a race
  31. well-founded. They appeared to support the officers' concerns regarding the, grievance ,procedures: Bearing in mind the context in which the members of BASIS work, it
  32. Duel would start with the challenger issuing a traditional, public,personal, grievance , based on an insult, directly to the single person who offended the challenger.
  33. The Jamaal all Muslim, an extremist Black Muslim group with an unresolved, grievance ,against the government over land claims, tried to overthrow the NEAR government.
  34. Be a judicially enforceable and legally protected right before one suffering a, grievance ,can ask for a mandamus. A person can be said to be aggrieved only when he is
  35. Objections were from Sir William Russell, who owned Stream mill, and whose, grievance ,was about land purchase, rather than the navigation works. By 1641 it was
  36. Race for wearing 'inappropriate' clothing. There was also a strong sense of, grievance ,due to perceived discrimination against the majority Shia population of Bahrain
  37. Requires cooperatives to establish authority driven statutory disciplinary and, grievance ,procedures (rather than democratic mediation schemes),impacting on the
  38. Possibly the most contentious person on Earth ". Ellison has filed numerous, grievance ,filings and lawsuit attempts that have been characterized as both justifiable
  39. Jewish vizier Joseph in Rafaela and massacred about 4,000 Jews. The Muslim, grievance ,involved was that some Jews had become wealthy, and others had advanced to
  40. A sense of cultural superiority; an interpretation of history according to this, grievance ,and superiority; a rejection of rational arguments against this interpretation;
  41. And educational circumstances. Jayawardene also eliminated a major Tamil, grievance ,by abrogating the" standardization" policy of the United Front government
  42. Muhammad. The campaign was also supported by some companions who had a personal, grievance ,with Than, like ‘ AMR in all’As, also an Umayyad, who was stripped of the
  43. Thus became owner of some lands of the Durham chapter. Now that his own, grievance ,was redressed, he undertook to redress those of other people. Ever since 1644
  44. A unified homogenous majority under the concept of 'the Hindus '; a sense of, grievance ,against past injustice; a sense of cultural superiority; an interpretation of
  45. The plaintiff's motion for a mandamus to enjoin his union to revise the, grievance ,that he had filed on the grounds that the motion was groundless and abusive; DE
  46. Jurisprudence, mere punishing of offender is not sufficient, to redress the, grievance ,of victim, rather there is need to compensate the loss or harms suffered by
  47. Issues of public interest regarding the effect of secrecy on the operation of, grievance ,procedures and the extent to which the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade
  48. Petition the appropriate member of the Board of Supervisors when they have a, grievance ,about the quality of local services. Census-designated places Communities not
  49. Sölmundarson, who marries their sister. But Njáll's sons also bring back a, grievance , blaming Train for the way in which the defect ruler of Norway, Jarl Halon
  50. The public not to be afraid of the MOA-AD and to" open your hearts to the Moro, grievance , "" Over the next month, several MILF commanders were tagged by government

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