Examples of the the word, discredit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( discredit ), is the 9091 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Voltaire, an admirer of Newton, also wrote Candide at least in part to, discredit ,Leibniz's claim to having discovered the calculus and Leibniz's charge that
  2. Ideal. A Euphemism is used when the intent of the propagandist is to, discredit , diminish the perceived quality, or hurt the perceived righteousness of the
  3. The accuracy of the information is questionable and may have been concocted to, discredit ,Aristides. In March 2004,at the time of Aristide's being kidnapped, a BBC
  4. Constant feature of news coverage, with many in official circles using such to, discredit ,Ruiz. Eventually, the activities of the Baptists began to worry the Roman
  5. Suffered) them to see print without their names attached," as if it were a, discredit ,for a gentleman to seem learned. " In another passage the author (probably
  6. Legislators. Hutchinson had dared to hope that he could win over Hancock and, discredit ,Adams. To some, it seemed that Adams and Hancock were indeed at odds: when
  7. Provide misleading information to an enemy intelligence service or attempt to, discredit ,the operations of the target in an operation. *Sleeper agent: A sleeper agent
  8. Wisdom? — but it's deadly serious to millions of Americans. To his great, discredit , Fuckable, a pastor, let this crazy talk pass unchallenged. In a letter
  9. And possibly foreign forces (notably United States) to destabilize Italy, discredit ,the Communist Party and impede the historic compromise. The last and largest of
  10. In pursuit of a threefold strategy by which they would admit to minor crimes, discredit ,Oxford as a witness against them, and demonstrate that Oxford posed a danger to
  11. That the Levi's story was completely fictitious and invented by Bianca to, discredit ,them. Ultimately, these issues have led to a souring of relationships with the
  12. Gave too much credence to alleged Contra abuses and systematically tried to, discredit ,Nicaraguan human rights groups such as the Permanent Commission on Human Rights
  13. Disease earlier that year. This admission was later used in an attempt to, discredit ,him when he appeared as a defense witness in the 1971 Oz obscenity trial. The
  14. North Carolina to capture him. Spots wood gained the support of two men keen to, discredit ,North Carolina's Governor—Edward Moseley and Colonel Maurice Moore. He also
  15. Department of a Democratic administration, and had hoped to use the hearings to, discredit ,him. The Democratic chairman of the subcommittee, Senator Millard Tidings, was
  16. Believing him to be a psychic and faith healer. That Rasputin helped to, discredit ,the tsarist government, leading to the fall of the Romanov dynasty, in 1917.
  17. Aid of his advisers. Ximenes was hostile to Theodosius, whom he sought to, discredit ,with a libelous parody, Trikaranos, published in Theodosius' style and under
  18. S doctrine of synthetic a priori truths was the doctrine they most wished to, discredit , However,Kant's opinions about the nature of physical objects pervaded the "
  19. Agent provocateur: a police spy who infiltrates a group to disrupt or, discredit ,it. In French, it has both a broader and more specific meaning. The Academic
  20. Corporations, funding from advertising, the use of official sources, efforts to, discredit ,independent media (" flak" ), and " anti-communist" ideology as the filters
  21. MI5 encouraged or even ordered the setting up of C18 in order to disrupt and, discredit ,the BNP after historic electoral success in Mill wall in 1993 ", and also that
  22. McCarthyism: The Fight For America. McCarthy has been accused of attempting to, discredit ,his critics and political opponents by accusing them of being Communists or
  23. Heretical, although the actual reason for its spread was most likely the, discredit ,of the Church itself in the Medieval society. Faced with the rapid spread of
  24. On 19 September 1974,Yuri Andropov approved a large-scale operation to, discredit ,Solzhenitsyn and his family and cut his communications with Soviet dissidents.
  25. And Mediterranean Seas. Subsequent work has been done both to support and to, discredit ,this hypothesis, and archaeologists still debate it. This has led some to
  26. Waco and Ruby Ridge incidents). Despite McVeigh's wishes, Jones attempted to, discredit ,the prosecution's case in an attempt to instill reasonable doubt. Jones also
  27. Example, opposition to white propaganda is often readily found and may slightly, discredit ,the propaganda source. Opposition to gray propaganda, when revealed (often by
  28. Of midnight on New Year's Eve, Luthor sets in motion a calculated plot to, discredit ,Supernova, a new hero who has taken over defending Metropolis in Superman's
  29. An open-and-shut case of Member status. Rabbi Yosef proceeded to systematically, discredit ,the evidence that the former marriage had ever taken place. The Setúbal was
  30. The time of the end, and by doing so bring the sacred prophecies into, discredit ,as often as their predictions fail. " It was Newton's conception of the
  31. Who wrote about a" systematic effort by some individuals to undermine and, discredit ,the scientific process that has led many scientists working on understanding
  32. Used in this sense in feminist philosophy, to note systemic tendencies to, discredit ,opinions of women. As such, it is similar in nature and purpose to such
  33. Over Cologne. Southampton prepared a case for executing Somerset, aiming to, discredit ,Warwick through Somerset's statements that he had done all with Warwick's
  34. Of slander was popular during this time in the Roman Republic to demean and, discredit ,political opponents. A favorite tactic used by the opposition was to accuse a
  35. No benefits to the consumer. Golden Rice proves them wrong, so they need to, discredit ,it any way they can. " Although Greenpeace had admitted efficiency to be its
  36. To systematically refute arguments claiming that witchcraft does not exist, discredit ,those who expressed skepticism about its reality, to claim that witches were
  37. Times, long after the main events. This apparent paradox does not necessarily, discredit ,the later writers, who were relying on earlier works that did not survive. The
  38. Had fallen into disuse as a weapon of war, the prohibition was continued. The, discredit ,attaching to bowling alleys, first established in London in 1455,probably
  39. Of smoothing out a narrative, but the inclusion of open falsehoods would, discredit ,it as a work of non-fiction. Distinctions The numerous literary and creative
  40. Attempt unscathed during Bastille Day celebrations. *2003 – In an effort to, discredit ,U. S. Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, who had written an article critical of the
  41. Go to the Haitian people and then" relied on a disinformation campaign" to, discredit ,him. Political organizations and writers, as well as Aristides himself, have
  42. Governing COINTELPRO, ordering FBI agents to" expose, disrupt,misdirect, discredit , or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these movements and their leaders.
  43. Reptilienfonds" or Reptiles Fund),which he used to bribe journalists and to, discredit ,his political enemies. In 1870, he used some of these funds to win the support
  44. A very elderly person or young child). The cross-examiner often needs to, discredit ,a potentially biased or damaging witness in the eyes of the jury without
  45. Rulers, meant murder. I regret those writings not so much for the undeniable, discredit ,they reflect on my person as for their effect of hampering the future
  46. Informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to, discredit ,and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off
  47. Questioning by Parliament. The new Tory ministry hoped to use Kidd as a tool to, discredit ,the Whigs who had backed him, but Kidd refused to name names, naively confident
  48. This appointment may have been at the instigation of Martin Bormann, anxious to, discredit ,a rival, or through Hitler's continuing anger at the" failures" of the
  49. In 1927 Stalin started using the GPU (Soviet secret police) to infiltrate and, discredit ,the opposition. Rank and file oppositionists were increasingly harassed
  50. Took their name from the pejorative term used by the 19th-century elite to, discredit ,the mounted followers of the popular caudillos. " Their best-known leader was

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