Examples of the the word, accompanying , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accompanying ), is the 7778 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Intel. The revised process permitted 180-nanometer processor production. The, accompanying ,die-shrink resulted in lower power consumption, permitting AMD to increase
  2. And conduct did however receive a certain amount of criticism. Her practice of, accompanying ,Germanic us on campaigns was considered inappropriate, and her tendency to take
  3. Between 1471 and 1478. During the Reformation, in 1528,its twelve altars and, accompanying ,pictures were destroyed. The" Justice fountain" ( Gerechtskeitbrunnen) was
  4. Were expected to meet. These bonusesand the minimum" save" rates, accompanying ,them, had the effect of employees not honoring cancellations, or otherwise
  5. About 160 years, beryllium was also known as aluminum or aluminum (with the, accompanying ,chemical symbol" GL ", ),the name coming from the Greek word for sweet:
  6. Then the Nereid's, the nymph-daughters of the sea god Nears and often seen, accompanying ,Poseidon. To punish the Queen for her arrogance, Poseidon,brother to Zeus and
  7. Attacks and was aired on many television channels all over the world, with an, accompanying ,http://archives.cnn.com/2001/US/12/13/tape.transcript/ English translation
  8. Has had any success, and Abraham is the only Gnostic term found in the, accompanying ,legends which is not known to belong to other religions or mythologies. The
  9. On March 28, 2000,for selling over 1,000,000 physical units of the single. An, accompanying ,music video, directed by Gregory Dark, was released on December 17, 1999. Tour
  10. O Voices of Rhodesia. New Year's tradition in Japan The Symphony No. 9,with, accompanying ,chorus, is traditionally performed throughout Japan during its New Year's
  11. Approximants, but they are often phonation of the glottis without any, accompanying ,manner or place of articulation. Central approximate *pharyngeal approximate (
  12. Doctor Negev and Glad claimed it was unnecessary, and Negev and the, accompanying ,paramedic feared that carrying him to helicopter would have worsened his
  13. The loyalty of his fellow Liberals. As prime minister, he asked the soldier, accompanying ,him if he knew the thickness of the wall beside them. The embarrassed escort
  14. He named the new continent America after Vespucci's first name, Amerigo. In an, accompanying ,book, Waldseemüller published one of the Vespucci accounts, which led to
  15. Year of the Buddha's ministry, he became the Buddha's personal attendant, accompanying ,him on most of his wanderings and taking the part of interlocutor in many of
  16. Is one best-selling singles of all time, with over nine million copies sold. An, accompanying ,music video, directed by Nigel Dick, portrays Spears as a student from a
  17. Are called" blowing" in jazz parlance. Whether a jazz bassist is comping (, accompanying ,) or soloing, they usually aim to create a rhythmic drive and" time feel" that
  18. Association was found with severity of illness or abuse of other substances. An, accompanying ,editorial said:" The findings should not be construed as an indication for
  19. Impact on artillery because it enables fast and mobile operations with observers, accompanying ,the infantry or armored troops. In World War II some armies fitted their
  20. To the Promised Land. This same divine presence is on the move again; this time, accompanying ,the Babylonian exile. In Ezekiel’s vision, Ezekiel sees the" glory of YHWH "
  21. Insurgents or rioters. Only some are intended to enter close combat, often, accompanying , convoys to protect soft-skinned vehicles. Light armored cars, such as the
  22. Method here of reductive ad hominem and ad feminism critique subverts his, accompanying ,claim to Marxist subjectivity ..." *" Almost any ad hominem (or in this case
  23. Popping up in different locations in Akihabara. * 1994: The Windows PC boom and, accompanying ,computer store growth began. * It was also during the 1990s that the anime
  24. A sermon on New Year's Day of 1773. It is unknown if there was any music, accompanying ,the verses, and it may have been chanted by the congregation without music. It
  25. The matter. However, during the tour of Australia in 2006/7,the MCC official, accompanying ,the urn said the veil legend had been discounted, and it was now" 95 % certain
  26. Probably ca. 60,000 men, both cavalry and infantry, plus a wagon-train of, accompanying ,women and children). They did so at the invitation of their long-time ally
  27. By causing electrical undulations, similar in form to the vibrations of the air, accompanying ,the said vocal or other sound" Bell returned to Boston the same day and the
  28. Vandalism, or other such charges pressed against them. Other people, accompanying ,the jumper, such as ground crew, may also face charges. In some jurisdictions
  29. Otherwise the circumscription of the Asparagus is unchanged. A separate paper, accompanying ,the publication of the 2009 APG III system provided subfamilies to accommodate
  30. Around the late 15th century. The early a cappella poly phonies may have had an, accompanying ,instrument, although this instrument would merely double the singers' parts
  31. Of the æstels—pointers for reading—that Alfred ordered sent to every bishopric, accompanying ,a copy of his translation of the Pastoral Care. Each æstel was worth the
  32. Were put to music, but the musical signs are no longer readable. Because of the, accompanying ,biographical annotations on the authors and composers, the work is an important
  33. Before and during World War I led to a reaction in some armies. The result was, accompanying ,or infantry guns. These were usually small, short range guns, that could be
  34. This resulted from an explicit addition by Elizabeth herself to the injunctions, accompanying ,the 1559 Book of Common Prayer (that had itself made no mention of choral
  35. Already in use on mouth-blown instruments. Demian's patent thus covered an, accompanying ,instrument: an accordion played with the left hand, opposite to the way that
  36. To wide public notice as a Republican during the 1988 Presidential election, accompanying ,then-Vice President George H. W. Bush at a campaign rally. Schwarzenegger's
  37. Branch units for the same purpose, subsequently tanks generally took on the, accompanying ,role. Equipment types The three main types of artillery 'gun' are guns
  38. Instrumentation marks a great advance on previous work, since the main duty of, accompanying ,the voice is thrown upon the string quartet, the harpsichord being reserved
  39. Had earlier provided the Shoo for a special Children's Savings Bond in 1949, accompanying , President Harry S. Truman at the bond's unveiling ceremony. During the Soviet
  40. Are developed from the faction leaders' portraits, the spoken monologues, accompanying ,scientific discoveries and the" photographs in the corner of a comm link – home
  41. Philistines, on the advice of their diviners, returned it to the Israelites, accompanying ,its return with an offering consisting of golden images of the tumors and rats
  42. Favored their mother, Adrestia by far preferred to emulate her father, often, accompanying , him to war. Ares, upon one occasion, incurred the anger of Poseidon by slaying
  43. Progress with the methods in an essay entitled Geometry, one of the three, accompanying ,essays published in 1637 together with his Discourse on the Method of Rightly
  44. Authors used pumping techniques. Velocity-distribution data graph In the image, accompanying ,this article, the velocity-distribution data indicates the formation of a
  45. Was the immigration, from the Vistula valley in the North, of the Goths and, accompanying ,Germanic tribes such as the Tail and the Hastings, a branch of the Vandal
  46. Arab's fighters. The continuing internecine strife between various factions, and, accompanying , lawlessness following the Soviet withdrawal, enabled the growing and
  47. A single-stringed instrument called the iftar, the tum bi and the chimney. The, accompanying ,songs are small couplets written in the Punjabi language called Boris. In
  48. Is used to certify patients as severely sight impaired or sight impaired. The, accompanying ,guidance for clinical staff states: The National Assistance Act 1948 states
  49. Of editions from 1531 onward. This collection of short Latin verse texts and, accompanying ,woodcuts created an entire European genre, the emblem book, which attained
  50. The body. The instrument is sometimes considered a one-man-band as it needs no, accompanying ,instrument. The performer normally plays the melody on buttons or keys on the

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