Examples of the the word, attraction , in a Sentence Context

The word ( attraction ), is the 4270 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Arkansas, based on Capp's work and with his support. The park was a popular, attraction ,during the 1970s but was abandoned in 1993 due to financial difficulties. As of
  2. Orientation is rarely used. It does however retain its separation from sexual, attraction ,and as such is seen by many as an orientation within an orientation amongst the
  3. Systems in our brain that we use to negotiate romantic love and romantic, attraction ," said Thomson. " If these drugs cause conscious sexual side effects, we’d
  4. 1907 and 1915. According to general relativity, the observed gravitational, attraction ,between masses results from the warping of space and time by those masses.
  5. Of potential economies through expanded output and regional specialization, and, attraction , to new investment occurred as a result of the regional market area. Although
  6. Plate that collects the electrons emitted by the cathode through electric, attraction , It also accelerates the flow of these electrons. Diode anode In a
  7. They called the" Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics ". In spite of his, attraction ,to Eastern religions, the journalist Jane Kramer argues that Ginsberg, like
  8. East-central Alberta is Alberta Prairie Railway Excursions, a popular tourist, attraction ,operated out of Settler. It boasts one of the few operable steam trains in the
  9. Palace is a symbol and home of the British monarchy, an art gallery and tourist, attraction , Behind the gilded railings and gates which were made by the Cosgrove
  10. Cave rock formations. Another popular activity is deep sea fishing. The major, attraction ,is sail fishing. Fish caught here have weighed between 89 and 200 pounds.
  11. For work. Prostitution is also common here as well. Attractions Acapulco’s main, attraction ,is its nightlife, and has been for many decades. Nightclubs change names and
  12. Helena (on Earth-Two). While these relationships tend to be short,Batman's, attraction ,to Cat woman is present in nearly every version and medium in which the
  13. And the many old museums in the canton. Hill walking is another tourist, attraction ,but is of only limited significance. ABA may refer to: Geographic toponyms *
  14. The Harry Ransom Center. The Texas State Capitol itself is also a major tourist, attraction , The Distill Hotel built in 1886,and located at 6th and Brazos, was finished
  15. In suggests an address on a city street, so a service station (or a tourist, attraction ,or indeed a village) would always be on a major road, but a department store
  16. Facility is also a site for large popular-music concerts. One major tourist, attraction ,in Aarhus is The Old Town (), which is not actually an old part of the city
  17. Fleming discovered penicillin is home to the Fleming Museum, a popular London, attraction , His alma mater, St Mary's Hospital Medical School, merged with Imperial
  18. Besides living together under continuous observation, which is the major, attraction ,of the contest, the program relies on four basic props: The stripped-bare
  19. Their feats and those of other sluggers had become the major leagues' defining, attraction , In contrast to the professional game's resurgence in popularity after the
  20. South Asia, a concert by Money M. (featuring Marcia Barrett) was a featured, attraction ,at the 37th International Film Festival of India (IFFY),which took place on
  21. Africa. In many tourist or travel destinations, a bus is part of the tourist, attraction , such as the North American tourist trolleys, London’s Route master heritage
  22. Imams is demonstrated by the fabled Jewels of The Imams, which is a tourist, attraction , The state was the richest and the largest among the princely states of India.
  23. The south is Callas the Rain ha and the quaint medieval town of Bids that is an, attraction ,for any tourists that enjoys a true glimpse of the past. Also, to the south is
  24. Gide traveled in Northern Africa, and it was there that he came to accept his, attraction ,to boys. He befriended Oscar Wilde in Paris, and in 1895 Gide and Wilde met in
  25. Site (which he did in). Further, providing the Yankees with a box office, attraction ,would help that mediocre club, which had sided with him against Johnson and "
  26. Dress. There is also a bungee jump in this area as well. Another enigmatic, attraction ,at Acapulco are the La Queered Cliff Divers. Today the divers are
  27. Statics, astrophysics,and celestial mechanics. He discussed the theory of, attraction ,between masses, and it seems that he was also aware of the magnitude of
  28. The sexual act itself made her uncomfortable. What is irrefutable is her sexual, attraction ,to men. Nin's first unexpurgated journal, Henry and June, makes it clear
  29. Bats) where they are worshiped by the locals and also constitute a tourist, attraction , They also occur in other cave temples, for instance at Gang Beach. Two
  30. Island. What was once a slip angle for pirates, is now a beautiful tourist, attraction , Other sights include: *Basilica of Santa María (14th-16th centuries),built
  31. Palace is used for Changing of the Guard, a major ceremony and tourist, attraction ,(daily during the summer months; every other day during the winter). The
  32. Attract or repel each other, depending on whether currents are in the same (, attraction ,) or in opposite directions (repulsion). This laid the foundation of
  33. And appeared together in a Whitman movie. Crosby soon became the star, attraction ,of the Rhythm Boys, and in 1928 had his first number one hit with the Whitman
  34. French and Italian Tourism Alexandria is a main summer resort and tourist, attraction , due to its public and private beaches and ancient history and Museums
  35. S first paper submitted in 1900 to Annalena her Physic was on capillary, attraction , It was published in 1901 titled Folgerungen AUS den Capillaritätserscheinungen
  36. Sects were, leading to rumors that their celibacy was a sign of their, attraction ,to members of the same sex. The term buggery originated in medieval Europe as
  37. With sexual orientation. It is based on the perspective that sexual, attraction ,is but a single component of a larger dynamic. To holders of this view,one's
  38. Shore by snorkelers, especially at Church Bay. Bermuda's the most popular visitor, attraction ,is the Royal Naval Dockyard, which includes the Bermuda Maritime Museum. Other
  39. The city of Callas the Rain ha and the quaint medieval town of Bids that is an, attraction ,for any tourists that enjoys a true glimpse of the past. Also, to the northeast
  40. Base stacking interactions in DNA and RNA are due to dispersion, attraction , short-range exchange repulsion, and electrostatic interactions, which also
  41. The current understanding of black holes, regions of space where gravitational, attraction ,is so strong that not even light can escape. As Albert Einstein later said, the
  42. The death of Scott, and among the first historic houses to become a public, attraction ,) and from the outset, it was a huge hit with visitors. This resulted in his
  43. Its festive pageants, shows,contests and other activities are a major tourist, attraction , Calypso and soca music are important in Antigua and Barbuda. Corn and sweet
  44. The Mannered Pis, a bronze fountain of a small peeing boy is a famous tourist, attraction ,and symbol of the city. Other landmarks include the Cinquantenaire park with
  45. The western city of Heart has been renovated in recent years and is a popular, attraction ,for tourists. In the north of the country is the Shrine of Hazmat Ali, believed
  46. Attractive potential, no matter how weak. In conventional superconductors,an, attraction ,is generally attributed to an electron-lattice interaction. The BCS theory
  47. Narrow fertile valleys on either side. The beaches are also a popular tourist, attraction , Hydrofoil ferries from Piraeus take only forty minutes to reach Regina; the
  48. Converted to static or mobile cafés, often using historic buses as a tourist, attraction , Food is also provided from a catering bus, in which a bus is converted into a
  49. By the International Monetary Fund: Bhutan's hydropower potential and its, attraction ,for tourists are key resources. The Bhutanese Government has made some progress
  50. Indication of their being requited. It is also possible that an initially mild, attraction ,to Weightman assumed increasing importance to Anne over time, in the absence of

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