Examples of the the word, snapshot , in a Sentence Context

The word ( snapshot ), is the 8497 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Versions, request a complete history of changes, or check out a historical, snapshot ,of the project as of a given date or as of a revision number. Anonymous CVS
  2. On strips of film. In contrast to a still camera, which captures a single, snapshot ,at a time, the movie camera takes a series of images, each called a" frame ".
  3. Economic entity. ROI and related metrics (ROA, ROC,RNA and ROC) provide a, snapshot ,of profitability adjusted for the size of the investment assets tied up in the
  4. Over 50 have been set up and added to Floodgap's list since 1999. A, snapshot ,of Gopher space as it was in 2007 was circulated on BitTorrent and is still
  5. Function u with period λ, that is, the periodicity of u in space means that a, snapshot ,of the wave at a given time t finds the wave varying periodically in space with
  6. Stable releases was very large (3 years). The Mercury project also makes a, snapshot ,release daily. The snapshot release is the latest development snapshot of the
  7. Background so that the effect of an Impressionist painting often resembles a, snapshot , a part of a larger reality captured as if by chance. Photography was gaining
  8. Large (3 years). The Mercury project also makes a snapshot release daily. The, snapshot ,release is the latest development snapshot of the system and has all the latest
  9. Especially for Warhol. This photographic approach to painting and his, snapshot ,method of taking pictures has had a great effect on artistic photography.
  10. The United States remains the leader in its use. The table below provides a, snapshot ,of Western adoption rates. Adoption in the United States still occurs at nearly
  11. S equation encompasses the whole history of a universe — it is not just some, snapshot ,of how things are, but a whole, possibly matter-filled, spacetime. It describes
  12. Similar terms (baseline, label,tag) to refer to the action of identifying a, snapshot ,(" label the project" ) or the record of the snapshot (" try it with
  13. With a larger or smaller semi-major axis. The gaps are not seen in a simple, snapshot ,of the locations of the asteroids at any one time because asteroid orbits are
  14. Makes a snapshot release daily. The snapshot release is the latest development, snapshot ,of the system and has all the latest features and bug fixes added to the last
  15. Are difficult to accurately compare to theory. Temperature The CMB gives a, snapshot ,of the universe when, according to standard cosmology, the temperature dropped
  16. Action of identifying a snapshot (" label the project" ) or the record of the, snapshot ,(" try it with baseline X" ). Typically, only one of the terms' baseline, label
  17. Not be suspended, and volume manager was unable to create a consistent 'hot ', snapshot ,to back up a heavily busy database. Fortunately this is no longer the case.
  18. Features of The Onion include: *" STAT shot ", an illustrated statistical, snapshot ,which parodies" USA Today Snapshots" * The" Info graph" ( a. k. a. "
  19. Sets of surface measurements are important data to meteorologists. They give a, snapshot ,of a variety of weather conditions at one single location and are usually at a
  20. For imported goods. The art of these prints contributed significantly to the ", snapshot ," angles and unconventional compositions which would become characteristic of
  21. Of the first numeric reconstruction of the French Blue including a virtual, snapshot ,video. Even the emblem of the Golden Fleece of Louis XV was numerically
  22. Forks into a single project. The basis of the merger was a GCC development, snapshot ,taken between the 2.7 and 2.81 releases. Projects merged included g77 (FORTRAN
  23. Released as Polaris 2.0. Each version such as Polaris 10 is based on a, snapshot ,of this development codebase, taken near the time of its release, which is then
  24. Water forms vitreous (non-crystalline) ice. This preserves the specimen in a, snapshot ,of its solution state. An entire field called cryo-electron microscopy has
  25. Writers. His books bear rereading every few years. The novels are a perfect, snapshot ,of an American past, and yet the ruined romanticism of the voice is as fresh as
  26. Lacks subordinating conjunctions, creates static sentences. The photographic ", snapshot ," style creates a collage of images. Many types of internal punctuation (
  27. Or less of telescope time, including overheads such as acquiring the target;, snapshot ,observations are used to fill in gaps in the telescope schedule that cannot be
  28. Known as Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC),which gives each user a ", snapshot ," of the database, allowing changes to be made without being visible to other
  29. Dispersionless media (see Dispersion relation),at a fixed moment in time,a, snapshot ,of the wave shows a repeating form in space, with characteristics such as peaks
  30. Snapshots XFS does not provide direct support for snapshot s, as it expects the, snapshot ,process to be implemented by the volume manager. Taking a snapshot of an XFS
  31. Can be dumped while the file system is in use. This is not the same as a, snapshot ,since files are not frozen during the dump. XFS dumps and restores are also
  32. Designed to be tiny and portable and are particularly suitable for casual and ", snapshot ," use. Hence, they are also called point-and-shoot cameras. The smallest
  33. Using the CFS_freeze utility, having the volume manager perform the actual, snapshot , and then unfreezing I/O to resume normal operations. The snapshot can then be
  34. Is, F (x + λ − VT) F (x − VT),the periodicity of F in space means that a, snapshot ,of the wave at a given time t finds the wave varying periodically in space with
  35. Expects the snapshot process to be implemented by the volume manager. Taking a, snapshot ,of an XFS file system involves freezing I/O to the file system using the
  36. Religious Settlement. The church that she re-established was, in effect,a, snapshot ,of the Edwardian Church from September 1552. Thus, the Elizabethan Prayer Book
  37. Some archaeological corpora can be of such short duration that they provide a, snapshot ,in time. One of the shortest corpora in time, may be the 15-30 year Maria
  38. The Brownie popularized low-cost photography and introduced the concept of the, snapshot , The first Brownie was introduced in February 1900,* 1900 - The first
  39. On strips of film. In contrast to a still camera, which captures a single, snapshot ,at a time, the cine camera takes a series of images, each called a" frame "
  40. Decals, and wave-form vertex distortion. For networking, id Tech 3 uses a ", snapshot ," system to relay information about game" frames" to the client over UDP. The
  41. Microarrays and high throughput (HT) mass spectrometry (MS) can provide a, snapshot ,of the proteins present in a biological sample. Bioinformatics is very much
  42. For more. The reader should again be cautioned that such diagrams represent a, snapshot ,of their TABLE frozen in time, not the course (" trajectory" ) of a
  43. The Theology not as the definitive source of Greek mythology, but rather as a, snapshot ,of a dynamic tradition that happened to crystallize when Hesiod formulated the
  44. Isolated New Caledonia from the rest of the world's landmasses, preserving a, snapshot ,of Gondwanaland forests. The country still shelters an extraordinary diversity of
  45. Again, this time with The Rolling Stones. Mick Jagger later remarked of a, snapshot ,he took of Orbison in New Zealand:" A fine figure of a man in the hot springs
  46. I64 as part of the Titanium port. Unlike the port from VAX to Alpha, in which a, snapshot ,of the VAX code base circa V5.4-2 Clustering Open VMS supports clustering (
  47. In the VFS layer, and happens automatically when the Volume Manager's, snapshot ,functionality is invoked. This was once a valuable advantage as Ext3 system
  48. The actual snapshot , and then unfreezing I/O to resume normal operations. The, snapshot ,can then be mounted read-only for backup purposes. XFS releases on IRIS
  49. RAM pack, the Cheetah Marketing Spectrum, a drum machine, and the Multiphase,a, snapshot ,and disassembly tool from Romantic Robot. Keyboards were especially popular in
  50. Its software implementation soft raid. * Flex RAID (for Linux and Windows) is a, snapshot ,RAID implementation. Software RAID has advantages and disadvantages compared to

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