Examples of the the word, clan , in a Sentence Context

The word ( clan ), is the 7780 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Him to the background. When the Arch of Pa via was erected to honor the imperial, clan ,in 8,Claudius' name (now Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanic us after his
  2. Sources which maintain it was brought in distant times to Yemen. One Lemma, clan , the Cuba, which was supposed to have brought the Ark to Africa, have a genetic
  3. State of emergency. Most of the Déby's key advisors are members of the Ghana, clan , although some southern and opposition personalities are represented in his
  4. It is noted that the other Ragouts, including the celebrated Kushwaha Rapt, clan ,of Raja JAI Singh, the Hattie, and the Ratholes, remained loyal. On the other
  5. Support of a strong monarchical power. Absalom was born into the powerful Hide, clan , and owned great land possessions. He endowed several church institutions, most
  6. French writer (b. 1618) *1747 – Simon Fraser,11th Lord Lovey, Scottish, clan , chief *1754 – Christian Wolff, German philosopher (b. 1679) *1761 – William
  7. Isle on Lough Erie near Isabella. Fermanagh was a stronghold of the Maguire, clan ,and Donn Carrack Maguire (died 1302) was the first of the chiefs of the
  8. Most probably commissioned by Columba's kinsman, the King of the UI Neill, clan , It was almost certainly written within three or four years of Columba's death
  9. Story of a thief hired as the double of a medieval Japanese lord of a great, clan , Lucas, enthralled by the screenplay and Kurosawa's illustrations, leveraged
  10. Between arbitrary groups within a culture, perhaps defining status, gender, clan , or guild affiliation, religious belief or cultural alliances. Variations may
  11. Through which salmon went upstream. A village consisted basically of a paternal, clan , The average number of families was four to seven, rarely reaching more than
  12. In the West Highlands of Scotland. They were also associated with the Airline, clan , It is thought that from this myth comes the idea that the wailing of numerous
  13. Castle to the north, which was built by de COURLY in 1177. The O'Neill, clan ,had a presence in the area. In the 14th century, Clan AEDH Booth, descendants
  14. Overlap of Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates: After the massacre of the Umayyad, clan ,by the Abbasid, one lone prince escaped and fled to North Africa, which
  15. Early Muslims like az-Zubayr; others felt that only members of Muhammad's, clan , the Band Ha shim, or his own lineage, the descendants of, should rule. There
  16. A decentralized feudal society organized on a basis of kraals (an enlarged, clan ,), headed by a chief, who owed a very hazy allegiance to the nation's head
  17. And the Alias Duran clan s were executed, as was the chief of the Qizilbash, clan , Panda Khan's son fled to Iran and pledged the substantial support of his
  18. Woman within the hereditary lineage, in consultation with other women in the, clan , Decision-making occurred through lengthy discussion and decisions were
  19. 1946–1950. * Grain O'Malley - 16th century pirate queen and chieftain of the, clan ,O’Malley, also known as Granule. * Mary Robinson (born in Balling,1944) —
  20. Yong of Tang) playing the" leaf game" in 868 with members of the Wei, clan ,(the family of the princess' husband). The Song dynasty statesman and
  21. Languages are traditionally determined by the Balinese caste system and by, clan ,membership, but this tradition is diminishing. Sanskrit is also commonly used
  22. Kingdom was governed in his stead by Alboin's father, Audoin, of the Gaussian, clan , Seven years later the king died, giving Audion the opportunity to crown
  23. To make his son the next King of Scotland despite the claims of the Billion, clan ,to the throne. * James Cosmos as Campbell the Elder. The father of Amish
  24. 1950s Barks undertook the quarterly adventures of Uncle Scrooge and the duck, clan ,in Scrooge's own title. He surrounded Donald Duck and nephews Huey, Dewey and
  25. Is owned by Barège Bulgarian, a " prominent representative of the Karabakh, clan ,") ## Aviation kerosene (supplying to Zvartnots airport),held by Mikey
