Examples of the the word, deterioration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deterioration ), is the 9089 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To cover expenses. In 2004,a substantial increase in expenditure resulted in a, deterioration ,of the fiscal position. As a result, the government deficit increased to US$17
  2. Country Studies, All this occurred against the background of increasing, deterioration ,of state structures under the kleptocratic Mobutu regime. Mobutu's overthrow
  3. Of the myocardium (muscle of the heart); Cardiomyopathy: Cardiomyopathy is a, deterioration ,of the myocardium.:; Ischemic cardiomyopathy: Cardiomyopathy causing ischemia
  4. Coral reefs, the rate at which metabolism can proceed determines the growth or, deterioration ,of the reef. Algae of the Dinoflagellate phylum are often endosymbiosis in the
  5. Rating scale to identify the syndrome. A version known as" catatonia-like, deterioration ," occurs in 12-17 % of autistic young adults. This form is made worse by
  6. Or chemical means, and thus, motion picture film is subject to the same, deterioration , Cellulose nitrate, cellulose acetate and acetate are known to be unstable
  7. Then an equivalent amount of daylight. Deterioration All plastic is subject to, deterioration ,through physical or chemical means, and thus, motion picture film is subject to
  8. The tunnel revealed the numerous other fixtures were also in the same state of, deterioration , Moving forward with temporary repairs, members of Mass DOT administration team
  9. Cold” pasteurization; intense water pressure kills microbes which cause food, deterioration ,and affect food safety) Drying is one of the most ancient food
  10. Materials did not lead to an improvement in the quality of condoms. However, the, deterioration ,of the rubber became less rapid. Condoms became not only thinner but also more
  11. Image of a given object, or with increasing focal length, it follows that the, deterioration ,of the image is proportional to the ratio of the aperture to the focal length
  12. Was principally a disorder of affect or mood; and the former featured constant, deterioration , virtually no recoveries and a poor outcome, while the latter featured periods
  13. Main spar. At Aero Research Limited (ARL),which was better able to resist, deterioration ,in high humidity conditions. The de Mainland company also pioneered the use of
  14. Chip composition of secondary roads in Sussex County make them more prone to, deterioration ,than asphalt roadways found in the rest of the state. Among these roads, Sussex
  15. 47.43 % male,52.57 % female). Devastation by 1865 By the end of the war, deterioration ,of the Southern infrastructure was widespread. The number of civilian deaths is
  16. While other conditions may cause a moderate, deterioration ,(e.g., dementia and delirium) or transient interruption (e.g., grand mal
  17. Arrest, causing loss of oxygen and nutrient supply, causing irreversible, deterioration ,of the brain and other tissues. Of the roughly 150,000 people who die each day
  18. Destabilizing efforts by both the elite and leftist movements, has led to a, deterioration ,of the executive office. The populace and the other branches of government give
  19. Condition and a particular emphasis was placed on memory loss in regard to the, deterioration ,of intellectual functions. The term defense precise was used in passing to
  20. Is known as coral bleaching, a condition which unless corrected leads to the, deterioration ,and loss of the reef. Sea sponges Green Algae live close to the surface of some
  21. A person's lifetime, or progressive. As progressive phenotypes involve, deterioration ,of the retina and other parts of the eye, certain forms of color blindness can
  22. His hotel bed, and the rest of the tour was cancelled. Despite the accelerating, deterioration ,of his health, he stuck to most touring commitments. In Rapid City, South
  23. Were either destroyed, wiped or suffered from poor storage which led to severe, deterioration ,from broadcast quality. This included many old episodes of Doctor Who, mostly
  24. Or mixed with other colors to render a darker tone resulted in the eventual, deterioration ,of a good many paintings, those of Delacroix being just one notable example.
  25. Fishing are also major components of GDP. Subsistence farming predominates. The, deterioration ,of the rural economy under successive brutal regimes has diminished any
  26. In which the inability to metabolize iron culminates in mental and physical, deterioration , Medical records made available in 1991 confirm that Hemingway's
  27. Kraepelin used to refer to the end state of the disease were" Verblödung" (, deterioration ,), Schwachsinn (mental weakness) or Defeat (defect). Although" dementia "
  28. Theodora, who restored the icons. These controversies contributed to the, deterioration ,of relations between the Western and the Eastern Churches. Prelude to the
  29. Rancidity. Food preservation can also include processes which inhibit visual, deterioration ,that can occur during food preparation; such as the enzymatic browning reaction
  30. Peninsula, defeating the Persians. Following his death and the organizational, deterioration ,of his empire, Asia Minor was ruled by a series of Hellenistic kingdoms which
  31. Aw hell,let's just leave it for now. Maybe it's a bit heavy. " Health, deterioration ,and death (1973–77) Medical crises and last studio sessions Presley's
  32. The Pickering A reactor were replaced ahead of design life due to unexpected, deterioration ,caused by hydrogen embrittlement. Extensive inspection and maintenance has
  33. Principal goal of a conservator is to nullify or at least reduce the rate of, deterioration ,of an object, this can be achieved through either nonintervention or
  34. The smaller blood vessels in extremities and, as a result, preventing, deterioration , of the tissue and resulting infections. At the same time, delivering oxygen
  35. This form is made worse by antipsychotics. Unlike catatonic stupors, this, deterioration , happens very gradually. The only way to cure it is to keep the patient
  36. The city in 1533. However,Almagro's friendship with Pizarro showed signs of, deterioration ,in 1526 when Pizarro, in the name of the rest of the conquistadors, called
  37. Antioxidants are used as food additives to help guard against food, deterioration , Exposure to oxygen and sunlight are the two main factors in the oxidation of
  38. The Thai, or Siamese),chronic interdynastic strife, and the gradual, deterioration ,of the complex irrigation system that had ensured rice surpluses. The Agrarian
  39. Only in terms of confrontation and bellicose, lunatic anti-communism ". Further, deterioration ,occurred as a result of the Sept. 1,1983 Soviet shooting of Korean Air Lines
  40. In a labeled,airtight plastic holder, ensuring the coin is protected from, deterioration , This process is commonly known as coin slabbing and is most prevalent in the
  41. Sober. Other theorists such as Milan & Ketch am (1983) focus on the physical, deterioration ,of alcohol. They described the process in three stages. 1) Adaptive stage, the
  42. When collagen is made available to the wound bed, closure can occur. Wound, deterioration , sometimes followed by procedures such as amputation, can thus be avoided.
  43. Was very sensitive to variations of temperature and acid propagation/cordite, deterioration ,would take place at a very rapid rate. Cordite MD also had a property that it
  44. Problem from others and will avoid gross intoxication. 3) The final stage, deterioration , various organs are damaged due to long-term drinking. Medical treatment will
  45. Higher education have been made available to many more Congolese. Despite the, deterioration ,of the state-run educational system in recent years, about 80 % of the males
  46. Stability is the ability of an explosive to be stored without, deterioration , The following factors affect the stability of an explosive: * Chemical
  47. Is a seamless, utterly consistent universe full of nasty notions about societal, deterioration , greed and other base impulses. " He praised the contributions of Stan Winston
  48. To the more recent figures above, rather than improving there has been a, deterioration ,this decade. UNCLE reports that, although the road network is theoretically
  49. Seventeenth century dementia referred to states of cognitive and behavioral, deterioration ,leading to psychosocial incompetence. This condition could be innate or
  50. Species found in China. Environment China suffers from severe environmental, deterioration ,and pollution. While regulations such as the 1979 Environmental Protection Law

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