Examples of the the word, organizer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( organizer ), is the 4079 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. May mean: *Dungeon Master (sometimes called a dungeon master or DM),the, organizer ,of a Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game ** Game master, the generic term used
  2. Kept half the money and sent the rest to state or national officials. When the, organizer ,was done with an area, he organized a huge rally, often with burning crosses
  3. S. J., to the College of Cardinals, after serving for many years as the chief, organizer ,of papal trips and public events. In all, John Paul II and Benedict XVI have
  4. Of circumstances; but he was, if not the teacher, at all events the leader and, organizer , of the Arian party. At the First Council of Nicaea,325,he signed the
  5. Politician to work jointly with Edward T. Clark, a Massachusetts Republican, organizer ,whom he retained from his vice presidential staff, as Secretaries to the
  6. Avenue and Dingle Road. Carnegie is buried only a few yards away from union, organizer ,Samuel Gompers, another important figure of industry in the Gilded Age.
  7. Hundreds of new members, who paid initiation fees and bought KKK costumes. The, organizer ,kept half the money and sent the rest to state or national officials. When the
  8. And Hitler’s presidential campaign of March–April 1932. He proved to be an, organizer ,of genius, choreographing Hitler’s dramatic airplane tours of Germany and
  9. Under another organization, the World Chess Association (WPA) with Linear, organizer ,Luis Renters. Alexei Shirt and Vladimir Rank played a candidates match to
  10. Geoff Ratcliffe University of Miami. Maintainer of the TPTP collection,an, organizer ,of the MADE annual contest. * http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dulrich/Home-page. Htm
  11. The tenth Secretary of State, under Andrew Jackson (1829–1831). He was a key, organizer ,of the Democratic Party, a dominant figure in the Second Party System, and the
  12. Death from a bridge into the Alabama River. * The 1963 assassination of NAACP, organizer ,Edgar Every in Mississippi. In 1994,former KU Flux Klansman Byron De La
  13. Wrestler (b. 1962) *2003 – Anna Santisteban, Puerto Rican beauty contest, organizer ,(b. 1914) * 2003 – Barb Tarbox, Canadian anti-smoking crusader (b. 1961)
  14. Shaffer, British playwright (d. 2001) *1935 – Utah Phillips, American labor, organizer ,and folk singer (d. 2008) *1936 – Anna Maria Alberghetti, Italian-born
  15. Streets after the demonstration. In the case of a commercial event however,the, organizer ,must cover these expenses. For a large event like the Love Parade the costs are
  16. Winners' acceptance speeches must not run past 45 seconds. This, according to, organizer ,Bill Mechanic, was to ensure the elimination of what he termed" the single
  17. Legacy St. Francis Xavier is noteworthy for his missionary work, both as, organizer ,and as pioneer. He is said to have converted more people than anyone else has
  18. A financial failure, and only performed twice. Zappa was invited by conference, organizer ,Thomas Wells to be the keynote speaker at the American Society of University
  19. Suitable for the numbers expected to attend. Trainer Schaller, the festival's, organizer ,and chief executive officer, later said the festival would not continue in
  20. Focus on production and administration within the EMB. He became a tireless, organizer ,and recruiter for the EMB, enlisting a stable of energetic young filmmakers
  21. Universal Standard Time (d. 1915) *1831 – Heinrich von Stephan, German labor, organizer ,(d. 1897) *1832 – James Munro, Premier of Victoria (d. 1908) *1834 – Johann
  22. De Brushoff, French author (d. 1937) *1900 – Albert Warlord, American labor, organizer ,(d. 1977) *1901 – Carol Dumpster, American actress (d. 1991) * 1901 – Odor
  23. II listed status and has been converted into apartments. William Bennie,the, organizer ,of the project, famously used the Art Deco style in the final design which was
  24. Opposition party was followed by the arrest and imprisonment for a month of its, organizer , Freedom of religion is not always protected under existing law. Nontraditional
  25. Most important contribution to the Nazi cause between 1930 and 1933 was as the, organizer ,of successive election campaigns: The Reichstag elections of September 1930
  26. Game master, gamemanager, referee,or she Yang 神样) is a person who acts as an, organizer , officiant for questions regarding rules, arbitrator,and moderator for a
  27. Was anticipated that the paratroopers would attempt to" draw them out ". March, organizer ,and MP Ivan Cooper had been promised beforehand that no armed IRA men would be
  28. Civil engineering). Described by one source as a" determined, rather plodding, organizer ," he failed to obtain a degree, but,according to the Jesuit priest, Father
  29. 4,000 Cherokee died in the march, now known as the Trail of Tears. Missionary, organizer ,Jeremiah Events urged the Cherokee Nation to take their case to the U. S.