  26. 29 On This Day in Canada ---- Events *1183 – Area no Memory and the Area, clan ,take the young Emperor Anton and the three sacred treasures and flee to
  27. Bar was born in Mecca some time in 573 CE, to a rich family in the Band Tamil, clan ,of the Quraish tribe. Abu Bakr's father's name was Than Abu Quaff (
  28. Times by the Quraish. Abu Bakr's beliefs would have been defended by his own, clan , but not by the entire Quraish tribe. Migrations to Abyssinia,615 Being the
  29. To fame with unfeigned horror. "" Fisher repeatedly brought Leviticus and his, clan ,back, claiming their primacy as comics' first hillbilly family—but he was
  30. That Barks had done little traveling his adventure stories often had the duck, clan ,globe-trotting to the most remote or spectacular of places. This allowed Barks
  31. Identity, but rather a mess of historical cultural influences, tribal and, clan ,loyalties, and religious fervor. Projecting influence into the area is no
  32. In the Hellespont. The city had long been ruled by kings born to the Entailed, clan ,but, during the poet's life, the Penthilids were a spent force and rival
  33. The title of Meat Ragouts, e. g., The Khan Of Thun, a major Chicana of Kathak, clan , Shakur of Diver, a major Chicana of Rats. Chaudhary, the title used by Bats
  34. Is to obtain as many pretty girls as humanly possible. Out of all the Clamped, clan , he is the one who makes the most change from 'country bumpkin' to 'city boy.
  35. Of Masada and Shakur of Karma were the prominent Rapt Things of the Mercia, clan , Khan being the title of Meat Ragouts, e. g., The Khan Of Thun, a major
  36. Name is a play on Hyannisport, Massachusetts,where a number of the Kennedy, clan ,have lived. Camp became a popular public speaker on college campuses, where he
  37. Wealth and experience. He eventually came to be recognized as the chief of his, clan , On his return from a business trip to Yemen, he was informed that in his
  38. Sacred treasures and flee to western Japan to escape pursuit by the Minamoto, clan , (Traditional Japanese date: Twenty-fifth Day of the Seventh Month of the
  39. Biography, the Buddha's father was King Śuddhodana, the leader of Shaky, clan , whose capital was Kapilavastu, and who were later annexed by the growing
  40. Buwayhids (945–1055) and Seljuk Turks (1055–1135). The Seljuks were a, clan ,of the Off Turks from the Siberian steppes that converted to the Sunni branch
  41. Made the decision to elect a local council of seven members to represent each, clan ,in the town. A Basic Law was established so that if the victor for mayor was a
  42. Period film than Jimbo, though its story of a power struggle within a samurai, clan ,is portrayed with strongly comic undertones. The film opened on January 1,1962
  43. Island that is now called Hokkaido. The Baku government granted the Satsuma, clan ,exclusive rights to trade with the Ainu in the Northern part of the island.
  44. Although pidgin and some local languages such as Condo, the dialect of a Beta, clan ,from the Yaoundé area, have a wide currency. Indigenous languages of Cameroon
  45. Shah of 1798. Ahmad Khan was from the Samurai section of the Popular, clan ,of the Abdul Pashtuns. His father and grandfather were both killed in a battle
  46. By 2160 BC, rulers in Herakleopolis controlled Lower Egypt, while a rival, clan ,based in Thebes, the Inter family, took control of Upper Egypt. As the Inters
  47. Jewelry of the Aleuts is also specific to which region it hails from. Each, clan ,would have a specific style to signify their origin. The ornaments used as
  48. In 927,Abdel-Rahman also launched a campaign against the rebel Band Quasi, clan , but was forced to break it off by the intervention of King Jimena Graces of
  49. Habensperch, came from this time, in around 1138. Gerhard was from the Baronet, clan , In 1256,the ca strum of Abensprech was first mentioned, and on 12 June 1348
  50. Favor: *He was a direct descendant of Abdullah Khan, patriarch of the Samurai, clan , the most prominent tribe amongst the Pashtun people at the time; *He was

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