Examples of the the word, troubled , in a Sentence Context

The word ( troubled ), is the 7792 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At the box office due to its violence and dark overtones. Production was, troubled , with many actors considered for the main roles, and Killer entering in
  2. Is that the population preferred not to live in the forest except in, troubled ,times. The region between the forest and the Danube on the other hand included
  3. Bimbo, Ariosto and G. Sannazzaro. Many Cypriot scholars fled Cyprus at, troubled ,times such as Ioannis Kigali (ca. 1622–1687) who migrated from Cyprus to
  4. York that Alcuin formed his love of classical poetry, though he was sometimes, troubled ,by the fact that it was written by non-Christians. The York school was renowned
  5. An offer Bruce vehemently rejects to prevent the youth from following his own, troubled ,path. Meanwhile, Nygma becomes a criminal known as the" Riddler" and become
  6. Spider-Man, and in #259 (Dec. 1984),she reveals to Parker the extent of her, troubled ,childhood. Other notable issues of the DeFalco-Frenz era include #252 (May
  7. Leading up to his own death, put the issue of a personal conscience in those, troubled ,times quite succinctly:::" ... he who will really fight for the right, if he
  8. Delivered in 1987. Mirage F1 planes from the French Air Force regularly patrol, troubled ,regions of the country and also participate in direct confrontations. According
  9. Of Ozzie and Harriet; in the Disney film For the Love of Altadena; and as a, troubled ,orphan taken home with Darrin and Samantha Stephens in Bewitched episode" A
  10. Females," Female Vocalist of the Year ". In the same year, a group of artists, troubled ,by this trend, formed the short-lived Association of Country Entertainers. The
  11. Penis similar to one used by The Rolling Stones in the 1970s. The tour was, troubled ,by lawsuits and arrests, with the band accused of provoking the crowd. This
  12. Price slid from $60 to $20,and the company began searching for a buyer for its, troubled ,division. In 1983,Ray Vassar was forced to leave Atari over an insider stock
  13. Reference to the Santana album mentioned above. In one scene, the financially, troubled ,main character argues over the phone with a Columbia Records employee, over his
  14. Access to the lives and memories of all their ancestors. The children are very, troubled ,because they have come to the conclusion that Asia has succumbed to what the
  15. Gave in 1881. The successful construction of such a massive project, although, troubled , by delays and scandal, was considered an impressive feat of engineering and
  16. In 1992,British Airways expanded through the acquisition of financially, troubled ,Gatwick-based carrier Dan-Air, giving BA a much larger presence at Gatwick
  17. The" Comeback City," many of the inner-city residential neighborhoods remain, troubled , and the public school system continues to experience serious problems.
  18. Individually. It follows that it may be more economically efficient to allow a, troubled ,company to continue running, cancel some of its debts, and give ownership of
  19. Gaoler Sir James Blunt. Oxford's presence raised morale in Henry's camp and, troubled ,Richard III. Stanley's In the early stages of the Wars of the Roses the Stanley's
  20. Was noteworthy only because he was one of the few alchemists writing in those, troubled ,times. Flame lived from 1330 to 1417 and would serve as the archetype for the
  21. Pool. BCL, which operates a copper-nickel mine at Selebi-Phikwe, has had a, troubled ,financial history but remains an important employer. The soda ash operation at
  22. Later Nostrils Cans Virus: The Garrison Effect (2010). Alexander is depicted, troubled ,by his lack of direct heirs, having no child with his wife Sybilla of Normandy.
  23. Certain destruction of Jerusalem and the devastation of the nations that have, troubled ,his people, the Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites and Philistines, the Phoenician
  24. The 56-year-old director was seriously contemplating change. Observing the, troubled ,state of the domestic film industry, and having already received dozens of
  25. Company in the early 1920s. He was hired to overhaul the company's, troubled ,operations (after a similar rescue job at the Willy scar company). In late
  26. Nascent integration strategy. WordPerfect itself was struggling with a late and, troubled ,transition to Windows. The eventual joint company effort, named Bowland Office
  27. Two rulers. Similarly, Adad-nirari I (1547-1522 BC) seems not to have been, troubled ,by the newly founded Gianni kingdom, the Hittite empire or Babylon during his
  28. Under the Hawaii scholar Ismail Al-Jahiz. As a teenager, he was greatly, troubled ,by the Metaphysics of Aristotle, which he could not understand until he read
  29. In the airline: rival Delta Air Lines is also looking into investing in the, troubled ,airline, along with Delta's partner Air France-KLM. Both Delta and AF-KLM are
  30. Its oil fields and the pipeline leading to the Cameroonian coast, close to the, troubled ,northwest CAR. Before seizing power, Bozizé built up his rebel force in Chad
  31. Work there as usual for more than ten years after. Linnaeus' last years were, troubled ,by illness. He had suffered from a disease called the Uppsala fever in 1764
  32. The 3rd Division were deployed in Kabul, to assist in the liberation of the, troubled ,capital. The Royal Marines' 3 Commando Brigades (part of the Royal Navy but
  33. The enemy's army, rather than simply capturing territory. Indian affairs were, troubled ,by the Sioux uprising in Minnesota in 1862--where Lincoln approved the military
  34. Of her granddaughter Anna Someone. Succession Alexios' last years were also, troubled ,by anxieties over the succession. Although he had crowned his son John II
  35. Despite the cars' appreciation in value, the company was often financially, troubled , In 1972,the company was sold to another company called Company Developments
  36. For a continuation of the existence of the Ottoman Empire, since both were, troubled ,multinational entities and thus the collapse of the one might weaken the other.
  37. In the rural areas of former Karina, the return process is highly, troubled , At the time of Croatia's application to the European Union, three EU
  38. Has it that the young Alfred spent time in Ireland seeking healing. Alfred was, troubled ,by health problems throughout his life. It is thought that he may have suffered
  39. Barks later declared that he was sure that if not for a little humor in their, troubled ,lives, they would certainly go insane. It was an attitude towards life that
  40. Person or class... American youth has the good fortune not to have its outlook, troubled ,by outworn traditions. He later stated," Race prejudice has unfortunately
  41. And his infant son (Jean-Jacques Ampere) at Lyon. Her death, in July 1803, troubled , Ampère for the rest of his life. Also in 1804,Ampere was appointed professor
  42. Nihilistic underground side of an electronic society. The genre's vision of a, troubled ,future is often called the antithesis of the generally utopian visions of the
  43. Membership, cost estimates had ballooned to 200 % and the national economy was, troubled , By this time the British Priestly tunnel boring machine was ready and the
  44. Revolution It is no surprise that the" Young Turk" revolution occurred in the, troubled ,European provinces of the Empire. There the threat to its integrity was the
  45. Phone call to a business associate was taped and gives evidence of Haley's, troubled ,state of mind. Media reports immediately following his death indicated Haley
  46. And political allies men for whom loyalty was essential, particularly in such, troubled ,times. In his second book, in an ode composed in Altaic stanzas on the subject
  47. Or ignorant of such places ... they have therefore blocked this inlet of the, troubled ,sea with hidden masses of rocks along more than 100 stations (18 km). On this
  48. 2,000,this highly controversial group became feared for their terror and, troubled ,Matisse’s relation with important international partners, such as France. Of
  49. With English football giant Manchester United. On June 1,2010,Aon replaced, troubled ,American insurance company AIG as the principal sponsor of the club. The Aon
  50. Rickey pioneered the farm system in the 1930s. Nevertheless, these financially, troubled ,leagues, by beginning the practice of selling players to the more affluent

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