Examples of the the word, postcard , in a Sentence Context

The word ( postcard ), is the 7788 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Set to music by composer Alan Berg. In 1913,Berg's Five songs on picture, postcard ,texts by Peter Gutenberg were premiered in Vienna. The piece caused an uproar
  2. 20th. Style" text-align: center;" per row 5> File: Temple of Music, postcard , JPG|"Temple of Music, Buffalo,N. Y. (Where Pres. McKinley was shot),"
  3. If it takes the entire army and navy of the United States to deliver a, postcard ,in Chicago," he proclaimed," that card will be delivered. " Most governors
  4. Actively sends Signature Confirmation information back to the sender by, postcard ,or emailed PDF (as opposed to merely putting this information into the online
  5. In years following the mid-1890s. Early US postcard s The first American, postcard ,was developed in 1873 by the Morgan Envelope Factory of Springfield
  6. 8,2006. Notes A postmark is a postal marking made on a letter, package, postcard , or the like indicating the date and time that the item was delivered into the
  7. The best-known part of the Sammarinese military, and appears on countless, postcard ,views of the republic. The functions of the Guard of the Council are to protect
  8. By the relevant postal authority. The United States Postal Service defines a, postcard ,as: rectangular, at least high × long × thick and no more than high × long ×
  9. An imprint of the letterbox's stamp, either on their personal notebook or on a, postcard , and leave an impression of their personal stamp on the letterbox's" visitors
  10. Images of the newly built Eiffel Tower in 1889 and 1890 gave impetus to the, postcard , leading to the so-called" golden age" of the picture postcard in years
  11. And a tumbler decorated with color panels from the series, in addition to a, postcard ,set and two T-shirts, although several of these items are listed as 'sold out '
  12. And postal cards (which have the postage pre-printed on them). While a, postcard ,is usually printed by a private company, individual or organization, a postal
  13. The author. Examples include: * Postcardware, which requires the user to send a, postcard ,to someone * Carfare, which requires the user to donate to a charity Another
  14. Materials beside the other boys, including a candy dish, a stick of mascara,a, postcard ,of Joan Crawford, a gay pornographic magazine, a bottle of mineral water, and a
  15. Image: PostcardTaftShermanPresidentialCampaign1908. JPG|Taft-Sherman, postcard ,Image: MagazineCoverColliers07251908. JPG|Collier's magazine cover Image:
  16. Acknowledged that Tolkien was probably mistaken about the origin of the, postcard , The original painting was auctioned at Sotheby's in London on 12 July 2005
  17. The ideals he already believed in. Later the same day Adolf Hitler received a, postcard ,telling him that he had been accepted for membership of what was at that time
  18. Include: the drive-in movie, the cultivated blueberry, cranberry sauce,the, postcard , the boardwalk, the zipper, the phonograph, saltwater taffy, the dirigible, the
  19. Fantasies, the title of which was taken from Ochs's sign-off on the ", postcard ," on the back of Tape from California:" Farewells & Fantasies, Folks,P. OCS
  20. Because people were looking for an easier way to send quick notes. The first, postcard ,to be printed as a souvenir in the United States was created in 1893 to
  21. Move for libel after the band's manager Tony Second published a promotional, postcard ,for the single" Flowers In The Rain ", featuring a caricature depicting Wilson
  22. AOL superimposed onto figures (for example, a goldfish, a rainbow, a tree,a, postcard ,). The new identity was enacted onto all of AOL's services on December 10
  23. To have a divided back and correspondents could only write on the front of the, postcard , This was known as the" undivided back" era of postcard s. On March 1,1907
  24. Individuals since the creation of postal services. The earliest known picture, postcard ,was a hand-painted design on card, posted in London to the writer Theodore Hook
  25. Was inspired to create Men by an Elliott Erwin photograph, printed on a, postcard , called" New York City,1946 ", showing a sweltered chihuahua at a woman's
