Examples of the the word, blogosphere , in a Sentence Context

The word ( blogosphere ), is the 8628 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. U. S., based on an analysis of the University's appearance in" the Internet, blogosphere , the 75,000 print and electronic media, as well as new social media sources (
  2. New ways to navigate through huge amounts of information present in the, blogosphere , as demonstrated by projects like BlogS cope.; Blogging communities and
  3. The Washington Wizards. Photographs of the shirts quickly spread from the, blogosphere ,to Cleveland television. Increasing awareness of the controversy prompted an
  4. For his coinage" blogofascists" which he applied to" the entire political, blogosphere ,", though with an emphasis on left wing or center-left bloggers such as Daily
  5. On billboards in New York City's Times Square. This drew criticism in the, blogosphere ,and accusations of hypocrisy on Twitter, since CBS had recently aired an
  6. Larger has also been recognized for his contribution to the emergence of the, blogosphere , He was nominated among the" visionaries who changed the face of the Web in
  7. And former United States Secretary of Energy. ) Many members of the Democratic, blogosphere ,predicted that this vote would have a negative impact on his presidential
  8. Showed that there were over forty-two millions bloggers contributing to the, blogosphere , With less than 1 million blogs in existence at the start of 2003,the number
  9. And gossip about the TV show Doctor Who, but drawing more attention in the, blogosphere ,than the controversial arrest of Henry Louis Gates. Geography According to the
  10. Order of Merit). International policies In September 2004 the US conservative, blogosphere ,erupted with criticism of France when a New York Post opinion piece claimed
  11. Online community on the Runes, with about 45 % of all entries in the Russian, blogosphere , According to Alexa Internet 50 % of LiveJournal's audience is located in
  12. Bravery against the thuggery of these theocratic despots is God's work. The, blogosphere ,can lead the way, but the MSM is catching on. Because of the media blackout in
  13. Their own larger than life sub-community following the explosive growth of the, blogosphere , Fashion-conscious consumers are offered an insider's view into the fashion
  14. Sender and recipient are using; the carrier of the hidden message is the whole, blogosphere , * Modifying the echo of a sound file (Echo Steganography). * Image bit-plane
  15. Reference to identifying influential bloggers and" familiar strangers" in the, blogosphere , Proliferation In 1999,Pyre Labs opened blogging to the masses by simplifying
  16. So. " The clip was played on CNN and created a surge of articles across the, blogosphere , In 2007,The Daily Show was involved in former correspondent Stephen Colbert
  17. The National Review — I do think their writers are the best in the conservative, blogosphere ," he said. Paul Be gala has stated in The Huffington Post that" I bookmark NRO
  18. And misconceptions about the Obama's that have been floating around in the, blogosphere ,and are reflected in public opinion polls. What we set out to do was to throw
  19. Of blogging upon society by saying" if the direction of the news is all, blogosphere , all opinions, with no serious fact-checking, no serious attempts to put
  20. Opinion. A number of media outlets in recent years have started treating the, blogosphere ,as a gauge of public opinion, and it has been cited in both academic and
  21. Were hosted online at various places and received heavy attention from the, blogosphere ,(e.g., Boing Boeing) until a cease-and-desist letter took down the
  22. News and politics clips; his name became the fifteenth most searched-for in the, blogosphere ,; and his website garnered more traffic than those of front runners Hillary
  23. On newspapers and occasional imprisonment of journalists. He turned to the, blogosphere ,in response, writing a column for Malaysian, a website sympathetic to the
  24. Also can help information researchers study how fast a meme spreads through the, blogosphere , to determine which sites are the most important for gaining early recognition.
  25. Scrupulous criticism in the press, as well as largely negative analysis in the, blogosphere , In January 2007,Working spoke out against the press for focusing too heavily
  26. They could use flying carpets. " One comment that drew criticism from the, blogosphere , as well as fellow conservatives, was made during a speech at the Conservative
  27. People within those borders burn. " Fisk is a pacifist and has never voted. The, blogosphere ,term fishing originates from various American conservative blogs, which have
  28. Matters. Community and cataloging; The pay close attention to" trends in the, blogosphere ,".; Blog Day: Blog day. Org was created with the belief that bloggers should have
  29. To a new career as an online" Jew-baiter," as part of" the anti-Israel, blogosphere , " Sullivan reluctantly decided to support John Kerry's presidential campaign
  30. Still manage to link back to the higher traffic blogs toward the center of the, blogosphere , Blogging Niches Within the blogosphere , several sub-communities have developed
  31. Industries. He's an owner of Cricket, a search engine which scours the, blogosphere ,for content. Cuban was also a partner in. In 2005,Cuban invested in Randell
  32. Of how the Internet works became a topic of amusement and ridicule in the, blogosphere , The phrases" the Internet is not a big truck" and" series of tubes" became
  33. Identified blogs, with more than 1 million new posts being produced by the, blogosphere ,each day. Revenue In 2010 Technocratic study,36 % of bloggers reported some sort
  34. In the global print and electronic media, on the Internet, throughout the, blogosphere , and social media such as Twitter. The College is ranked #10 in the 2010
  35. Virgin America. In January 2008,San Diego International Airport entered the, blogosphere ,with the launch of the first employee blog – the Ambassador – for a major U.
  36. Perceptions of individual citizens. An exponentially growing phenomenon,the, blogosphere ,can be abuzz with news that is overlooked by the press and TV networks. Apropos
  37. Also a particular niche that has grown extensively with the development of the, blogosphere , This movement can greatly be attributed to the popularity of" Perez Hilton,"
  38. The most densely populated areas represent the most active portions of the, blogosphere , White dots represent individual blogs. They are sized according to the number
  39. At Marjolein Bastin's official website. External links The term fishing is, blogosphere ,slang describing a point-by-point criticism that highlights perceived errors
  40. Traffic blogs toward the center of the blogosphere . Blogging Niches Within the, blogosphere , several sub-communities have developed. These communities are largely divided
  41. The Weekly Standard described LGF as one of" the saner precincts of the, blogosphere ,". 2006 *Pajamas Media contributor Cathy Sap wrote in National Review that::
  42. Reciprocal links. DISCOVER Magazine described six major 'hot spots' of the, blogosphere , While points 1 and 2 represent influential individual blogs, point 3 is the
  43. Which escape attention or underlie the major stories. In recent years,the, blogosphere ,has taken reporting a step further, mining down to the experiences and
  44. The Confederate flag is or is not. " Sanford attracted derision in the liberal, blogosphere ,and among pundits and analysts on the left for a gaffe during an interview with
  45. Is referred to as the iron" shaykh of reforms" Saved Atari is active in the, blogosphere ,and is the first member of an Iranian cabinet to keep a personal blog. Arrests
  46. Following six weeks of observation social media expert Matthew Hurst mapped the, blogosphere , generating the plot to the left based on the interconnections between blogs.
  47. Petersburg governor Valentina Matviyenko that was criticized by the Russian, blogosphere , 33 people including Soviet dissident Vladimir Sikorsky, members of Russian
  48. Fictional version of Doctorow who lives in a hot air balloon" up in" the, blogosphere ,(" above the tag clouds" ) and wears a red cape and goggles, such as in the
  49. Highly connected within a sub-community but lack many connections to the larger, blogosphere , Point 4 describes a sociopolitical blogging niche, in which links demonstrate
  50. Contact sports * CD burner, a CD/DVD recording tool; see Optical disc drive The, blogosphere ,is made up of all blogs and their interconnections. The term implies that blogs

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