Examples of the the word, whichever , in a Sentence Context
The word ( whichever ), is the 7797 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Mean temperatures seen after 1985 cannot be ascribed to solar variability, whichever ,of the mechanisms is invoked and no matter how much the solar variation is
- From religious persecution, but all religions, allowing anyone to worship, whichever ,deity they chose. A similar edict had been issued in 311 by Galleries, then
- Only phonetically to the first, last,or only word in the phrase or clause, whichever ,part of speech the word belongs to. The results of applying these criteria
- Anyone with a rating below 7 after a voting audit or the first 50 votes (, whichever ,is first). Variations on the Hot or Not concept include voting via a Condorcet
- Arrangements have to be available to differentiate between them and to print, whichever ,of them is required. The same is true in computing. In computing as well as
- He provided two letters to Rotten & Loaning and instructed Unwind to send, whichever ,he preferred. The more tactful letter was sent and was lost during the later
- If a particular place on the street is specified then the preposition used is, whichever ,is idiomatic to the place, thus " at the end of Churchill Road. " * BRE favors
- Copyright persists for 120 years after creation or 95 years after publication, whichever ,is shorter. In some countries (for example, the United States and the United
- Instructing the Duke of Saxony (later Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor) to choose, whichever ,one pleased him best. Otto chose Edith and married her in 929. The remaining
- The major event of the festival is ritual bathing at the banks of the river in, whichever ,town it is being held. Other activities include religious discussions
- Configuration, also move the printing position to the start of the next line (, whichever ,direction is first—left in Western languages and right in Hebrew and Arabic).
- Successfully reaches 1st base or the moment the runner touches home plate -, whichever ,happens last. However, this is superseded by the" ground rule ", which
- The ethical theory of utilitarianism, according to which we should perform, whichever ,action maximizes the aggregate good. Conjoining hedonism, as a view as to what
- Together. If a samurai was able to afford a dies, it was often composed of, whichever ,two swords could be conveniently acquired, sometimes by different smiths and in
- Established in time, meaning that whoever has a concept of whatever object with, whichever ,name will have the three inputs synchronized. And should he be not alone at
- The war, MSF helped both Christian and Muslim soldiers alike, helping, whichever , group required the most medical aid at the time. In 1984,as the situation in
- Is allowed to vote for only one candidate, and the winner of the election is, whichever ,candidate represents a plurality of voters, that is, whoever received the
- Of individuals to be self-employed or to contract to be employees of others, whichever ,they prefer and the freedom to pay and receive wages. Some anarcho-capitalists
- Body from adapting (maintaining a progressive overload),possibly emphasizing, whichever ,method more suits their goals. I. e, a bodybuilder will use sarcoplasmic
- Money as required. The mechanism to move the market towards a 'target rate' (, whichever ,specific rate is used) is generally to lend money or borrow money in
- And Sign, and cannot keep them both. He tells the two women that he would keep, whichever ,of them that brews the better ale for him by the time he has returned home in
- Received the highest number of votes in the first round will participate, and, whichever , of the candidates obtains a majority of votes in the second round will thus be
- Of declaring their verdict they were given pebbles, and told to throw them at, whichever ,person they deemed to be in the right, Hermes or Hera. Hermes argued so
- Unique side 'rivalry' involves the Preston Road Trophy. The trophy is held by, whichever ,owner's team won in the last Cowboys/Chiefs game, and the two owner families
- Or basic case, which is typically the nominative, trigger,or absolutize case, whichever ,a language may have. The Gestapo (; abbreviation of Became Staatspolizei,"
- The player at those terms. *If a club tenders an offer of $712,000 or 110 % (, whichever ,is greater) of the previous year's salary, then the current club has both "
- The family of Charles ceased to produce worthy heirs, the pope gladly crowned, whichever ,Italian magnate could best protect him from his local enemies. This devolution
- Hyperinflation is established, the pattern of increasing the money stock, by, whichever , agencies are allowed to do so, is universal. Because this practice increases
- On the modified EC-121Q. The Westinghouse's radar antenna was going to be used, whichever ,company won the radar competition, since Westinghouse had pioneered in the
- No,it's not true after all. What we are repeatedly saying is that for, whichever ,platform, we are always conducting research and development for the new system
- Palace ",independent of the temple establishment. By the time of Muslim, whichever ,dynasty controlled the city of Fish was recognized as SAR kiss (king of
- Of a regular team may be available to respond. Hasty teams may be formed by, whichever ,members are responding at the time. Additionally, members may need to adjust
- Services, any one of which could either make active use of it or blow it up, whichever ,best suited its purposes. Important lesson: fanaticism is no insurance against
- Support will end five years after release, or two years after the next release, whichever ,time is later, and extended support will end five years after that. Versions
- Assaulting or protecting the castle respectively. At the end of the time limit, whichever ,team controlled the crown was declared victorious. The mod featured appropriate
- The Attorney General must temporarily place the drug in Schedule IV or V (, whichever ,meets the minimum requirements of the treaty) and exclude the substance from
- Seeing little value in joining a European conflict and fearing reprisals from, whichever ,side they opposed. A few, such as the Oneida and Tuscarora peoples in New York
- Break a rule, but it may not" directly" uphold it either, in the sense that, whichever ,is the case depends upon a controversial axiom such as the axiom of choice or
- Horarium) is meant to ensure that the time given by God is not wasted but in, whichever ,way necessary used in his service, whether for prayer, work,meals, spiritual
- The Liberal (GST) tax package or the Labor package, but pledged to work with, whichever ,party was elected to make their tax package better. They campaigned with the
- Around the planet, as seen from above its North Pole, and the North Pole is, whichever ,pole more closely aligns with the Earth's North Pole. Longitudes traditionally
- This way the coin has a constant diameter, recognisable by vending machines, whichever ,direction it is inserted. The triangular coin (produced to commemorate the
- he'd play his Andy Griffith role, often talking about cars and jalopies with, whichever ,cast member that appeared in the skit that week. Sometimes non cast-member Jack
- To use regnal years—the reigning Roman emperor, for example, or the ruler of, whichever ,kingdom was under discussion. This meant that in discussing conflicts between
- Arbitrage" to refer to the tendency of manufacturing jobs to flow towards, whichever ,country has the lowest wages per unit output at present and has reached the
- The 35-yard line or the yard line from which the field goal was attempted, whichever ,is greater. Game timing The game consists of two 30-minute halves, each of
- Golden Turkey publications by the Moved Brothers ... we now pass the torch to, whichever ,brave souls feel ready to take up the challenge. " Son of Golden Turkey Awards
- To drop the anchor should be approached from down wind or down current, whichever ,is stronger. As the chosen spot is approached, the vessel should be stopped or
- Source and the pump, or 500-to-1000 times the diameter of the delivery pipe, whichever ,is less. This length of drive pipe typically results in a period between pulses
- Historians may mix and match between John and the synoptic son the basis of, whichever ,appears the strongest on a particular episode. Robinson says that John's
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