Examples of the the word, analogous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( analogous ), is the 9086 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The novelty of Dummett's approach consisted in seeing these disputes as, analogous ,to the dispute between intuitionism and Platonism in the philosophy of
  2. Are relevant to mathematical reasoning in a way that is non-causal, and not, analogous ,to perception. This argument is developed by Jerrold Katz in his book Realistic
  3. Hall of the Slain" i.e." the Chosen Ones" ) This heavenly abode, somewhat, analogous , to the Greek Elysium, is reserved for those brave warriors who die heroically
  4. A very compact proof of the theorem under discussion. Poincaré's method was, analogous ,to that of Émile Picard, a contemporary mathematician who generalized the
  5. On bromide ions in the presence of an acid, also gives bromine in the reactions, analogous ,to the formation of elemental chlorine and iodine. Similarly, chlorine and
  6. Control-C, was inappropriate and using Z as the control code to end a file is, analogous ,to it ending the alphabet, a very convenient mnemonic aid. Text strings ending
  7. And because the algebraic integers in any number field are in many ways, analogous ,to the integers. If K is a number field, its ring of integers is the Sebring of
  8. An additive to cosmetic products. The cubic (sphalerite structure) variety, analogous ,to diamond is called CBN. Its hardness is inferior only to diamond, but its
  9. Such as the causative, intensive and reflexive. These forms can be viewed as, analogous ,to verb conjugations in languages such as Spanish in terms of the additional
  10. Replacing John Dickinson. The office of President of Pennsylvania was, analogous ,to the modern position of Governor. It is not clear why Dickinson needed to be
  11. Aurochses" ( plural). It is directly parallel to the German plural and, analogous ,(and cognate) to English" ox" ( singular)," oxen" ( plural). The word "
  12. Remedy to this is to work in projective space. Projective space has properties, analogous ,to those of a compact Hausdorff space. Among other things, it lets us make
  13. Other users if they attempt to make contact when the user is unavailable. It is, analogous ,to the voice message on an answering machine or voice mail system. * Block: An
  14. The mass inside the volume. In fluid dynamics, the continuity equation is, analogous ,to Kirchhoff's Current Law in electric circuits. The differential form of the
  15. Eastern provinces. The victorious powers divided the city into four sectors, analogous ,to the occupation zones into which Germany was divided. The sectors of the
  16. The early stages of the French Revolution. While they saw the revolution as, analogous ,to Britain's own Glorious Revolution in 1688,which had restricted the powers
  17. Ions are colorless in solutions. In particular, the lattice constants of the, analogous ,lanthanum and actinium compounds differ by only a few percent.: AcF3 + 2 NH3 +
  18. See also under determination. Logical ambiguity and self-contradiction is, analogous ,to visual ambiguity and impossible objects, such as the Becker cube and
  19. Then that of psalm or hymn tunes. Though the anthem of the Church of England is, analogous ,to the motet of the Roman Catholic and Lutheran Churches, both being written
  20. Characterizations. But not to be outdone he too presented" a plan somewhat, analogous , I apprehend, to Prof. Jevon's abacus ... And again, corresponding to Prof.
  21. After Carl Friedrich Gauss. The geometric-harmonic mean can be calculated by an, analogous ,method, using sequences of geometric and harmonic means. The
  22. Of the horizon in this situation is a dissipative system that is closely, analogous ,to that of a conductive stretchy membrane with friction and electrical
  23. Result will diverge towards an increasing imprecision. ". He studied a question, analogous ,to that of the surface movement in cup of coffee. What can we say, in general
  24. Shapes of atomic orbitals can be understood qualitatively by considering the, analogous ,case of standing waves on a circular drum. The many modes of the vibrating disk
  25. Forms a Coughing loop. This loop of units in an alternative ring or algebra is, analogous ,to the group of units in an associative ring or algebra. Applications The
  26. Still be correctly displayed as a round object. In modern cameras, this is, analogous ,to the diaphragm. Aristotle also made the observation that when the distance
  27. 2036,so that the element with index i has the address 2000 + 4 × i. Arrays are, analogous ,to the mathematical concepts of the vector, the matrix, and the tensor. Indeed
  28. In nature, but occurs as colorless soluble crystalline mineral halite salts, analogous ,to table salt. Bromine is rarer than about three-quarters of elements in the
  29. How efficient executable code can be created from high-level languages. This is, analogous ,to children needing to learn the basic arithmetic operations (e.g., long
  30. On a compact Riemann surface and the eigenvalues of the Laplacian, which is, analogous ,to the duality between the prime numbers and the zeros of the zeta function. He
  31. And this has the highest probability to interact with the nucleus. There is an, analogous ,process possible in theory in antimatter: antiproton-rich antimatter
  32. Per function call basis that is equivalent to intervention that could make the, analogous ,older standard library functions buffer overflow safe. Buffer overflow
  33. An independent religion, with its religious background in Shi'a Islam seen as, analogous ,to the Jewish context in which Christianity was established. Muslim
  34. L is, the more radial nodes there are. Loosely speaking n is energy, l is, analogous ,to eccentricity, and m is orientation. Generally speaking, the number n
  35. Basis of its position as the sixth member of the actinide rare-earth series, analogous ,to europium, Eu,of the lanthanide series. " The new element was isolated from
  36. Activity cycles. A search in the genomes of vertebrates turned up a set of, analogous ,genes, which were found to play similar roles in the mouse biological clock—and
  37. Notable for the variety of structures that they adopt. They adopt structures, analogous ,to various allotropes of carbon, including graphite, diamond,and nanotubes. In
  38. Though they have some similar functions, they are not completely functionally, analogous ,to bone. * Exoskeletons offer support, protection and levers for movement
  39. A number of modes are shown below together with their quantum numbers. The, analogous ,wave functions of the hydrogen atom are also indicated.
  40. John Banks, has been called the" Rosetta Stone" of Egyptian archaeology, analogous ,to the Rosetta Stone for Egyptian writing, beyond the Farmer Palette. There
  41. Also includes an allowance for light-time correction, and is therefore, analogous ,to the concept of planetary aberration. Historical background The discovery of
  42. Of common solutions of several equations involving analytic functions. It is, analogous ,to the included concept of real or complex algebraic variety. Any complex
  43. Cholesterol and blood lipids. Almonds contain polyphenols in their skins, analogous ,to those of certain fruits and vegetables. Almonds may cause allergy or
  44. Is captured by a proton in the nucleus. This type of decay is therefore, analogous ,to positron emission (and also happens, as an alternative decay route, in all
  45. As standing waves. The lowest possible energy an electron can take is therefore, analogous ,to the fundamental frequency of a wave on a string. Higher energy states are
  46. IBM BIO. COM "," IBM BIO. SAYS" or" DR BIOS. SAYS ", called the DOS BIOS, that is, analogous ,to the CP/M BIOS. Among other classes of computers, the generic terms boot
  47. Of the signal is a representation of some other time varying quantity, i. e., analogous ,to another time varying signal. It differs from a digital signal in terms of
  48. The strong principle then becomes an example of a selection effect, exactly, analogous , to the weak principle. Postulating a multiverse is certainly a radical step
  49. Be viewed in another way. St. Thomas chose the analogy: all beings are like, or, analogous , to,each other in existing. This comparison is the basis of his Analogy of
  50. Out" at high temperatures. This helix-coil transition was once thought to be, analogous ,to protein denaturation. The statistical mechanics of this transition can be

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