Examples of the the word, alleged , in a Sentence Context

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  1. By the scholars of Hellenistic Alexandria. He was an older contemporary and an, alleged ,lover of Sappho, with whom he may have exchanged poems. He was born into the
  2. Role as the inventor. Doubleday was a cadet at West Point in the year of the, alleged ,invention and his family had moved away from Cooperstown the prior year.
  3. Like Moses, was not permitted to enter Canaan with the others. The reason, alleged ,is that the two brothers showed impatience at Mariah (Keynes) in the last
  4. Have heard Himmler's speech. In response to Goldhagen's article, Speer had, alleged ,that in writing Inside the Third Reich, he erred in reporting an incident that
  5. Were not fulfilling their federal obligations under the Constitution. All the, alleged ,violations of the rights of Southern states were related to slavery. Secession
  6. Were KGB agents themselves. Solzhenitsyn also requested Arnaud to put the, alleged ,document to a graphology test but Arnaud refused. A former ROA soldier and GULAG
  7. He introduced popular reforms in the order and manner of public worship. It is, alleged , too, that at a time when the influence of Ambrose required vigorous support
  8. Plato. Stylistic evidence suggests that the poem (with most of Plato's other, alleged ,epigrams) was actually written some time after Plato had died: for its form is
  9. Most prominent of the Nobel Laureate Mikhail Sholokhov's many detractors. He, alleged ,that the work which made Sholokhov's international reputation, And Quiet Flows
  10. Merged issues of sectional strife with disagreements over tariffs. Critics, alleged ,that high tariffs (the" Tariff of Abominations" ) on imports of common
  11. Were strained further after recent border skirmishes and when Afghan officials, alleged ,that Pakistani intelligence agencies are involved in terrorist attacks inside
  12. Marathon is presented as the friend of the comic poet Aristophanes, but this, alleged ,friendship did not prevent Aristophanes from harshly criticizing Marathon in at
  13. That are plausible enough to be commonly considered true. For example,Laozi's, alleged ,authorship of the Tao Te Ching and the Parson Weeks account of George
  14. The first German organization committed specifically to combatting the, alleged ,threat to Germany and German culture posed by the Jews and their influence, and
  15. Standard to review unreserved claims: 1. The record is adequate to review the, alleged ,claim of error; 2. The claim is of constitutional magnitude alleging the
  16. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson, the chief U. S. prosecutor at Nuremberg, alleged ," Speer joined in planning and executing the program to dragoon prisoners of
  17. Spanish Florida from becoming a refuge for runaway slaves. Critics later, alleged ,that Jackson exceeded orders in his Florida actions. His directions were to "
  18. Annoyed him by raising her voice while standing right outside his door. Marque, alleged ,that the philosopher had assaulted and battered her after she refused to leave
  19. Saw the Angel. A controversy emerged in Russia in the early 1990s when it was, alleged ,that Tchaikovsky did not die of natural causes, but was assassinated by the KGB.
  20. Manuscript he later developed into" 200 Years Together ". Ivanovich further, alleged ,that Solzhenitsyn deliberately concealed this anti-Semitism, because he knew
  21. Without users being made aware. A considerable cause for this was likely due to, alleged ,censorship of user-generated content during the earlier years of growth for AOL
  22. And television presenter *1941 – Honest Basra, Rwandan army officer and, alleged ,war criminal *1942 – Barbara George, American singer and songwriter (d. 2006)
  23. By name; # The charge against the accused person is read, including the, alleged ,date, time,and place of offense; and, # The accused person is asked formally
  24. Federal post-conviction relief, an appellant can petition the court to correct, alleged ,fundamental errors that were not corrected on direct review. Typical claims
  25. In May, though some critics, then and now, have faulted the film for its, alleged ,coldness. Kurosawa spent much of the rest of the year in Europe and America
  26. Indie band Five Thirty carried with them on tour a front door which they, alleged ,had belonged to Crowley. The door was placed prominently on stage during their
  27. 1974 – Andrews Solvers, Latvian footballer * 1975 – David Hicks, Australian, alleged , terrorist * 1975 – Edgar Renters, Colombian baseball player * 1975 – Vanessa
  28. Standard formulas of the home front genre. " Another controversy centers on his, alleged ,refusal to acknowledge Japan's wartime guilt. In one of Kurosawa’s last films
  29. Error analysis, the state has failed to demonstrate harmlessness of the, alleged ,constitutional violation beyond a reasonable doubt. State Post Conviction
  30. Constitutional magnitude alleging the violation of a fundamental right; 3. The, alleged ,constitutional violation clearly exists and clearly deprived the defendant of a
  31. Flourished, largely because of trade with the Hanseatic League. In 1345,an, alleged ,Eucharistic miracle in the Kalverstraat rendered the city an important place of
  32. John Muchly in June 1941,and Isaac Auerbach, a former student of Mauchly's, alleged ,that it influenced his later work on ENAC, although Muchly denied this (
  33. Groups such as the Taliban's Quetta SEURA and the Hawaii network with, alleged ,support and guidance from Pakistan's powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (
  34. With faked horoscopes. They could then pass along false information about an, alleged ,pro-German circle in Britain. The government abandoned this plan when Hess flew
  35. Cassius was slaughtered before the altar of his church in Roams; Servants is, alleged ,to have saved Tongan with his prayers, as Saint Genevieve is to have saved
  36. This was seen as an evolutionary, or " genetic-causal ", approach against the, alleged ," unreality" and internal stresses inherent in the" static" approach of
  37. Critics remain divided over the film: some see it as an example of Kurosawa's, alleged ,artistic decline, while others count it among his finest works. Although
  38. BC?) is believed to be a classical Greek bas-relief, although it has also been, alleged ,to be a 19th century forgery File: Venus radon. JPEG|The Birth of Venus (1912
  39. Canal fence, raised both arms and threw something at the tsar's feet. He was, alleged ,to have shouted," It is too early to thank God ". Dzerzhinsky was later to
  40. Virginity as superior to marriage and saw Mary as the model of virginity. He is, alleged ,to have founded an institution for virgins in Rome. Writings In matters of
  41. Denial that any confession or emotional exchange took place, as had been, alleged ,in a French magazine article. The following morning, Speer left the
  42. Address at Harvard University in 1978 (A World Split Apart),Solzhenitsyn, alleged ,that many in the U. S. did not understand the Vietnam War. He rhetorically asks
  43. Subjects, and becoming familiar with the chief modern European languages. His, alleged ,lack of interest in military affairs detected by later historians could have
  44. The ex-tsaritsa Eudora was dragged from her monastery and publicly tried for, alleged ,adultery, while all who had in any way befriended Alexei were impaled, broken
  45. Retainer and samurai (b. 1527) *1614 – Elizabeth Battery, Hungarian noble and, alleged ,serial killer (b. 1560) *1627 – Jacques Audit, French composer (b. 1557)
  46. In the church which he had built; his original tomb has been lost, while his, alleged ,remains are preserved in the shrine where he was reburied after being declared
  47. Westeros, Russia. *1915 – Jewish American Leo Frank is lynched for the, alleged ,murder of a 13-year-old girl in Marietta, Georgia,United States. * 1915 – A
  48. Arguments for or against pre-trial release and bail are made, depending on the, alleged ,crime and jurisdiction. United States Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Under
  49. Actually revealed who" they" were – the ancient Egyptian god Horus and his, alleged ,messenger. She then led him to a nearby museum in Cairo where she showed him a
  50. Program as a whole. The Department of Labor was also investigating AOL's, alleged ,labor law violations, but came to no conclusion closing their investigation in

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