Examples of the the word, billion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( billion ), is the 1098 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. These costs in the USA concluded that cropland imposes approximately $5 to 16,a billion , ( $30 to $96 per hectare),while livestock production imposes $714 million.
  2. Of algae. Algae are found in the fossil record dating back to approximately 3,a billion , years in the Precambrian. They exhibit a wide range of reproductive strategies
  3. Filamentous algae from the Cinthya basin have been dated back to 1.6 to 1.7,a billion , years ago. Etymology and study is obscure. Although some speculate that it is
  4. Has been present as well. As of 2006,the government's debt had grown to 1.883,a billion , Aruban florins. Aruba received some development aid from the Dutch government
  5. Afghanistan. The military expenditures of Azerbaijan for 2011 are set at $4,46,a billion , USD. Azerbaijani defense industry manufactures small arms, artillery systems
  6. Land management as the driving factor behind degradation and reports that 1.5,a billion , people rely upon the degrading land. Degradation can be deforestation
  7. 100 years. Analysts believe that if the Afghan state was to generate even $10,a billion , per year from its mineral deposits, its gross national product would double and
  8. Expenditure discipline. For example, government revenues increased 31 % to $1.7,a billion , from March 2010 to March 2011. The Afghanistan Bank serves as the central bank
  9. To the modern medicare system. Alberta's health care budget is currently $13.2,a billion , during the 2008–2009 fiscal year (approximately 36 % of all government
  10. Lower tariffs and increase trade. In March 2006,Russia agreed to erase $4.74,a billion , of Algeria's Soviet-era debt during a visit by Russian President Vladimir
  11. Finance a project of such a scale with a total national budget of less than $5,a billion , However, in February 2009 Italian company Eel announced plans to build an 800
  12. Gained more widespread use, Internet advertising revenues grew from 1.6,a billion , yen to over 180 billion yen between 1995 and 2005. Some fan groups add
  13. From the Shah Deniz gas field. Shah Deniz is expected to produce up to 296,a billion , cubic meters of natural gas per year. Azerbaijan also plays a major role in the
  14. The Academy has for several years claimed that the award show has up to a, billion , viewers internationally, but this has so far not been confirmed by any
  15. Aircraft and 16 attack helicopters. The defense budget in 2005 totaled 1.16,a billion , US-Dollars. Navy Fleet (Marina de Guerra) Most of the craft detailed are
  16. Development of deep-water offshore oil fields. Oil sales generated USD 1.71,a billion , in tax revenue in 2004 and now makes up 80 % of the government's budget, a 5 %
  17. To 10 million carats per year by 2007. In 2004 China's Embank approved a $2,a billion , line of credit to Angola to rebuild infrastructure. The economy grew 18 % in
  18. Before schedule. This would reduce the Algerian foreign debt to less than $5,a billion , in the end of 2006. The Paris Club said the move reflected Algeria's economic
  19. Reports estimated $6–20 billion , but more recent reports suggest that up to $40,a billion , were provided by the U. S. and Saudi Arabia to Pakistan. This was in the forms
  20. Just prior to the Gulf War in 1991. The U. S. Government has invested USD $4,a billion , in Angola's petroleum sector. Diamonds Angola is the third-largest producer of
  21. Turkmenistan, and others or end up at dry deserts. The state needs more than $2,a billion , to rehabilitate its irrigation systems so that the water is properly managed.
