Examples of the the word, preschool , in a Sentence Context

The word ( preschool ), is the 7789 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Space Center on its third mission,STS-3. *1984 – Teachers at the Martin, preschool ,in Manhattan Beach, California are charged with satanic ritual abuse of the
  2. Of development. He found the stage from about three to six years of age (, preschool ,years, today called the" first genital stage" ) to be filled with fantasies
  3. 49-year-old Australian-born Scotland resident Verity Line,31-year-old Munich, preschool ,teacher Time Degen, and 53-year-old Melbourne resident Land Marcia Roslyn
  4. The year's other movies as majestically and menacingly as a gang lord at a, preschool , It dares Hollywood films to be this smart about going this far. If good
  5. Students. Compulsory education lasts eleven years, and encompasses one year of, preschool , four years of primary education and six years of secondary education. The
  6. Avid reader, Blume first began writing when her children were attending, preschool , and published her first book, The One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo, in
  7. Earned A$45 million in 2007. They have been called" the world's biggest, preschool ,band" and" your child's first rock band ". The group has achieved worldwide
  8. Spouses or adult friends contain less rare (advanced) words than the average, preschool ,reading book. Other print sources have increasingly higher amounts of rare
  9. Doses up to 6 grams of ascorbic acid were given to 29 infants,93 children of, preschool ,and school age, and 20 adults for more than 1400 days. With the higher doses
  10. 1980),and sustained and popularized throughout the decade by the Martin, preschool ,trial. Testimonials, symptom lists, rumors and techniques to investigate or
  11. Middle and high school in Toronto, Canada * Oak Lane Day School - A progressive, preschool ,through sixth grade near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,founded in 1916 * The
  12. The district has 13 elementary schools,3 middle schools,3 high schools, and 1, preschool , complex. It is among the fastest-growing school districts in Iowa, adding over
  13. To any educational institution at any level, and covers all the following:, preschool ,(for toddlers),kindergarten, elementary school, middle school (also called
  14. For personality disorder found a rate of 14.79 %. Approximately 7 % of a, preschool ,pediatric sample were given a psychiatric diagnosis in one clinical study, and
  15. He maintains his antagonist role, but is significantly toned down for its, preschool ,audience—he is less malicious and more mischievous. Viewers will find that
  16. American English and Australian English tend towards omission of the hyphen (, preschool ,). A hyphen is mandatory when a prefix is applied to a proper (capitalized)
  17. Educational experience of many Colombian children begins with attendance at a, preschool ,academy until age 5 (Education preescolar). Basic education (Education
  18. In ADHD. It is recommended first line in those who have mild symptoms and in, preschool ,aged children. Psychological therapies used include psychoeducational input
  19. Is a significant association between asthma-like symptoms (wheezing) among, preschool ,children and the concentration of DEEP (phthalates) in indoor environment.
  20. In ACT and NSW may mean the year preceding the first year of primary school or, preschool ,in other states and territories. Some states vary in whether Year 7 is part of
  21. Independent K-8 school focused on learning for life * Kitty Petty Institute – a, preschool ,for disabled children * Mara Academy - A Orthodox Jewish all-girls high school
  22. Is guaranteed in the constitution. Primary education is obligatory, and both, preschool ,and high school are free. There are only a few schools in Costa Rica that go
  23. After Helen Keller in Getafe, Spain,in LOD, Israel and in Lisbon, Portugal. A, preschool ,for the deaf and hard of hearing in Mysore, India,was originally named after
  24. Internet. Education Non-professional The incorporation of music training from, preschool ,to post secondary education is common in North America and Europe. Involvement
  25. Been located in the back of Davis Senior High's campus) and a special-ed, preschool , At one time, Chavez and Gillett were incorporated together to provide
  26. Opposition. Most suburbs are planned to include a primary and a nearby, preschool ,; these are usually located near open areas where recreational and sporting
  27. Of the inspirations for Japanese serial killer Custom Miyazaki's murders of, preschool ,girls. The Guinea Pig film he owned was" Mermaid in a Manhole ". After viewing
  28. At-risk infants and at-risk children before kindergarten. The district has a, preschool ,center with both free and tuition-based programs for preschool ers in the
  29. The term" superego. " Besides superego development, children " resolve" their, preschool ,oedipal conflicts through channeling wishes into something their parents
  30. Availability. Hospitals: Education In 2000 the Mérida municipality had 244, preschool , institutions,395 elementary,136 Jr. high school (2 years middle school,1
  31. Albert the Great Science Academy in San Carlos City, Pangasinan, which offers, preschool , elementary and high school education, takes pride in having St. Albert as
  32. Families who live within the district. Ann Arbor Public Schools also operates a, preschool ,and family center, with programs for at-risk infants and at-risk children
  33. Transfigured into a brown bear. In the United States, parents often read their, preschool ,age children the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? To teach them
  34. Clear legal authority to conduct its public advertising campaigns related to, preschool , In the end, Prop 82 failed to win approval, garnering only 39.1 % support.
  35. The university has a student population of 14,564,excluding that of the, preschool , primary and secondary school units. Governance The University operates as a
  36. School with an accelerated learning program and bilingual education for, preschool ,through 5th grade, near the University of Arizona Campus. *St. Michael's
  37. Be seen in how the curriculum is sequenced in schools, and in the pedagogy of, preschool ,centers across the United States. Vygotsky's cultural–historical theory
  38. Public transport, main roads, traffic control, policing,education above, preschool ,level, and planning of major infrastructure projects. Because a large
  39. Of the way in which the media, including his own paper, reported the Martin, preschool ,trial. " * 1993: Michael Did, Washington Post," for his book reviews. " *
  40. Refers to the powerful attachments that children make to their parents in the, preschool ,years. These attachments involve fantasies of sexual relationships with either
  41. Nature. The program has grown steadily to provide activities and projects for, preschool ,through third grade as well as give educators an opportunity to build and
  42. Second language speakers). Education The educational system is divided into, preschool ,(for those under age 6),basic education (9 years, in three stages
  43. Opening up the fall of 2011. * Palo Alto Montessori School – an accredited, preschool ,which has been educating 2–5 years olds since 1977. * Pinewood School – located
  44. The boy had drawn, a watercolor painting of his friend Lucy O'Donnell from, preschool ,surrounded by stars. Another composition of his father inspired by him was the
  45. And babies are diagnosed with CP each year, and 1200–1500 are diagnosed at, preschool ,age. Overall, advances in care of pregnant mothers and their babies has not
  46. Pre-school age,"" exploratory age" and" toy age. " When children attend, preschool , they broaden their social horizons and become more engaged with those around
  47. Not a phobia. Rather it is a developmentally appropriate fear by toddlers and, preschool ,children of those who are not parents or family members. In adults, an
  48. And 17 outside the formal education system. Estimates indicate that 30 % of, preschool ,age children (ages 4 – 5) do not attend school, and for the most vulnerable
  49. First year of primary school were almost fully competent with both and. Both, preschool ,and first-grade children dealt poorly with, giving the correct answer less than
  50. Gossip is Always True ". Recently, Clarabelle has also made appearances in the, preschool ,series Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (in which she owns a puppy named Bella) and in

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