Examples of the the word, obsession , in a Sentence Context

The word ( obsession ), is the 7781 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Regions more than in others. A sweet paste, dulce de Lethe is another national, obsession , used to fill cakes and pancakes, spread over toasted bread for breakfast or as
  2. His work before he let anyone else see it. Turner said that Lennon" had an, obsession ,for Wig an Pier. It kept cropping up ", and in Lennon's story A Carrot In A
  3. Was reportedly crushed when she agreed. Years later, her memory would remain an, obsession ,with Chaplin. He was devastated in 1921 when he learned that she had died of
  4. Had reached his late seventies, this " straightening out" had become almost an, obsession , This can be seen by his editing of a letter he had written to Jefferson
  5. Which constantly annoys Jon); and his abuse of Die and Jon as well as his, obsession ,with mailing Normal to Abu Dhabi. Though he will eat nearly anything (with the
  6. He drew a gigantic stipend from the public purse. Perhaps to explain both his, obsession ,and administrative incompetence, gossips suggested that his mother, Faustina
  7. A former police investigator suffering from acrophobia, who develops an, obsession ,with a woman he is shadowing. Scottie's obsession inevitably leads to the
  8. And a housing crisis. The new generation struggled to relate to the cultural, obsession ,with the war years and two conflicting protest movements developed: communists
  9. In one year, he spent an estimated $11 million at the hotel. In a bout of, obsession ,with his home state, Hughes began purchasing all restaurant chains and four
  10. The Pope. Ivan’s prissy mask of respectability is soon demolished by his wife’s, obsession ,with the White Sheik. Highlighting the music of Niño Rota, the film was
  11. His first movie, Abel Gance's Paradise Peru from 1939. It was there that his, obsession ,began. He frequently played truant from school and would sneak into theaters
  12. Came to know both Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. According to Carr,Kammerer's, obsession ,with Carr turned aggressive, causing Carr to stab him to death in self-defense.
  13. 2009. Whip It starred Ellen Page and Marcia Gay Harden and centered on an, obsession ,with beauty pageants and the Austin, Texas,Hurl Scouts roller derby team.
  14. Diligence among the wool traders who had dealings with his master. A constant, obsession ,for Fox was the pursuit of" simplicity" in life, meaning humility and the
  15. A near-fatal asthma condition, Atkins was a sensitive youth who made music his, obsession , Because of his illness, he was forced to sleep in a straight-back chair in
  16. Play:" The character, Fabian,is at the mercy of his aging and his sexual, obsession , It's my calling card. I'm 46. I'm like Fabian. "
  17. Evanescence of human life," and the works of Shakespeare address a congruent, obsession , Both Shakespeare and the Gothic present this decay of humanity through
  18. To 1885). In his later years he developed a constant desire for solitude,an, obsession ,for self-preservation, and a fear of death and crazed paranoia of persecution
  19. Has a different meaning than that used in modern medicine. ) and a mental, obsession , The doctor and addiction specialist Dr. William D. Silk worth M. D. writes on
  20. Abuse: An International Perspective" notes that" the most serious form of, obsession ,with inhalant use probably occurs in countries other than the United States
  21. In which Bull moose reveals his reactionary cartoon role model, in a tale of, obsession ,and the fanatical world of comic book collecting. The cartoonist visited John
  22. Of authority and poking good-natured fun at the Royal Navy and the English, obsession ,with social status (building on a theme introduced in The Sorcerer, love
  23. Paper work in an emergency, a joke later incorporated into the Logons ', obsession ,with paperwork. Adams also contributed to a sketch on the album for Monty
  24. Back home approximately away robbed him of Farmhand. Samarkand, his lifelong, obsession , was lost again. Escaping with a small band of followers from Fernand, for
  25. Symptoms, including a loss of short-term memory. This patient would become his, obsession ,over the coming years. In April 1906,Mrs. Deter died and Alzheimer had the
