Examples of the the word, indonesian , in a Sentence Context
The word ( indonesian ), is the 7783 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Sources * http://karmagraphic.biz/prr/sejarah-pendiri/ Search Pending PRR (, indonesian , ) * http://books.google.co.id/books? Id lEGrOWWEvswC&pg PA54&lpg PA54&dq
- Its origin area is South China, Vietnam,Laos, Cambodia,Thailand and, indonesian , island of Java. Description Goya Kerri is a climbing plant up to 4 meters high
- Of the Ahmadi Community. *http://www.ahmadiyya.or.id Official Website of the, indonesian , Ahmadiyya Muslim Community *http://www.alislam.org/quran/tarjumatul-quran/
- His mother's side. His father was Say yid Husen bin Ali bin Away bin Maya,an, indonesian , of Arab descent. European sojourn Young Baden Sale was first taught in Boor
- In 2009 President Susie Bombing Yudhoyono located 70billion rupiah for built, indonesian , hellicopter carrier, built by PT. PAL - Indonesia Ideally Indonesia Ocean Force
- Member of Indonesian house of representative *Tito DJ - pop/soul female singer, indonesian , idol judge and former of Indonesian representative at Miss World 1983 U W
- 2009. Discography Plagiarism d'Mas iv has been suspected of plagiarism by many, indonesian , music fans. Some of their songs which have been suspected of plagiarism are: *
- Article SCSI Pujiastuti has said that all of her 100 pilot are foreign, under,Indonesian, law this would indicate that the majority of SCSI Air pilots are working
- Or Indonesia Satellite, in an annual badminton tournament organized by the, indonesian , badminton federation Persian Bulutangkis Search Indonesia (PSI). Beside
- To the far left in the picture, with a maple fretboard). The neck of the, indonesian , arrow heads are more narrow (40 mm) at the nut than the Fender Stratocaster
- Result&resnum 1&ved 0CBIQ6AEwAA#v onepage&q&f false Gabriel Mane SVD (, indonesian , ) The St James Theatre is a heritage stage theater and cinema located on Queen
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