  30. He had the ability to make an inadequate system work. He was equally adept as, organizer , strategist and tactician, believing in the primacy of battle and his ability
  31. It started with a short introduction by Jeff Mitchell, who was the principal, organizer ,of the conference, talked a bit of history about Camp KDE and some statistics
  32. He founded a new Brethren of the Coast organization, and acts as a primary, organizer ,behind the piracy in the Spanish Main in that game. He is still there 19 years
  33. Error also existed in Disorganize, a Homebrew application for Nintendo DS for, organizer ,purposes. The Guru Meditation shown on the bottom touch screen, whereas the top
  34. Not say that I agree with all the methods he employed, but he was a wonderful, organizer ,and orator, and I feel that he and I have several things in common .... What
  35. According to each subject that was being taught. He functioned as a primary, organizer ,of the Portuguese expedition to Tangier in 1437. This proved a disastrous
  36. Saint Basil the Great Archbishop of Cesario of Cappadocia, founder and, organizer ,of the monastic movement in Asia Minor, visited Egypt around AD 357 and his
  37. Soundtracks, in TV commercials, with orchestras internationally, and is the, organizer ,of international saw festivals in New York City and Israel. A commercial
  38. Writer (d. 1891) *1837 – Mary Harris" Mother" Jones, American labor, organizer ,(d. 1930) *1843 – Robert Todd Lincoln, son of Abraham Lincoln; 35th United
  39. Austin Abbey, American painter (b. 1852) *1917 – Frank Little, American labor, organizer ,(lynched) (b. 1879) *1918 – John Riley Banister, American cowboy and Texas
  40. And Wong Clinch with 54.4 % of the vote. Premier Frank High, DPP election, organizer ,and former mayor of Kaohsiung twice tendered a verbal resignation immediately
  41. rDNA, DNA coding for ribosomal RNA (rRNA). These regions are called nuclear, organizer ,regions (NOR). The main roles of the nucleolus are to synthesize rRNA and
  42. Plot that he is in the novel. In Ringo, Vimes accidentally picks up a pocket, organizer ,that should have gone down another leg of the Trousers of Time, and so can hear
  43. Maximum Rockwell, Flipside and J. D. s. In the mid-1980s,Donny was the chief, organizer ,of The Alternative Press & Radio Council (ARC),which brought together
  44. Popular Make Something Unreal contest included machining that impressed event, organizer ,Jeff Morris because of" the quality of entries that really push the technology
  45. A libel lawsuit brought by San Francisco lawyer and Jewish farm cooperative, organizer ,Aaron Shapiro in response to anti-Semitic remarks led Ford to close the
  46. Treasurer of the Has Brussels, administrator of a charitable foundation, and, organizer , of a tobacco collegium. On 28 August 1714 he married his second wife, Maria
  47. Influence on his political development was Gregor Stressed, who became Nazi, organizer ,in northern Germany in March 1924. Stressed (" the most able of the leading
  48. Should have gone down another leg of the Trousers of Time, and so can hear the, organizer ,reporting on the deaths that would have occurred had his decision gone
  49. Consensus among economists. That's the Hayek legacy. " By 1947,Hayek was an, organizer ,of the Mont Pelegrín Society, a group of classical liberals who sought to oppose
  50. Held annually since 1961; for the past 25 years, Jerusalem has been the major, organizer ,of this event. The Jerusalem Theater in the Talking neighborhood hosts over 150

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