  26. Century. It may not be a coincidence that this trend coincided with a national, obsession ,with exotic flowers which made flower portraits highly sought after. Although
  27. Hellish chaos. " Cycles of violence Beginning with Throne of Blood (1957),an, obsession ,with historical cycles of inexorable savage violence—what Stephen Prince calls
  28. Despite having no experience with women, their other signature trait is their, obsession ,with sex, and their tendency to chuckle and giggle whenever they hear words or
  29. The prior cultural form, which typically has grown stale and repetitive. An, obsession ,emerges among the mainstream with the new movement, and the old one falls into
  30. Mad About You ", a song on Sting's 1991 album The Soul Cages explores David's, obsession ,with Bathsheba from David's perspective. * Dead by the Pixies is a retelling
  31. Of California and of surfing. The group also celebrated the Golden State’s, obsession ,with hot-rod racing (" Shut Down "," 409" and" Little Deuce Coupe" ) and
  32. Traits can be summarized as" wealth; physical prowess; deductive abilities and, obsession , " The driving force behind Batman's character is from his childhood. Bob Kane
  33. And from fine art. The work of the Ellicott Press is characterized by its, obsession ,with historical styles. This historicism was, however,important as it amounted
  34. Chris Baltic argues, are a result of Gothic fiction’s characteristic, obsession ," with old buildings as sites of 'human decay' ... with the material
  35. Lowdown. This spoof biopic focuses on fictional American guitarist Emmett Ray's, obsession ,with Reinhardt, with soundtrack featuring Howard Alden. He is also portrayed by
  36. The 1920s,James Joyce managed" a more upbeat version" of Hamlet—stripped of, obsession ,and revenge—in Ulysses, though its main parallels are with Homer's Odyssey. Is
  37. That Gill was involved in the goth subculture. Although the shooter claimed an, obsession ,for" Goth ", his favorite music list was described, by the media, as a" who
  38. Of Soviet spies operating in the US allowed Hoover to pursue his longstanding, obsession ,with the threat he perceived from the American Left, ranging from Communist
  39. Novel held a particular fascination for the Victorians, with their morbid, obsession ,with mourning rituals, Mementos,and in general. The 1880s,saw the revival of
  40. In some ways, seemed incompatible from the beginning. Lord Mountbatten's, obsession ,with being organized led him to keep a very close watch on Edwina and he
  41. Poet Utica Turn, who made extensive use of anagram techniques, came to regard, obsession ,with anagrams as a" dangerous fever ", because it created isolation of the
  42. a million domestically. It spawned five direct-to-video, the Texas mother whose, obsession ,with her daughter's cheerleading career made headline news. In 2006,Hayden
  43. Against his regime. Some non-Spanish authors have described it as being an ", obsession ,". Student revolts, at universities in the late 1960s and early 1970s,were
  44. Recovery through the story of a young detective, played by Minute, and his, obsession ,over his handgun, stolen by a penniless young man who proceeds to use it to rob
  45. Tells the story of Thierry Quetta, a French immigrant in Los Angeles, and his, obsession ,with street art. Shepard Fairly and Invader (artist),who Quetta discovers is
  46. Star—as an ordinary laborer turned armed robber, doomed by a romantic, obsession , Outside the United States Some critics regard classic film noir as a cycle
  47. Publishing scientific news, usually linked to a certain atheist and anti-theist, obsession , philosophy which will also work for pointing out the incompatibility between
  48. Play (" God help it" ) was simply" Christopher Robin grown up ... what an, obsession ,with me children are become! ". Even his old literary home, Punch,where the
  49. Age of eight she experienced headaches that obscured her vision. Her mother's, obsession ,with rooting out any of the insanity of which she accused Lord Byron was one of
  50. His trademark laughs. Before controversy erupted (see below) he exhibited an, obsession ,with fire and his trademark phrase was" FIRE! FIRE! " Which he would render

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