Examples of the the word, archivist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( archivist ), is the 12469 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Story which he had found in a book compiled by Jacques Perched, a French police, archivist , published in 1838 after the death of the author. Dumas included this essay in
  2. 2010 on a 4-DVD box set. All twelve Mutual films were restored in 1975 by, archivist ,David Shepard and Black hawk Films, and new restorations with even more footage
  3. His work as a concert performer and labor organizer, Phillips also worked as an, archivist , dishwasher, and warehouse-man. Phillips was a member of various
  4. Workshop composers Roger Limb, Paddy Kings land and Peter Howell with, archivist ,Mark Acres for a unique live concert at The Roundhouse, Chalk Farm, London
  5. Who sits on the Board of Directors for the Jim Henson Legacy and serves as head, archivist ,for the company, denies this on the Jim Henson Company's website: Another
  6. Library funded by the CNRS and attached to the Hospital Saint-Antoine as an, archivist , a low-paid position which he retained until 1978. A few reviewers have noted
  7. Took three months to sort the situation out. However, according to Led Zeppelin, archivist ,Dave Lewis: It later emerged that Jones had wanted to quit the band and take up
  8. That Huey is dressed in red, Dewey in blue, and Louie in green. Disney's, archivist ,Dave Smith, in " Disney A to Z," said," Note that the brightest hue of the
  9. Of all time. Like his father before him, Tomar-Tu recently took the position of, archivist ,superior, filing every tale as it comes in. *Hazard Simulation Facility: All
  10. Are the supreme counselors of the Dune universe, filling roles as menial as, archivist ,and clerk, or as grand as advisor to the Emperor. A Mentat's capabilities can
  11. Cor van den Level, ( born 1931),American haiku poet, editor,commentator, archivist ,*Va rand, ( Born 1954),Armenian poet, writer,translator, painter,professor
  12. Life began to be mentioned. This portrait, purportedly painted by the court, archivist ,Hanna during his visit to Jesus, is first mentioned in the Syriac text called
  13. There is much uncertainty about the origin of the city's name. Historian and, archivist ,Woke Emhoff summed up a total of over 200 different spelling variants, of
  14. Smith was performing rock music herself, initially with guitarist and rock, archivist ,Lenny Kaye, and later with a full band comprising Kaye, Ivan Oral on bass, Jay
  15. Towards the political path taken by his elder brothers. While training as an, archivist ,in France, Nhu adopted the Roman Catholic ideology of personalism, although
  16. Near the beginning of the work speaks of" the German pest. " In 2010,British, archivist ,Adrian Grew discovered references to a real-life hunchback who was a foreman of
  17. From Eddy's teaching, and had refused to publish the work. The church's, archivist , fired in anticipation of the book's publication, wrote to branch churches to
  18. Any on-screen explanation. Duran Little, for many years the official program, archivist , claims that the first episode to be transmitted in color was episode 930
  19. Conflict. * Robert X. Browning - Specialist in American politics and chief, archivist ,for C-SPAN * Bruce Buena de Mesquita - Pioneering game theorist with
  20. d. 1944) *1883 – Belle the Costa Greene, American librarian, bibliographer and, archivist ,(d. 1950) *1887 – George Poly, Hungarian-born mathematician (d. 1985) *
  21. Augusto Pinochet, Chilean dictator (d. 2006) *1917 – Luigi Peggy, Italian, archivist , for the Vatican (d. 2010) *1919 – Norman Tokay, American director, Leave it
  22. It flats on the table, and open the folder. If for some reason the researcher or, archivist ,does need to handle the actual photo, perhaps to examine the verso for writing
  23. Cinema in October 2005. The film was completely restored in January 2009 by, archivist ,Bruce Poster, working with film restoration company Lowry Digital. Poster spent
  24. Some lyrics on Dylan's 2006 album Modern Times. Mitchell's longtime, archivist , the San Francisco-based Joel Bernstein, maintains a detailed list of all her
  25. Taking full control of the band after Duke's death. He was an important, archivist ,of his father's musical life. Ellington's sister Ruth (1915–2004) later ran
  26. Ogden, Jack and Vera Duckworth, and Les Battersby-Brown). The show's former, archivist ,and scriptwriter Duran Little disagreed with the characterization of the show
  27. List formed in 2008 placed Fantasia at #5 under Animation. According to Disney, archivist ,David Smith, the sequence was aired uncut on television in 1966 before the
  28. Of British electronica. " Members of the Radio phonic Workshop *Mark Acres, now, archivist , of the BBC Radio phonic Workshop archive, and restoring some recordings.
