Examples of the the word, rhyme , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rhyme ), is the 7798 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. But ignores classical conventions in favor or accentual effects and predictable, rhyme ,both within and between verses, e. g.:: Hora novissima, tempora pessimal sent —
  2. Examples is the iamb, though this is not exclusive. Lines generally do not, rhyme , In contrast to the Eastern forms upon which she based them, Crapsey always
  3. I sang in my chains like the sea. The poem uses internal half rhyme and full, rhyme ,as well as end rhyme . Thomas was very conscious of the impact of spoken or
  4. Decasyllable line, probably borrowed from French and Italian forms, with riding, rhyme ,and, occasionally,a caesura in the middle of a line. His meter would later
  5. Himself would go blind. " Three Blind Mice" is a medieval English nursery, rhyme ,about three blind mice whose tails are cut off after chasing the farmer's wife
  6. Four consonant codas. Unreliable words In the most common form of rhyme , words, rhyme , if they end in identically or nearly identically sounding syllables, and match
  7. For most of his life. Most of his very early poetry was written in formal, rhyme ,and meter like that of his father or his idol William Blake. His admiration for
  8. Ending syllable and no other word has a stress pattern to match, it does not, rhyme , While many polysyllabic words have no rhyme , only a handful of single-syllable
  9. A-b-c-d-e-f-g, ( ): h-i-j-k-lmnop, ( l-m-n-o spoken twice as quickly as rest of, rhyme ,): q-r-s, t-u-v,(pause between s and t): w--x, y-and-z,(pause between x
  10. English (compare the line" Four-and-twenty blackbirds" in the old nursery, rhyme , ) The numeral Haldane means 1½ (literally" half second ", implying " one
  11. Of two lines that rhyme and have the same meter. While traditionally couplets, rhyme , not all do. A poem may use white space to mark out couplets if they do not
  12. Dating of the Tao Te Ching. Linguistic studies of the text's vocabulary and, rhyme ,scheme point to a date of composition after the Shi Jing yet before the
  13. Lower blood. This aspect of bean digestion is the basis for the children's, rhyme ," Beans, Beans,the Musical Fruit ". Some species of mold produce
  14. Is a pair of lines of meter in poetry. It usually consists of two lines that, rhyme ,and have the same meter. While traditionally couplets rhyme , not all do. A poem
  15. Bubblegum, : In a dish, : How many pieces, : Do you wish?: (Whomever the, rhyme ,ends with chooses a number, and that many" pieces" are counted. The person on
  16. A quickness; and maturing time: But mellows what we write to the dull sweets of, rhyme , Alexandrines also formed the first line of the couplet form Poulter's Measure
  17. Around the house. Parton often describes her talent as having" the gift of, rhyme ,". Acting career During the mid-1970s,Parton wanted to expand her audience
  18. Century were both well known for their writing in heroic couplets. Because the, rhyme ,comes so quickly in rhyming couplets, it tends to call attention to itself.
  19. Other traces survived. Fishermen in West Pen with were counting fish using a, rhyme ,derived from Cornish into the 20th century. Current status Revived language In
  20. Lerner said he knew the lyric used incorrect grammar for the sake of a, rhyme , He was later approached about it by another famous lyricist:" I thought, oh
  21. Believed to be of American origin and probably comes from" raspberry tart" to, rhyme ,with" fart ". Rhyming slang and taboo terms Rhyming slang is often used as a
  22. Reduced to, especially after palatals, so that cure, pure,mature and sure, rhyme ,with fir. * Dropping of is more extensive than in RP. In most North American
  23. Said to have been written for her by Henry VIII. * In the children's nursery, rhyme ," I had a little nut tree" she is the" King of Spain's Daughter ". * She is
  24. A much older epic poem, leading some scholars to claim that the Celts invented, rhyme , Celtic art also produced a great deal of intricate and beautiful metalwork
  25. A sonnet) On the other hand, because rhyming couplets have such a predictable, rhyme ,scheme, they can feel artificial and plodding. Here is a Pope parody of the
  26. S Eleven an actor uses the term" barney" and the claim is made that this, rhyme ,is derived from Barney Rubble, with references to a character from the
  27. One person pointing at each participant in a circle of players while reciting a, rhyme , A new person is pointed at as each word is said. The player who is selected at
  28. Epigram is also in the couplet form. Couplets can also appear in more complex, rhyme ,schemes. For example, Shakespearean sonnets end with a couplet. Rhyming
  29. In and at the conclusion of the rhyme , that player removes one foot and the, rhyme ,starts over with the next person. In this case, the first player that has both
  30. Sonnets end with a couplet. Rhyming couplets are one of the simplest, rhyme ,schemes in poetry. Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales are written in rhyming
  31. And gracious Lord: He hath given food to them that fear Him. " And in this folk, rhyme ,: From this the tongs have become a symbol of St Duns tan and are featured in the
  32. 46 children's books, which were often characterized by imaginative characters, rhyme , and frequent use of disyllabic meter. His most celebrated books include the
  33. In the United States the common slang expression" brass tacks" may be a, rhyme ,for" facts ", The term" blow a raspberry ", meaning to make a noise through
  34. Varieties of English speech: * The merger of and, making father and bother, rhyme , This change is nearly universal in North American English Exceptions are
  35. N't you sing with me Other variants make significantly more changes in order to, rhyme ,with zed, and even alter the rest of the song to fit a new rhythm. For example:
  36. Stick one foot out in front of them, the shoes are pointed out in turns as the, rhyme ,is sung:: Whose shoe is the dirty shoe: Please go out and wash your dirty shoe:
  37. At as each word is said. The player who is selected at the conclusion of the, rhyme ,is" it" or" out ". In an alternate version, the circle of players may each
  38. And dying: Though I sang in my chains like the sea. The poem uses internal half, rhyme ,and full rhyme as well as end rhyme . Thomas was very conscious of the impact of
  39. Device to unify lines of poetry, as opposed to other devices such as, rhyme , a tool which is used rather infrequently. This is a technique in which the
  40. Onset and four consonant codas. Unreliable words In the most common form of, rhyme , words rhyme if they end in identically or nearly identically sounding
  41. Not all do. A poem may use white space to mark out couplets if they do not, rhyme , Couplets with a meter of iambic pentameter are called heroic couplets. The
  42. Of Australian English, bad (with long æː) and lad (with short æ) do not, rhyme ,(see bad–lad split). **For many speakers, the /æː/ sound is flatter than the
  43. subject and wording are often humorously contrived in order to achieve a, rhyme ,* The first line contains, and may consist solely of, the subject's name.
  44. The circle of players may each put two feet in and at the conclusion of the, rhyme , that player removes one foot and the rhyme starts over with the next person.
  45. It has four lines of irregular length and meter (for comic effect) * The, rhyme ,structure is AAB; the subject and wording are often humorously
  46. Themes. The song" BO Diddle" was based on the African American clapping, rhyme ," Ham bone" ( which in turn was based on the lullaby" Hush Little Baby" ).
  47. Zee- rhyme is not missed, although some children use a ZEE pronunciation in the, rhyme ,which they would not use elsewhere. Variants of the song exist to accommodate
  48. To call attention to itself. Good rhyming couplets tend to" snap" as both the, rhyme ,and the idea come to a quick close in two lines. Here are some examples of
  49. Of the tales (the Man of Law's,Clerk's, Prioress ', and Second Nun's) use, rhyme ,royal. Historical context and themes in order to get away from events in London
  50. Like the sea. The poem uses internal half rhyme and full rhyme as well as end, rhyme , Thomas was very conscious of the impact of spoken or intoned verse and

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