Examples of the the word, interruption , in a Sentence Context

The word ( interruption ), is the 7784 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The mood and composition he hoped for, and then leave Nyquist to work lacking, interruption ,or comment until post-production discussion of the next day's work. Financing
  2. If the goal is knocked out of position. Play often proceeds for minutes without, interruption , When play is stopped, it is restarted with a face off. Two players" face "
  3. Is now obstructed by the Aswan High Dam and retained in Lake Nasser. The, interruption ,of yearly, natural fertilization and the increasing salinity of the soil has
  4. Such functionality but adds more steps to the process, greatly increasing the, interruption ,to a user's workflow that a given correction requires. User interface Text
  5. Script submitted to the censors. Tchaikovsky was reportedly infuriated by this, interruption ,and destroyed most of the film. Film career outside the Soviet Union During the
  6. Unlike The Flash or Green Lantern, Batman comics had been published without, interruption ,through the 1950s) and would on occasion make reference to stories from the
  7. Batteries that can provide power for several hours in case of external power, interruption ,(e.g., see the EMC Symmetric) and thus maintain the content of the volatile
  8. Mistachuck): I Don't Rhyme for the Sake of Riddling In film, a cutaway is the, interruption ,of a continuously filmed action by inserting a view of something else. It is
  9. Worked all day without haste and without pause. He was not at all impatient of, interruption , but seemed rather to be refreshed by it, returning to his work without effort.
  10. Dominant role. He consistently held Iraq from Tigris to the Gulf without, interruption , His long reign of forty-seven years is chiefly marked by ambitious and corrupt
  11. In parentheses or square brackets. An bracketed ellipsis indicates an, interruption ,or pause in speech. The syntactical rules for ellipses are standardized by the
  12. Of beauty in their own persons ... The dandy must aspire to be sublime without, interruption ,; he must live and sleep before a mirror. " Other French intellectuals also were
  13. Cause a moderate deterioration (e.g., dementia and delirium) or transient, interruption ,(e.g., grand mal and petite MAL seizures) of consciousness, they are not
  14. Of Confucius (祭孔) is supported by the government and has continued without, interruption , While not a national holiday, it does appear on all printed calendars, much as
  15. Visitor in our premises. He is not dependent on us, we are on him. He is not an, interruption ,to our work, he is the purpose of it. Typically, when business people and
  16. In contrast to the professional game's resurgence in popularity after the 1994, interruption , Little League enrollment was in decline: after peaking in 1996,it dropped 1
  17. Building of the small Ionic Temple of Athena Nike commenced. After an, interruption ,caused by the Peloponnesian War, the temple was finished in the time of Nicolas
  18. It has been suggested that this reflects zinc loss during recycling and thus an, interruption ,in the production of new brass. However, it is now thought this was probably a
  19. Form of phrasing, in which each motif emerges from the previous one without, interruption , the practice of letting accompanying material evolve into melodic material
  20. The Spanish Succession (1702–1714). The Review ran three times a week without, interruption ,until 1713. Defoe was amazed that a man as gifted as Harley left vital state
  21. Name Morse1992/> Disruption is the (usually deliberate or intended), interruption , of normal work or practice. *In Scotland, the Disruption of 1843 refers to the
  22. Of the clique, taking the position that a new council could add a valid, interruption ,to the Creed. Pauli nus primary argumentation is that the Clique could be
  23. Transition and climactic sections: the music flows smoothly and without obvious, interruption , He then took this integrated style and began applying it to orchestral and
  24. Was sought. FIDE, who have controlled the title since then (except for one, interruption ,), ran a tournament of elite players. The winner of the 1948 tournament
  25. Christian communities of the Levant continued to make icons without significant, interruption ,from the sixth century to the ninth. The missing nose on the Great Sphinx of
  26. And breast cancer. Proponents of a causal link between the two suggest that the, interruption ,of normal breast development during pregnancy leaves immature cells that are
  27. Armored flight decks on their aircraft carriers, they only experienced a brief, interruption ,to their force's objective. Between 6 April and 22 June, the Japanese flew
  28. After an interruption by the referees. It takes places from the spot where the, interruption ,was caused as long as this spot is outside the free-throw line of the
  29. Glass. This advancement allowed for larger panes of glass to be created without, interruption , thus freeing up the space planning in interiors as well as the fenestration of
  30. Its intrinsic relationship to the procreation of human life ", and the" direct, interruption ,of the generative process already begun" is unlawful. Every action
  31. A standby generator, it can provide instant protection from a momentary power, interruption , * http://www.heliocentris.com/en/clean-energy/references/on-board-apu.html
  32. Line (line 10),Ibaraki. This is commonly thought to be done to prevent any, interruption ,before the next line (which begins with Ibaraki) is recited by the leader.
  33. A view of poetry that is supposed to be serious but which leads to a comic, interruption ,by the god, Dionysus:: :AES. It was Orpheus singing who taught us religion and
  34. Terms of a nose up pitching angle of 6 '. A sudden loss of power caused by an, interruption ,to fuel flow would mean that this down thrust was lost and K7's bows would have
  35. Literature festival Word. The Aberdeen Student Show, performed annually without, interruption ,since 1921,under the auspices of the
  36. And Donald Today. In Rosen's view, it contains four movements played without, interruption , This" inner symphony" follows the same overall pattern as the Ninth Symphony
  37. Infertility, in-transit loss, veterinary fees, and prospective foal. * Business, interruption ,insurance covers the loss of income, and the expenses incurred, after a covered
  38. Conquests – and many Swedes now considered the king as a tyrant. With the, interruption ,of the war (1788–1790),the last decades of the 18th century had been an era
  39. I in 1293. The Lordship thereafter became a royal appointment, with a brief, interruption ,when Henry de Beauchamp,1st Duke of Warwick was in 1444 crowned King of the
  40. Returned to Serie A in 1968 and remained in the elite league almost without, interruption ,until 1990. Along the way it scored a famous 5–3 win in the 1972–1973 season
  41. New beginnings and hence beginners. " In Arendt's view, political action is an, interruption ,of automatic process, either natural or historical. The freedom to begin anew
  42. Was already gaining quickly when World War I (1914–1918) caused a devastating, interruption ,in the European film industries. The American industry, or " Hollywood ", as it
  43. Driving force behind their funeral practices. Death was simply a temporary, interruption , rather than complete cessation, of life, and that eternal life could be
  44. By class, with the Knight going first, followed by the Monk, but the Miller's, interruption ,makes it clear that this structure will be abandoned in favor of a free and
  45. He then fed into the machine. This allowed him to type continuously without the, interruption ,of reloading pages. The resulting manuscript contained no chapter or paragraph
  46. In resources, e. g., time,money, to build them) to be lost by a power, interruption , Thus, at any point in time most of their content resides in nonvolatile storage
  47. Within his goal area.; Free-throw: A free-throw restarts the play after an, interruption ,by the referees. It takes places from the spot where the interruption was
  48. And choristers in the late 16th century. All save four of these have – with an, interruption ,during the Commonwealth – continued daily choral prayer and praise to this day.
  49. Is that he shows no willingness, verbally,to acknowledge silence, failure, interruption , loss of faith, despair and so on. Supremely, better than almost any other
  50. Is an ongoing distillation in which a liquid mixture is continuously (without, interruption ,) fed into the process and separated fractions are removed continuously as

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