Examples of the the word, interoperability , in a Sentence Context

The word ( interoperability ), is the 7787 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. United Kingdom. The Royal Air Force (RAF) has established an aim of having, interoperability ,and some weapons and capabilities commonality with the USAF. The UK's 1998
  2. And the IPv6 specification mandates support for IPsec as a fundamental, interoperability ,requirement. The last top level (/8) block of free IPv4 addresses was
  3. Is one of the most important aspects of Bluetooth technology, supporting, interoperability , conformance to the Bluetooth specifications, and to strengthening the
  4. Game Boy Advance to the Gamete and Wii gaming console. It was intended for, interoperability ,between games for the Game Boy and corresponding games for the Gamete. There
  5. Organization formed by major software and hardware vendors that aims to improve, interoperability ,between different distributions. Among their proposed standards are the Linux
  6. Widespread use of open standards (such as MPEG-2,DAB, DVB,etc.) ensures, interoperability ,between products from different vendors, as well as facilitating the exchange
  7. Ericsson Mobile Platforms, LM Ericsson licenses open-standard, end-to-end, interoperability , tested GSM/EDGE and CDMA technology platforms. The product offerings include
  8. And no standalone instruments support the protocol so far, making whole-studio, interoperability ,problematic. OSC is not owned by any private company; neither is it maintained
  9. LDS instances can be run on the same server. Unix integration Varying levels of, interoperability ,with Active Directory can be achieved on most Unix-like operating systems
  10. Compatibility but is instead just" compatible"—a consistent interface allowing, interoperability ,between components and products that were each developed separately. In the
  11. Of State to increase the pool of international peacekeepers and to promote, interoperability , Nepal received about $1.9 million in EPIC funding. Commander in Chief, Pacific
  12. Offerings on Ubuntu. " On 13 June 2007,Inspire and Microsoft announced an, interoperability ,collaboration agreement with a focus on document format compatibility, instant
  13. KDE participates in free desktop. Org, an effort to standardize Unix desktop, interoperability , Since 2009,GNOME and KDE co-host their conferences Academy and GUA DEC every
  14. Presented a portability problem. This has been addressed by incorporation of C, interoperability ,into the 2003 standard. It is now possible (and relatively easy) to write an
  15. Non-proprietary open nature of the Internet protocols, which encourages vendor, interoperability ,and prevents any one company from exerting too much control over the network.
  16. 1 (" GM" ) specification defines the feature set important for MIDI content, interoperability ,across multiple players. It addresses the indeterminacy of the basic MIDI 1.0
  17. In fixed network design without breaking full interoperability . DECT GAP is an, interoperability ,profile for DECT. The intent is that two different products from different
  18. Abw, uses XML,to mitigate vendor lock-in concerns with respect to, interoperability ,and digital archiving. Grammar checking The Abi Word project includes a grammar
  19. Commercial, business,and home consumer environments,IPv6 does not implement, interoperability ,features with IPv4,and creates essentially a parallel, independent network.
  20. Its interchange file format, DXF,have become de facto standards for CAD data, interoperability , AutoCAD in recent years has included support for DWF, a format developed and
  21. And development of the Macedonia Army in such a way that ensures their, interoperability ,with the armed forces of NATO and the European Union member states and their
  22. SMTP for sending e-mail and POP and IMAP for retrieving e-mail, allowing, interoperability , with other servers and clients. For example,Microsoft's Outlook client uses a
  23. To log data to staging tables. Standards exist within the industry to support, interoperability ,between software products, the most widely known being PC Implementation ERP
  24. To allow for slight speed variations in the disk drive, and to permit better, interoperability ,with disk drives connected to other similar systems. Each sector of data has a
  25. Of the database. Generally does not provide sufficient information to allow, interoperability ,with other programs. *TABLES section – This section contains definitions of
  26. Of technologies and protocols that varied from country to country, preventing, interoperability , of subscriber equipment and increasing complexity for equipment manufacturers
  27. And this creates great flexibility in fixed network design without breaking full, interoperability , DECT GAP is an interoperability profile for DECT. The intent is that two
  28. Portable Document Format (PDF) rendering and much greater Microsoft Windows, interoperability , Support for some early G3 computers such as" beige" Power Macs and "
  29. As long as they ran the same email system and proprietary protocol. Attempts at, interoperability ,Early interoperability among independent systems included: * ARPANET, the
  30. Atari and Malaysia computers also used ASCII variants. Incompatibility vs, interoperability ,From early in its development, ASCII was intended to be just one of several
  31. To link additional sites to the ARPANET and then Internet Later efforts at, interoperability ,standardization included: * Novel briefly championed the open MHS protocol but
  32. An AmigaOS version, that offers several Amiga-specific features such as ARe xx, interoperability , MKS Inc. is MKS Born shell is another proprietary ash reimplementation. It was
  33. Trading partners, share the world's the longest border, and have significant, interoperability ,within the defense sphere. Recent difficulties have included repeated trade
  34. Making and receiving calls. The DECT standard includes a standardized, interoperability ,profile for simple telephone capabilities, called GAP, which most manufacturers
  35. Semiconductor. The first successful http://www.dect.org/news.aspx? ID 87, interoperability , tests were announced by the DECT Forum in June 2011. And in September 2011
  36. When it was founded, and finally joined in early 2007. * Code named RIMFIRE, interoperability ,testing tool for the Desktop and mobile Architecture for System Hardware (DASH
  37. Which most manufacturers implement. The standard also contains several other, interoperability ,profiles, for data and for radio local-loop services. Application The DECT
  38. Standard. Subsequent standards were developed and published by ENSI to cover, interoperability ,profiles and standards for testing. Initially named" Digital European Cordless
  39. Impaired and hearing impaired, workflow inside the cinema, and equipment, interoperability , In particular,NATO's document details requirements for the Theatre
  40. Same email system and proprietary protocol. Attempts at interoperability Early, interoperability ,among independent systems included: * ARPANET, the forerunner of today's
  41. Format (ODF). This work was started in response to government requests for, interoperability ,with ODF. The goal of project was not to add ODF support to Microsoft Office
  42. Doing so constitutes a data risk, so the benefits (e.g. increased space or, interoperability ,) should be weighed against the risks (data loss, permanent disk damage). The
  43. Amendment was released. It enhanced 802.15.3 to improve implementation and, interoperability ,of the MAC. This will include minor optimizations while preserving backward
  44. The garbage collector moves the object (they become dangling pointers). For, interoperability ,with native code, the garbage collector must copy the object contents to a
  45. Offer dual voltage operation (with different gain or" trim" settings) for, interoperability ,reasons. A switch or adjustment that covers at least the range between and is
  46. Benefit to the Internet community. Generally Internet Standards cover, interoperability ,of systems on the internet through defining protocols, messages formats
  47. Correspondingly, such technologies have been proposed as a means to facilitate, interoperability ,and data reuse among GIS applications and also to enable new analysis
  48. Networks. It operates without a central governing body. However, to maintain, interoperability , all technical and policy aspects of the underlying core infrastructure and the
  49. Under which Canadian Forces personnel have been involved in Iraq. Moreover, interoperability ,with the American armed forces has been a guiding principle of Canadian
  50. Moore – string searching,ACL2 theorem proper * Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay –, interoperability , web mining N * Dakota Nagar – machine translation, natural language processing

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