  26. Areas of other orders of magnitude. *0.015 m² -- Size of an A6 paper sheet, postcard , photo 4 x 6 inches *0.060 m² -- Size of a sheet of U. S. Letter size paper,8½
  27. Postal services, usually requiring additional postage than an average letter or, postcard , Many postal services have limits on what can and cannot be sent inside
  28. it's called a 'friendship sheet. ' If the page is small, like the size of a, postcard , or smaller,it's called a 'cram. ' Friendship books that have a musical theme
  29. Walking distance of the road. As a result, the tradition of leaving a letter or, postcard ,in the box has been forgotten. Today there is a club called the" 100 Clubs "
  30. Is nuzzling his upturned hands. Carpenter said that Tolkien recalled buying the, postcard ,during his holiday in Switzerland in 1911. Manfred Zimmerman, however
  31. Impetus to the postcard , leading to the so-called" golden age" of the picture, postcard ,in years following the mid-1890s. Early US postcard s The first American
  32. Zone, a weekly 2-hour radio show broadcast on RTRFM in Perth since 1994. A, postcard ,or post card is a rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended
  33. Northern moor in 1854. From these hikers on the moors began to leave a letter or, postcard ,inside a box along the trail (sometimes addressed to themselves, sometimes a
  34. Wagner's most inspired, sublimest creation. " He reiterated this view in a, postcard ,from Bayreuth in 1883:" Parsifal is without doubt by far the most beautiful
  35. The best-known part of the Sammarinese military, and appears on countless, postcard ,views of the republic. The functions of the Guard of the Council are to protect
  36. Country that makes me sick. " He had already made a comment about sending a, postcard ,from the Bahamas in 2005. Statuette of Milan Cathedral after a rally in Milan
  37. Amounts allegedly taken from Korean lobbyists, to be clipped and glued to a, postcard ,to be sent to the Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill, resulting in an overflow of
  38. Organizations such as the Boy Scouts of America. The Order also funded a, postcard ,campaign in 2005 in an attempt to stop the Canadian parliament from legalizing
  39. Tall Ship docked in Provincetown Harbor Image: Longpointlight125. JPG|An old, postcard ,depicting Long Point Light Image: Pilgrims' Monument at night. JPG‎|The
  40. Single object and a simple image of it has been the museum's best-selling, postcard ,for several decades. Since 2004,the conserved stone has been on display in a
  41. Image: PostcardWichllYerHaveUSPresidentialCandidatesTaftBryan1908. JPG|Humorous, postcard ,File: JohnJohnson1908ribbon. JPG|John Johnson ribbon The United States
  42. And became a lightning rod for vandals. It was covered with a large addressed, postcard ,marked" Return to Sender. " A former Stanford University professor was
  43. Ever posted without envelopes. In the following year the first known picture, postcard ,in which the image functioned as a souvenir was sent from Vienna. The first
  44. Was rescinded on December 24, 1901,when private companies could use the word ", postcard ,". Postcards were not allowed to have a divided back and correspondents could
  45. Wrigley, the famous scoreboard was sliced off, presumably to hide the original, postcard ,'s banner containing the park's name. It may also be observed that the
  46. That also contained the space for the address. In strict philatelic usage,the, postcard ,is to be distinguished from the postal card, which has a pre-printed postage on
  47. Which was included in the price of purchase. The first known printed picture, postcard , with an image on one side, was created in France in 1870 at Camp Connie by
  48. On the paper cover in which he kept it, he wrote" the origin of Gandalf ". The, postcard ,reproduces a painting of a bearded figure, sitting on a rock under a pine tree
  49. Creation Humphrey Carpenter in his 1977 biography relates that Tolkien owned a, postcard ,entitled Her Biggest (), and on the paper cover in which he kept it, he
  50. Of Music, Buffalo,N. Y. (Where Pres. McKinley was shot)," historical, postcard , File: McKinley last photo. JPG|McKinley entering the Temple of Music shortly

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