Examples of the the word, continual , in a Sentence Context

The word ( continual ), is the 9090 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Not necessarily associated with dysfunction. Individuals with the illness have, continual ,changes in energy, mood,thought, sleep,and activity. The diagnostic subtypes
  2. Trade (transportation and sale of goods and produce). This was also a time of, continual ,conflicts with the neighboring parish of Lump over disputed land. These
  3. Vulnerable. He was in a panic over his moribund career and haunted by the, continual ,speculations and innuendos in circulation regarding his draft status in World
  4. Grace of God. In the same way, sanctification in the Calvinist view requires a, continual ,reliance on God to purge the Christian's depraved heart from the power of sin
  5. Conflict and constant warfare, ultimately succumbed and fragmented due to the, continual ,incursions of the invading nomadic Magyars. However,Bohemia's initial
  6. Meaning to his past. However, to disregard one's activity when one, in the, continual ,process of self-making, projects oneself into the future, would be to put
  7. FORTRAN came to dominate this area of programming early on and has been in, continual ,use for over half a century in computationally intensive areas such as
  8. To publication during his lifetime, but there is every indication it was of, continual ,interest to him. Though the original draft was written in 1761,he made
  9. Officers, or of medical officers of health) showed signs of improvement, with, continual , improvements in survival rates for infants and increased life expectancy for
  10. For meat or to harvest animal products (like milk, eggs,or wool) on a, continual ,basis, but also to the breeding and care of species for work and companionship.
  11. Because of the war, yet Rodin needed to support his family; poverty was a, continual ,difficulty for Rodin until about the age of 30. Carrier-Belleuse soon asked
  12. Struggled with a record of 4-7 but managed to finish with an 8–8 record. Due to, continual ,financial hardships, the NFL directed Model to initiate the sale of his
  13. Of internecine disputes that plagued Greek and Hellenized rulers to the west, continual ,conflict with Indian kingdoms, as well as the pressure of two groups of nomadic
  14. Terminator seeds are currently under strong international opposition and face, continual ,efforts of global bans. Another controversial issue is the patent protection
  15. In worship; but this only made the dilemma more acute, with consequent, continual ,litigation in the secular and ecclesiastical courts. Over the same period
  16. Disorder is thus static descriptions—snapshots, perhaps—of an illness in, continual ,flux, with a great diversity of symptoms and varying degrees of severity.
  17. e.g. Artistic cycling. Technical aspects The bicycle has undergone, continual ,adaptation and improvement since its inception. These innovations have
  18. Motors have found widespread success in the hand-held tool industry and, continual ,attempts are being made to expand their use to the transportation industry.
  19. And too strategically important to be put at risk of fouling and foundering by, continual ,patrol duties. The Dutch navy was noted for its cruisers in the 17th century
  20. Described as" Speer's Garden of Eden ". Speer's supporters maintained a, continual ,call for his release. Among those who pledged support for Speer's sentence to
  21. Huge social and economic problems. These are in part a result of the almost, continual ,state of conflict from 1961 onwards, although the highest level of destruction
  22. To Europe of an Austro-Spanish hegemony. For the next three years there was the, continual ,threat of war between the Hanover Treaty powers and the Austro-Spanish bloc.
  23. Medicine. Dietary supplements, their ingredients, safety,and claims, are a, continual ,source of controversy. In some cases, political issues, mainstream medicine and
  24. Languages have been hindered from developing a stable speaking community by, continual ,tinkering. Also, many developers of constructed languages have been possessive
  25. New Testament presents the idea that the spirit of God and the flesh are in a, continual ,struggle within a person (cf., ),just like the two nations in Obadiah’s
  26. The extant literary and physical artifacts, in order to compose and establish a, continual ,historic narrative of the Ancient World and its peoples. The task is difficult
  27. It took about five years to introduce security protocols and DSL allowing, continual ,connection to the Internet. By the end of 2000,many European and American
  28. At the Arminian possibility of apostasy, which critics maintain requires, continual ,good works to achieve final salvation. To Arminians, however,both initial
  29. The Andes is the world's the longest continental mountain range. It is a, continual ,range of highlands along the western coast of South America. This range is
  30. Areas in Northern China. The Empress Dowager, probably seeking to ensure her, continual ,grip on power, sided with the Boxers as they advanced on Beijing. In response
  31. To corporate capitalism. Environmentalists have argued that capitalism requires, continual ,economic growth, and that it will inevitably deplete the finite natural
  32. To mask this identification under a definition... blinds us to the need of its, continual ,verification. " Rather, he regarded the notion of“ effective inoculability ”
  33. He was often in ill-health. He complained to Jaeger in 1903," My life is one, continual ,giving up of little things which I love. " Both W. S. Gilbert and Thomas Hardy
  34. His disease was one which had affected him from an early age, caused by the, continual ,use of carving-tools, producing a depression of the ribs. The most
  35. Enter the official registry of the American Quarter Horse breed, this creates a, continual ,gene flow from the Thoroughbred breed into the American Quarter Horse breed
  36. From Central Asia and the Far East. The beginnings of the habit in Europe of, continual ,and increasingly rapid change in clothing styles can be fairly reliably dated
  37. As in the case of the Mannheim orchestra. In addition, the appetite for a, continual ,supply of new music, carried over from the Baroque, meant that works had to be
  38. Another theme is the eternal return, or what Mere (1990:139) calls" the, continual ,return of the myriad creatures to the cosmic principle from which they arose. "
  39. A wave of new artists incorporating new ideas and techniques, supporting, continual , evolution of the genre. To this day drum and bass makes frequent appearances in
  40. Membership is managed through a sponsorship system, and each cache is under, continual ,peer review from other members. Terra caching. Com embraces virtual caches
  41. Of Stalingrad in 1943,the German offensive in the Soviet Union turned into a, continual ,fallback. In 1944,British and American forces invaded France in the D-Day
  42. Emperor, and a few months after the council he was sent into exile due to his, continual ,contacts with Arius and the exiles. After the lapse of three years, he
  43. Cultural emphasis given to it by the Maori in New Zealand. However, there are, continual ,efforts to interest young people in their heritage and some good work is being
  44. Periodic summary messages posted to Usenet newsgroups attempted to reduce the, continual ,reposting of the same basic questions and associated wrong answers. On Usenet
  45. Of a new one is often a punchline in itself. The long career of the series and, continual ,use of real-life political figures, analysts note, have led to some uncanny
  46. Making reappearances (sometimes prefixed with" Neo-" ). There is, continual ,argument over the precise definition of each of these periods, and one
  47. There are other examples of these minor accretion events, and it is likely a, continual ,process for many galaxies. Such mergers provide" new" gas, stars,and dark
  48. Jefferson before publication) in which he called the Adams administration a ", continual ,tempest of malignant passions" and the President a repulsive pedant, a gross
  49. They reach 5-6 months, infants ride on their mothers’ backs. They remain in, continual ,contact for the rest of their first year. When they reach two years of age
  50. Influence upon the south, in spite of his naturally despotic character and his, continual ,and pressing need of money. He is noted for ordering the first recorded local

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