Examples of the the word, greeting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( greeting ), is the 7795 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Responsibility—along with various specialty art, such as a series of Li'l Abner, greeting ,cards—was tight-penciling the Sunday pages from studio roughs. This work was
  2. Another potential member. The response ASIA (A Klansman I am) completes the, greeting , Throughout its varied history, the Klan has coined many words beginning with "
  3. Between Lee and Stuart, but reports circulated at headquarters that Lee's, greeting ,was" abrupt and frosty. " Colonel Edward Porter Alexander wrote," Although
  4. Body was transported by funeral train to his hometown of Kingston, with crowds, greeting ,the train at each stop. On arrival in Kingston, Macdonald lay in state again in
  5. Hospitality, a host traditionally presents an offering of bread and salt when, greeting ,a guest or visitor. Popular drinks in Belarus include Russian wheat vodka and
  6. Ribbentrop over his demands that King George receive and give the" German, greeting ,". In his dealings with the British government, most of Ribbentrop's time was
  7. Poem. Folkloric etymologies Frontier banter This idea suggests the term was a, greeting , When approaching a man's home in those early frontier days, one shouted from
  8. And subsequently flown to Pago Pago International Airport in Fauna for a, greeting ,reception, before being flown on a C-141 cargo plane to Honolulu. Hardware
  9. Writing to recipients in Italy, and that Italians present with the author are, greeting ,those back home. Traditional scholars have argued the letter's audience was
  10. Important social signal in cats, with a raised tail acting as a friendly, greeting , Nose-touching is also a common greeting and may be followed by social grooming
  11. Saw freshly killed corpses piled up for eating. 'Eat me! ' Was a proper ritual, greeting ,from a commoner to a chief. " Carr also reported that the posts that supported
  12. The first message was brief, a simple five sentence email with a Christmas, greeting , advising recipients not to open email messages with subject" GOOD TIMES!! "
  13. 1936,at his home in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. His last known words were a, greeting ,spoken to his wife. The homily at Chesterton's Requiem Mass in Westminster
  14. Include Junction Julie and Junction Jesse. He walks around Minute Maid Park, greeting ,visitors, shaking hands, and posing for pictures. Outside the stadium he
  15. Proposed as candidates for the third figure. If it is HEL she is presumably, greeting ,the dying Bald as he comes to her realm. Theories SEO Hell The Old English
  16. To become a commodity which is now ubiquitous, embedded in many forms, from, greeting , cards and telephones to satellites. Computing hardware and its software have
  17. A skull would appear. The custom was widespread enough to be commemorated on, greeting ,cards from the late 19th century and early 20th century. Another
  18. Day, a box of chocolates is traditional, usually presented with flowers and a, greeting ,card. It may be gifted on other holidays, including Christmas, Easter
  19. XMAS 1898" at the bottom. In 1937,Austria issued two" Christmas, greeting ,stamps" featuring a rose and the signs of the zodiac. In 1939,Brazil issued
  20. Bush, meaning either a native forest or a country area in general, and g'day,a, greeting , Dinkum, or fair dinkum means" true ", or " is that true? ", among other
  21. Him courteously,“ Peace be with thee, Rabbi. ” Instead of returning the, greeting , the rabbi could not resist an insult,“ How ugly you are! Is there anyone as
  22. GRU Got" ( literally" greet God! ", meaning " May God bless you" ) when, greeting ,someone, rather than the" Gluten Tag" (" Good day" ). German-german
  23. Known as" Bright Week ", all fasting is prohibited, and the customary Paschal, greeting ,is:" Christ is risen! ", to which the response is:" Truly He is risen! " This
  24. Etc. The Peace, at which in the early Church the congregation had exchanged a, greeting , was removed altogether. Vestments such as the stole, chasuble and cope were no
  25. Is ongoing. In the United States there has been a tendency to replace the, greeting ,Merry Christmas with Happy Holidays. Groups such as the American Civil
  26. And family members during the weeks preceding Christmas Day. The traditional, greeting ,reads" wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ", much like that of
  27. Multi-user chats, free daily-limited SMS sending, resumable file transfers, greeting ,cards, multiplayer games and a searchable user directory. *ICQ6 was launched on
  28. Equestrian" ( Trekkie),who had a small role as a disposable redshirt, greeting ,the actors familiarly, although they don't recognize him. He spends most of the
  29. Suetonius, and exhibits a true poetic gift. Of the shorter poems, besides the, greeting ,to Pippin on his return from the campaign against the Avers (796),an epistle
  30. In stones and pounds" ). Greetings When Christmas is explicitly mentioned in a, greeting , the universal phrasing in North America is Merry Christmas. In the UK Happy
  31. Explaining how at one time he was shining shoes and the next, he was, greeting ,the President of the United States as he did when President Lyndon B. Johnson
  32. All German diplomats were to greet heads of state with the" German, greeting ,", who were in turn to return the fascist salute. As a result of Neurath's
  33. Service people bring blessed eggs to the cemetery and bring the joyous paschal, greeting ," Christ has risen ", to their beloved departed (see Adonize). Legends
  34. A U. S. trademark registration for the" frown" emoticon: - (when used on ", greeting ,cards, posters and art prints. " In 2001,they issued a satirical press release
  35. Meet their parents, who had moved to New York two years prior. She received a, greeting ,from officials and a $10 gold piece. It was the largest sum of money she had
  36. Literally" good journey "; have a good trip!;:" good day," a standard, greeting ,in the morning or afternoon;:" good luck" ( as in,'I wish you good luck' );
  37. Startlement to a cry of help to rage. Elephants also make rumbling growls when, greeting ,each other. The growl becomes a bellow when the mouth is open and a bellow
  38. Adopted it, originally a superstitious move to ward off the" evil eye ", as a, greeting ,to the audience. Since then, the gesture became widely copied by fans and other
  39. Studies. While there, he issued, on 1 December 1874,in reply to a birthday, greeting ,from his followers, a manifesto proclaiming himself the sole representative of
  40. Montgomery advertising firm, which hopes they would be widely adopted as ", greeting ,cards that just happen to be selling something ". In 2008 an emotion-sequence
  41. Masks, salt and pepper shakers, decals,pin backs, tumblers,coin banks, greeting ,cards, planters,neckties, suspenders,belts, curtains,fountain pens, and
  42. Traditions on Holy Saturday. During Paschal tide, in some traditions the Paschal, greeting ,with the Easter egg is even extended to the deceased. On either the second
  43. Forbids Loki to enter the hall but is overruled by Odin. Loki then gives a, greeting ,to all gods and goddesses who are in the hall save to Bragg. Bragg generously
  44. In the home, in a hospital or institution, or in church. The rite begins with a, greeting ,by the priest, followed by sprinkling of all present with holy water, if deemed
  45. With special Christmas foods. Cards Christmas cards are illustrated messages of, greeting ,exchanged between friends and family members during the weeks preceding
  46. A raised tail acting as a friendly greeting . Nose-touching is also a common, greeting ,and may be followed by social grooming, which is solicited by one of the cats
  47. Natural resources and no taxes. Industries have included automotive parts, greeting ,cards, direct mail and printing, and plastic-molding. The Mississippi Band of
  48. On the way; (JE sews):" ( I am) enchanted (to meet you) ": a formal, greeting ,on receiving an introduction. Often shortened to simply" enchanted. "; Enfant
  49. Appointed cardinal a gold ring, which is traditionally kissed by Catholics when, greeting ,a cardinal (as with a bishop's episcopal ring). The pope chooses the image
  50. Required that a person ask first about the health of a man's livestock when, greeting ,him and only afterward inquire about the human aspects of his life. Even today

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