  22. Have taken on the task of oil production. As of late 2006 there were over $100,a billion , in oil sands projects under construction or in the planning stages in
  23. From the oil sands. With current technology and at current prices, about 315,a billion , barrels (50 km3) of bitumen are recoverable. Fort McMurray, one of Canada's
  24. Been planned for the country: the first will be built in 2009 at a cost of 500,a billion , won,of which 50 billion is direct government investment. The new robot city
  25. Gave USD250 million to UNITS between 1986 and 1991,UNITS made USD1.72,a billion , between 1994 and 1999 exporting diamonds, primarily through Zaire to Europe. At
  26. Canada, England,Germany and Japan. In 2006,22.3 million tourists spent $8.3,a billion , providing an estimated 162,000 jobs in the state. Health UAB Hospital is the
  27. Service quickly became the market leader in online music services, with over 5,a billion , downloads by June 19, 2008. Since 2001 Apple's design team has progressively
  28. Non-holiday quarter (Q1 FY 2009) during the recession with a revenue of $8.16,a billion , and a profit of $1.21 billion . After years of speculation and multiple rumored
  29. Its creation. From its initial principal of $734,000,the fund has grown to $40,a billion , as a result of oil royalties and capital investment programs. Most if not all
  30. Use, Internet advertising revenues grew from 1.6 billion yen to over 180,a billion , yen between 1995 and 2005. Some fan groups add subtitles to anime on their own
  31. Population. As of April 1,2010,bank deposits of population were equal to 2,4,a billion , AZN. 33.3 % of them were long-term deposits (higher than a year). Along with
  32. People. In May 2007,German steelmaker ThyssenKrupp selected Alabama for a $3.7,a billion , steel production plant, with the promise of 2,700 permanent jobs. When
  33. Century. In return, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika agreed to buy $7.5,a billion , worth of combat planes, air-defense systems and other arms from Russia
  34. Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao visited Angola in June 2006,offering a US$9,a billion , loan for infrastructure improvements in return for petroleum. The PRC has
  35. Exporter Rosoboronexport. Algeria also decided in 2006 to pay off its full $8,a billion , ( £4.3 billion ) debt to the Paris Club group of rich creditor nations before
  36. The anime market for the United States alone is" worth approximately $4.35,a billion , according to the Japan External Trade Organization ". Anime has also had
  37. 1990s United Nations Angola Verification Mission III and MONA spent USD1.5,a billion , overseeing implementation of the Lusaka Protocol, a 1994 peace accord that
  38. Average GDP growth with 11.1 percent. In 2004,China's Embank approved a $2,a billion , line of credit to Angola. The loan is being used to rebuild Angola's
  39. To the business-enabling environment have resulted in more than $1.5,a billion , in telecom investment and created more than 100,000 jobs since 2003. The Afghan
  40. Including Sikhs and Jains. Economy The 2007 gross state product was $44.9,a billion , 45th in the nation. Its per capita personal income for 2007 was $40,042
  41. The first will be built in 2009 at a cost of 500 billion won, of which 50,a billion , is direct government investment. The new robot city will feature research and
  42. Algeria also decided in 2006 to pay off its full $8 billion (£4.3,a billion , ) debt to the Paris Club group of rich creditor nations before schedule. This
  43. Easily financed at about £9.5 million a year in interest. The French spent 1.3,a billion , livres (about £56 million). Their total national debt was £187 million, which
  44. During the recession with a revenue of $8.16 billion and a profit of $1.21,a billion , After years of speculation and multiple rumored" leaks" Apple announced a
  45. Largest regional donor to the country. Since 2002,India has pledged up to $2,a billion , in economic assistance to Afghanistan and has participated in multiple
  46. States Bureau of Economic Analysis, the 2008 total gross state product was $170,a billion , or $29,411 per capita. Alabama's 2008 GDP increased 0.7 % from the previous
  47. S total surface area (or 30 % of its land area) and with approximately 3.879,a billion , people,it hosts 60 % of the world's current human population. During the 20th
  48. Nobel's will gave 31,225,000 Swedish kronor (equivalent to about 1.8,a billion , kronor or 250 million US dollars in 2008) to fund the prizes. The first three
  49. Of Charlie Wilson and CIA officer Gust Avrakotos. Early reports estimated $6–20,a billion , but more recent reports suggest that up to $40 billion were provided by the U.
  50. Bank headquartered in Birmingham, was acquired by Wachovia in 2004 for $14.3,a billion , The city still has major operations for Wachovia and its now post-operating

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