Examples of the the word, damned , in a Sentence Context

The word ( damned ), is the 9088 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Would be contrary to the will of God and any person so acting would be, damned , Divine right in Asian countries In China and East Asia, rulers justified their
  2. Audience of Beowulf liked to hear stories about people routinely classified as, damned , This question is pressing, given ... that Anglo-Saxons saw the Danes as
  3. In an open, unarmoured vehicle or walking about the streets unguarded are just, damned ,stupidity, which serves the Fatherland not one whit. That a man as
  4. Foreordained who would be saved (the elect) and likewise who would be, damned ,(the reprobate). Predestination was not the dominant idea in Calvin's works
  5. To the presenter. The famous saying," There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned ,lies, and statistics ". Which was popularized in the USA by Mark Twain and
  6. Form of predestination and taught that all others except their people would be, damned , Their apostasy from the Church was conjoined with plans to rebel against the
  7. Executioner, Geoffroy The rage, later stated that he" ... greatly feared to be, damned , " Posthumous events The Hundred Years' War continued for twenty-two years
  8. In the Air, Wells had stated that his epitaph should be:" I told you so. You, damned ,fools. " He was cremated at Holders Green Crematorium on 16 August 1946 and his
  9. Was superior to that offered by Eugenics and the Church historians, and, damned , Constantine as a tyrant. Cardinal Caesar Baronies, a man of the
  10. Concepts he is discussing. For example, Dante shares the fleshly sins of the, damned ,at several points in the upper circles of Hell. At the first circle where the
  11. The truth, leading to a long period of dissension with both parents: What a, damned ,curse I am to my parents! As my father said" You have rendered my whole life a
  12. Me. My constituents don't know how to read, but they can't help seeing them, damned ,pictures! " – but their campaign had only limited success in gaining traction.
  13. People were (understandably) anxious to know whether they would be eternally, damned ,or not. Thus, Puritan leaders began assuring members that if they began doing
  14. Duke promptly returned the missive, after scrawling across it," Publish and be, damned ,". He was also a remarkably practical man, who spoke concisely. In 1851,when
  15. Thus, the Pelican princedom became part of the Premyslid' estate. Albert, damned ,the murderers (Vršovci) in church and, according to the legend, predicted
  16. S Weekly – regarding Nast's cartoons, Tweed reportedly said," Stop them, damned ,pictures. I don't care so much what the papers say about me. My constituents
  17. In newspapers a few days later were more like:" I may sink, but I'll be, damned ,if I strike. " An attempt by the British to board Bonhomme Richard was thwarted
  18. Kindly General Sowing" ( to whose wife he had dedicated a composition);, damned ,the French for not having come to the aid of the Poles; and expressed dismay
  19. Before evangelization of the unregenerate takes place and that the eternally, damned ,have no obligation to repent and believe, and on the extreme of Arminianism is
  20. Circle, Dante and Virgil, his guide, encounter the beast first among those, damned ,for their violent natures, the " men of blood ", though the creature is not
  21. St. Agnes," La Belle Dame sans Merci ", Hyperion,Lamina and Tho (critically, damned ,and not dramatized until 1950). The poems" Fancy" and" Bards of passion and
  22. Had turned Republican very profitably. " Rhett Butler is accused of being a ", damned ,Scalawag. " In addition to Scalawags,there are other types of
  23. He then ordered them to leave, saying," Go your way now, and complain to that, damned ,scoundrel your Governor, God damn your Governor, Laws,King, Council,and
  24. That has ever befallen me ". O Lord, what a pleasant thing it is to have, damned ,the happiness of (probably) the only two people who care a damn about you in
  25. To either the Rock and Roll Country Music Hall (s) of Fame. And it's a, damned ,shame. " The Gram Parsons Petition Project (G3P) was begun in May 2008 in
  26. The Colonies) (leading to his celebrated remark to John Bright about the ", damned ,defenses" ). This, combined with bad timing and perceived inexperience led to
  27. Of lost souls, or hell. In some legends, it is identified as a realm where the, damned ,lie in fire and snow, one of the places in Hell that Moses visited. In the lore
  28. Of the sacrifice of Jesus, go to Heaven (permanent paradise) whilst the, damned ,experience the Lake of Fire (permanent torture). The Orthodox Church does not
  29. Get up in meeting and say that I am sorry I married Mary, I won't do it. I'm, damned ,if I'm sorry, and I'm damned if I will say I am. " Joseph Cannon died in his
  30. Of punishment because it cannot deter the unbeliever nor rehabilitate the, damned , this however, does not affect the Christian belief which places Biblical
  31. Where every individual has to look out for himself. The philosopher Ayn Rand, damned ," altruism" and declared selfishness a virtue. The Social Darwinist's' view is
  32. Savonarola visited Lorenzo on his deathbed. The rumor that Savonarola, damned ,Lorenzo on his deathbed has been refuted by Roberto Rudolf in his book, Vita
  33. He is alone with the answer for which there is no question. The saved and the, damned ,are the same. " The North Atlantic Current (also known as North Atlantic Drift
  34. Be ported to that platform, Timothee Beset in his blog has stated" I'll be, damned ,if we don't find the time to get Linux builds done ". Time has stated that ID
  35. She may have intended suicide. * In Macbeth, Lady Macbeth's famous cry" Out, damned ,spot! " Was changed to" Out, crimson spot! " *" God! " As an exclamation is
  36. It is not overbuilt. Our last frontier has long since been reached. " Hoover, damned ,that pessimism as a denial of" the promise of American life ... the counsel of
  37. He cast doubts on hellfire, asserted that unbaptized children were not, damned , and questioned the power of excommunication. His attack on the claim that
  38. In the fourth Indiana Jones film, stating that" retirement is just too much, damned ,fun ". Connery returned to voice acting, playing the title character in the
  39. Of investigating the history of a man whom later popular opinion has utterly, damned , Recent cautious assessments of Æthelred's reign have more often uncovered
  40. By a crowd of devils. With his tail coiled around him, Minos judges the, damned ,as they are brought down to hell (see Divine Comedy, First Circle). In poetry
  41. To kill me for lying about them. I'm frightened at the rolling might of this, damned ,thing. It is completely out of hand; I mean a kind of hysteria about the book
  42. Aleksander is always accompanied by the title Coastal or Coast which means, damned , He is said to have originated from Arum which generally refers to the
  43. He wrote in a letter to Robert E. Howard:" All I say is that I think it is, damned ,unlikely that anything like a central cosmic will, a spirit world, or an
  44. Edwards wrote that the saved in heaven will delight in the suffering of the, damned , Hell, however,does not fit modern, humanitarian concepts of punishment
  45. Repose of his predecessor's soul, saying," It is blasphemous to pray for the, damned , " After a short stay, the body was removed from the crypts of St. Peter's and
  46. Keep fighting: As long as the front holds, we, damned , well have the duty to hold out in the homeland. We would have to be ashamed of
  47. Predestination according to the common usage, concerns the destiny of the, damned , whether God is just if that destiny is settled prior to the existence of any
  48. I am sorry I married Mary, I won't do it. I'm damned if I'm sorry, and I'm, damned ,if I will say I am. " Joseph Cannon died in his residence in Danville
  49. I've had too many experiences in my life of being the first woman in some, damned ,occupation. " The pseudonym was successfully maintained until the late 1970s.
  50. Any other difference. In other words, God determines the exact numbers of the, damned ,and the saved, and these numbers are consciously known and indeed, decided upon

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