Examples of the the word, stringent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stringent ), is the 9087 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Most importantly, anyone seeking to hold a gun license must pass the most, stringent ,of background checks that probes into their past and present criminal, mental
  2. Stagey talkies as artists in front of and behind the camera struggled with the, stringent ,limitations of the early sound equipment and their own uncertainty as to how to
  3. In an effort to reassert its dominant role, IBM patented the bus, and placed, stringent ,licensing and royalty policies on its use. A few manufacturers did produce
  4. In the U. S.) may require additional periodic disclosure (with more, stringent ,requirements),stricter corporate governance standards, and additional
  5. Structures,i.e. it is background independent. It thus satisfies a more, stringent ,general principle of relativity, namely that the laws of physics are the same
  6. Dismissed the charge that homosexuals constitute a security risk, but advocated, stringent ,anti-homosexual policies because" Homosexuality is wrong, it is evil, and it
  7. Sit in the House of Lords. The nationality restrictions were previously more, stringent ,: under the Act of Settlement 1701,and prior to the British Nationality Act
  8. Searches for such flashes in the past has proven unsuccessful and provides, stringent ,limits on the possibility of existence of light primordial black holes. NASA's
  9. Proceeding, called “ Vorverfahren” or“ Widerspruchsverfahren ”, which is a, stringent ,prerequisite for the administrative procedure, if an action for rescission or a
  10. Act. A license is required to keep and purchase firearms. As a result of very, stringent ,controls, gun ownership in Poland is the lowest in the European Union, at one
  11. While harmonic matter makes up about 4.6 %. Also, general relativity has passed, stringent ,tests on the scale of the solar system and binary stars while extrapolation to
  12. Fears of a new world war. Nevertheless, in 1937 Congress passed an even more, stringent ,Neutrality act. But when the Sino-Japanese War broke out that year, public
  13. Resizing, with its attendant costs. Open addressing schemes also put more, stringent ,requirements on the hash function: besides distributing the keys more uniformly
  14. Down in 2003 on the types of goods permitted duty-free transit, and introducing, stringent ,measures and labels to prevent such practices, re-routing of goods through Iran
  15. While regulations such as the 1979 Environmental Protection Law are fairly, stringent , enforcement of them is poor, as they are frequently disregarded by local
  16. Have TEM capabilities at relatively low voltages (around 5 KV) without, stringent ,voltage supply, lens coil current, cooling water or vibration isolation
  17. As concrete ingredients have been gaining popularity because of increasingly, stringent ,environmental legislation. The most conspicuous of these is fly ash, a
  18. In the Turkish Constitution as late as 1937. This legal action was assisted by, stringent ,state policies against domestic Islamist groups and establishments to
  19. Concerns that the films during that time were becoming formulaic owing to the, stringent ,production schedule his contract required. Upon the U. S. entering World War I
  20. And gangsters, has called for rewriting the constitution to include new more, stringent ,firearms control measures. In January 2008 Prime Minister Yahoo Fukuoka in a
  21. Of the United States ". Furthermore, in many cases federal laws allow for more, stringent ,regulation by states, and of transfer of certain federally mandated
  22. Products. After extensive antimicrobial testing according to the Agency’s, stringent ,test protocols,355 copper alloys, including many brasses, were found to kill
  23. Problems or death” had been previously approved by the FDA using the less, stringent , and cheaper,510 (k) process. In a few cases the devices had been deemed so
  24. And purity, Cathar credence (believers) were not expected to adopt the same, stringent ,lifestyle. They were, however,expected to refrain from eating meat and dairy
  25. In their name. Lastly, Austin is known as a" clean air city" for the city's, stringent ,no-smoking ordinances that apply to all public places and buildings, and all
  26. Which does not involve meiosis, ploidy reduction, or fertilization. A more, stringent ,definition is agamogenesis which is reproduction without the fusion of gametes.
  27. Considered" clean ". To help authenticate Canadian diamonds. This is a, stringent ,tracking system of diamonds and helps protect the" conflict free" label of
  28. Addition to conditions on the import and export of the above wastes, there are, stringent ,requirements for notice, consent and tracking for movement of wastes across
  29. Services beyond Paris and Brussels would also require the installation of, stringent ,security measures, due to the UK's not having signed up to the Schengen
  30. A fairly wide range of private banking securities are also accepted. The fairly, stringent ,membership requirements for the European Union, especially with regard to
  31. That only flag officers may initiate discharge proceedings and imposing more, stringent ,rules of evidence be used during discharge proceedings. On May 27, 2010,the U.
  32. Introduced by the British Nationality Act 1981,but were previously far more, stringent ,: under the Act of Settlement 1701,only natural-born subjects were qualified.
  33. Order. The Red Sox policy on retiring uniform numbers was once one of the most, stringent ,in baseball—the player had to be elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame
  34. Reform, scheduled nuclear phase-out and instigated legislation allowing more, stringent ,war crime and more lenient soft drug usage prosecution. Restrictions on
  35. This loss is probably attributed to its push for an anti-smoking law, the most, stringent ,in Germany, which became one of the most controversial laws ever enacted in
  36. Passing with a 57 % majority. The European Union (EU) has possibly the most, stringent ,GMO regulations in the world. All GMOs, along with irradiated food, are
  37. The case, but all searches for them have so far turned out fruitless, placing, stringent , limits on the density of relic magnetic monopolies in the universe. A period of
  38. Middle class which is starting to suffer under the burden. The SAT has become, stringent ,in its application of the law seeking the full penalties of incarceration for
  39. Over a period of several days. The Moscow Cup games are played under the more, stringent ,European rules, as of 2007. Three-ball A
  40. With the IMF, the PNDC launched an economic recovery program, perhaps the most, stringent ,and consistent of its day in Africa, aimed at reopening infrastructural
  41. Over Ecuador's border communities. On May 1,2004,Ecuador placed further, stringent ,visa restrictions on Colombians seeking to enter Ecuador. Relations with
  42. Fluctuations in temperature are rare. Temperatures inside the island are more, stringent , with colder winters and more hot summers compared with the coast of the island
  43. Hardware. Today, the requirement of reliable performance is made even more, stringent ,when server farms are the delivery platform. Google has managed this by using
  44. Countries such as the United Kingdom are unaffected as they maintain more, stringent ,gun control laws than those effectively set as a minimum by the European Union.
  45. Can get internet access. Some services even offer secure faxing to comply with, stringent ,HIPAA and Grammy–Leach–Bailey Act requirements to keep medical information and
  46. 38 months instead of 4-7),may be labelled as Reserve. Chianti that meets more, stringent ,requirements (lower yield, higher alcohol content and dry extract) may be
  47. The standard of proof required for application of death penalty is extremely, stringent , In practice, it has been abolished by various Talmudic decisions, making the
  48. Inhomogeneities would have on the cosmic microwave background. Increasingly, stringent ,limits on the anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background were set by ground
  49. Statistics: * New Jersey adopted what sponsors described as" the most, stringent ,gun law" in the nation in 1966; two years later the murder rate was up 46 %
  50. Took the form of the establishment of new monastic orders, with new and more, stringent ,rules, requiring a modification of the architectural arrangements. One of the

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