Examples of the the word, intentional , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intentional ), is the 7779 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of science. Jensen adds that Gould made a number of misrepresentations, whether, intentional , or un intentional , while purporting to present Jensen's own positions In his
  2. Signaled to intentional ly walk the Marlins' Miguel Cabrera. Noticing that the, intentional ,ball came in too close to the plate, Cabrera swung at the ball, resulting in a
  3. At the ball, resulting in a base hit, and a run scored for Florida. Though, intentional ,walks are recorded as such in the records of the official scorer, they are
  4. Could arrive. After a heavy bombardment on April 12–13, 1861 (with no, intentional ,casualties),the fort surrendered. On April 15,Lincoln then called for 75,000
  5. Risk taken by the defensive team in issuing a base on balls is that since, intentional ,balls must be pitched in a legal manner, they can legally become wild pitches
  6. Of force. Assault in some US jurisdictions is defined more broadly still as any, intentional ,physical contact with another person without their consent; but in the majority
  7. Run),although this occurs very infrequently. A common nickname for the, intentional ,walk is four-finger salute, since most managers call for an intentional walk by
  8. In the interest of deterring crime, legal codes may impose punitive damages for, intentional ,torts. For instance, a thief who breaks into a house by picking a lock and is
  9. And chemical warfare mask and hood Bioterrorism is terrorism involving the, intentional ,release or dissemination of biological agents. These agents are (bacteria
  10. Means of compensating someone for wrongful acts known as torts, including both, intentional ,torts and torts caused by negligence, and as developing the body of law
  11. In terms of the offenses of common assault or battery. It instead requires, intentional ,touching and the absence of a reasonable belief in consent. Scotland In Scots
  12. Base, without any effort on their part, who could potentially score a run. An, intentional ,walk is signaled by the catcher standing and extending one arm to the side away
  13. On balls A subset of the base on balls, an intentional base on balls (IBB) or, intentional ,walk is when the pitcher deliberately pitches the ball away from the batter in
  14. Silva Tomaskova Motivated functions of art Motivated purposes of art refer to, intentional , conscious actions on the part of the artists or creator. These may be to bring
  15. For non-religious reasons) is much more than not having sex. It is more, intentional ,than abstinence, and its goal is personal growth and empowerment. This
  16. Is not considered complete unless blood is actually drawn. This is not the, intentional ,spilling of blood. The standard medical methods of circumcision through
  17. To have retorted" Any ass can see that! ", which suggests the imitation was, intentional , Brahms's first symphony was, at times, both praised and derided as "
  18. Phrases for each control character. The ambiguity this caused was sometimes, intentional ,(where a character would be used slightly differently on a terminal link than
  19. S box appearing ready to take a pitch at the time the ball is thrown. An, intentional ,walk may be signaled at any time during the batter's turn at the plate; in
  20. Baserunner can attempt to steal a base, or the batter can choose to swing at an, intentional ,ball; however, these rarely occur since taking these risks is rarely more
  21. For the intentional walk is four-finger salute, since most managers call for an, intentional ,walk by holding up four fingers. Outside the professional leagues, such as in
  22. Product of the electronic devices and components; also, much noise results from, intentional ,economies of manufacture and design time. The metric for noise performance of a
  23. Automatic loss, depending on the seriousness and intentional ity of the foul. An, intentional ,foul that causes injury that prevents a fight from continuing usually causes
  24. With a player's statistics since 1955. Batters, on occasion, have been given, intentional ,walks with the bases loaded (effectively giving the offensive team a risk-free
  25. Result in circuit defects in integrated circuit manufacturing. Besides these, intentional ,impurities, CVD oxide may contain byproducts of the deposition process. TENS
  26. Next base anyway. Intentional base on balls A subset of the base on balls,an, intentional ,base on balls (IBB) or intentional walk is when the pitcher deliberately
  27. Higher degree of social communication than other communities. The members of an, intentional ,community typically hold a common social, political or spiritual vision and
  28. Act in which the chance of successful conception has been reduced by direct and, intentional ,acts (for example, surgery to prevent conception) or foreign objects (for
  29. Are intentional ly thrown outside the strike zone – are not recorded as, intentional , Another risk taken by the defensive team in issuing a base on balls is that
  30. Predictor" is also paid anonymously. Targeted killing is the, intentional ,killing–by a government or its agents–of a civilian or" unlawful combatant "
  31. The walk. In the Major Leagues, the most recent example of a swing at an, intentional ,ball resulting in a hit occurred during a June 22, 2006 game between the
  32. From the batter in order to issue a base on balls. As with any other walk,an, intentional ,walk entitles the batter to first base without liability to be put out, and
  33. During the batter's turn at the plate; in these cases only enough additional, intentional ,balls need to be thrown to bring the total to four. Only walks issued by the
  34. More complex, anarcho-capitalists generally distrust and seek to avoid, intentional ,communal arrangements. Privatization, decentralization,and individualization
  35. With seven chapters. Burgess has stated that the total of 21 chapters was an, intentional ,nod to the age of 21 being recognized as a milestone in human maturation. The
  36. For a New Education," Biodynamic agriculture, the first, intentional ,form of organic farming, began in the 1920s when Rudolf Steiner gave a series
  37. A steep decrease (from 3,700 in 2000 to 172 in 2009 (Jan. -Oct.) ) as did, intentional ,homicides (from 28,837 in 2002 to 15,817 in 2009,according to police, while
  38. 28, 1998,Bonds became only the fifth player in baseball history to be given an, intentional ,walk with the bases loaded. Nap Lavoie (1901),Del Maisonette (1928) and
  39. Only walks issued by the catcher signaling as described above are recorded as, intentional ,walks (see below); walks issued without the catcher signaling – even if the
  40. Bystanders, or committing suicide, citing theories that amok may be a form of, intentional ,suicide in cultures where suicide is heavily stigmatized. For those who do not
  41. Building or small complex, by having a number of autonomous households. * An, intentional ,community is a deliberate residential community with a much higher degree of
  42. Most scholars date Job between the 6th and 4th century BCE. While" there is an, intentional ,editorial unity with a cohesive purpose and message in the canonical form of
  43. The Salary concerto on a piano in Stark's suite. Notes Activism consists of, intentional ,efforts to bring about social, political,economic, or environmental change.
  44. Of the current constitution claims that its complexity and length were, intentional ,to codify segregation and racism. Alabama is divided into three equal branches:
  45. With excessive contact or that are not an attempt to play the ball are called, intentional ,fouls (or flagrant fouls in the NBA). In FIFA, a foul resulting in ejection
  46. Outside the reach of the batter. A ball pitched in this manner is called an, intentional ,ball and counts as a ball in the pitcher's pitch count. In order to count as
  47. And counts as a ball in the pitcher's pitch count. In order to count as an, intentional ,ball, the ball must be legally pitched, i. e., the pitcher's foot must be on
  48. Audio signal processing, sometimes referred to as audio processing, is the, intentional ,alteration of auditory signals, or sound. As audio signals may be
  49. Only a tenth the number of those promised, which was viewed by Antony as an, intentional ,provocation. Despite setbacks for Octavian, the naval fleet of Sexts Compass
  50. Waste four outside pitches. Barry Bonds is the all-time record holder with 688, intentional , bases on balls (as of the start of the 2008 season). The next most is Hank

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