  29. Was removed from the official Disney A to Z Encyclopedia supplement by chief, archivist ,Dave Smith, who confirmed that the film had been cancelled. In May 2011,Pixar
  30. That may be briefly referred to. Hanna, who wrote at Jesus' dictation, was, archivist , at Odessa and painter to King Agar. He had been charged to paint a portrait of
  31. Leighton, English actress (b. 1922) *1977 – Henri Languors, French film, archivist , and a co-founder of the Cinémathèque Franchise (b. 1914) *1978 – Hubert H.
  32. Slide down next to each other within the box, bending and folding, nor can the, archivist ,write directly onto the polyester to identify the photograph. Therefore, it is
  33. By singing his songs in cities across the U. S. Michael OCS is a photographic, archivist ,of 20th century music and entertainment personalities. Megan Lee OCS worked
  34. Appeared together in the crime drama A Touch of Frost, Arthur playing police, archivist ,Ernie Trig. He also appeared briefly with his brother in an episode of a Touch
  35. b. 1898) *1950 – Belle the Costa Greene, American librarian, bibliographer, archivist , ( b. 1883) *1955 – Tommy Burns, Canadian boxer (b. 1881) * 1955 – John
  36. With him. According to Vasiliy Microchip, a former KGB major and senior, archivist ,in the KGB intelligence central KGB office in the Baseness area of Moscow
  37. Our history that suggests there's any truth to this. The Packers Hall of Fame, archivist ,said the same thing. ". The team used a number of different logos prior to 1961
  38. See the documentary film Did We Go? (2005). Tapes Dr. David Williams (NASA, archivist ,at Goddard Space Flight Center) and Apollo 11 flight director Eugene F. Franz
  39. d. 1927) * December 6 – Paraphrased Shasta, Indian academic, Sanskrit scholar, archivist ,and historian of Bengali literature (d. 1931) * December 17 – Émile Roux
  40. American television writer and novelist *1952 – Piero Calcutta, Italian, archivist , in Biblioteca Mariana, essayist and translator * 1952 – Shiner Miyamoto
  41. Greaves, English footballer ** Billy Name, American photographer and Warhol, archivist ,* February 25 – Ron Santa, American baseball player (d. 2010) * February 28 –
  42. By Gerry Armstrong, a Scientologist who had been appointed Hubbard's official, archivist , In October 1984 Judge Paul G. Breckenridge ruled in Armstrong's favor, saying
  43. Operation in which he" died" for eight minutes. (Gerry Armstrong,Hubbard's, archivist , explains this as a dental extraction performed under nitrous oxide, a chemical
  44. d. 1945) * December 13 – Belle the Costa Greene, librarian,bibliographer, archivist ,(d. 1950) * December 14 – Morita Yeshiva, founder of the martial art Style
  45. Themselves" The CCP Group ". They were Frank Sancho, Keith Petersen (the, archivist ,behind Sim tel at the time),Ron Fowler, Charlie Storm, Bob Mathias, and
  46. A wealthy merchant from Latvia, his mother, Elfriede, from Estonia. (Tallinn, archivist ,J. Randi claimed in the 1930s that Rosenberg's family had Estonian origins.
  47. In the original German was in 1895. Name obs /> According to the, archivist ,of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden," Twenty years after its production as
  48. For permission to leave the Congregation of Doctrine of Faith and to become an, archivist ,in the Vatican Secret Archives and a librarian in the Vatican Library, but the
  49. Hotels. *Actor Richard Harris lived at the Savoy Hotel while in London. Hotel, archivist ,Susan Scott recounts an anecdote that when he was being taken out of the
  50. Agency director, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize ** Roger Stiffens, Reggae, archivist , actor, author,Bob Marley biographer ** Roger Ebert, American film critic and

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