Examples of the the word, florence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( florence ), is the 9351 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. Astrophysics di Ancestry English website * http://maps.google.com/maps? Q, florence , +Italy ENIT he 43.750471,11.253954&spn 0.002488,0.006727&t h The
  2. Church and tower was £4881. Among the vestry records are accounts for £12 of ‘, florence ,’ wine (probably Chianti) for Wren and £11 for his assistant Nicholas
  3. In the UK either on their own or in partnership with others: music events, florence , melton mini-school Events inspired or encouraged by Rimmed: NUMA Dates of
  4. Replacemnet building, ( demolished 1929); **Mitchell Industrial Complex; south, florence , and Jennie Mitchell Arizona New Mexico
  5. Near country boys present location. When a passerby asked if this town was, florence , the man said no. the passerby asked what the towns name was and the settler
  6. San Mankato all Monte - pictures, florence , panorama from San Mankato, infos
  7. Not completed until 1992,when Highway 36 was rerouted onto I-72 and the older, florence , bridge began carrying Highways 100&106. Each bridge has two lanes of travel on
  8. JPG|Simon Bolivar equestrian statue, Washington,DC File: Savannah's waving girl, florence , martus. JPG|Florence Marcus memorial, Savannah,GA. File: Mother Joseph statue
  9. Bath is heated on a hot plate, or with a Bunsen burner. The reaction chamber (, florence , flask,Erlenmeyer flask, beaker ) is immersed in the heated bath. A thermometer
  10. Under the middle span of the bridge in 2009 Image: Ponte Vecchio bridge in, florence , JPG|Ponte Vecchio during the height of the Summer tourist season. File: Monte
  11. Or potatoes. The principal botanical are Grande wormwood, green anise, and,Florence, fennel,which are often called" the holy trinity. " Many other herbs may be
  12. Regina date Josephine date Frank date Francis date Cordelia date Antoni date, florence , dafe Patrick date Felipe date lucky date Charles date Rita date Aaron Eric

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