Examples of the the word, snake , in a Sentence Context

The word ( snake ), is the 5444 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Defined by the common ancestor of a specific amphibian and mammal (or bird or, snake ,). This definition gives us the Crown group tetrapods (or Crown-Tetrapoda). A
  2. To strangle Lucius during his siesta. The assassins left in terror, when a, snake ,suddenly darted from beneath Nero’s pillow—but it was only a sloughed-off
  3. Trees, mountains,forests, caves and gardens. The bear, boar,bull, sow, snake , and stag are also thought to personify the element as are all burrowing animals
  4. In yeller: Went upstairs to kiss her feller: Made a mistake and kissed a, snake ,: Came downstairs with a bellyache: How many doctors did it take? 1,2,3,4,5
  5. The dice snake (called Peroxide in Greek),and the only venomous, snake ,is the nocturnal cat snake which has evolved to deliver its venom in to geckos
  6. Of" I'm Tired ", speaking lines such as" Give her a break! "," She's not a, snake ," and," Don't you know she's pooped?! " Production In the DVD commentary
  7. As Chandra),the Balkan whip snake (locally called Dendrogallia),the dice, snake ,(called Peroxide in Greek),and the only venomous snake is the nocturnal cat
  8. Rome's seventh and last king, Lucius Arminius Super bus, after witnessing a, snake ,near his palace, sent a delegation including two of his sons to consult the
  9. Cinematographer/Director of Photography An anaconda is a large, non-venomous, snake , found in tropical South America. Although the name actually applies to a group
  10. Editor of The New England Journal of Medicine says," It's a new name for, snake ,oil. " According to a 2005 book by a US Institute of Medicine panel, the number
  11. The aboriginals and the lower caste people, who became Buddhist, brought, snake , worship with them. The nāgas, or snake s, were given human from, except for the
  12. And the hawk and all high-flying birds flee water; fish, air and earth; the, snake ,avoids the open air. Whereas snake s and all creeping things love earth; all
  13. And these are not dangerous to humans. The four species include the leopard, snake ,(locally known as Chandra),the Balkan whip snake (locally called
  14. Heresies ichneumon). Other notable species are Viper latest, a venomous, snake , and the endemic (and endangered) fish Aphasics Atticus. Protected areas
  15. Such as headhunting, whirling dervishes, whether there were real Hobbit people, snake ,handling, and glossolalia (speaking in tongues),just to list a few. At the
  16. Fell on his own sword and into Cleopatra's arms, while she let a venomous, snake ,bite her. Having exploited his position as Caesar's heir to further his own
  17. The girls made a pet. When Dry ope had the tortoise on her lap, he turned into a, snake , She tried to flee, but he coiled around her legs and held her arms tightly
  18. By James Earl Jones. *Regor - In the 1982 movie, chief priest of Tulsa Doom's, snake ,cult. Stole the sword of Conan's father *Thor grim - Hammer-wielding minion of
  19. The Departments of Ben and Panda in Bolivia. * The giant anaconda, a mythical, snake ,of enormous proportions found in South America. * Any large snake that "
  20. A reticulated python, Python reticulated. The account, which explains how the, snake ,crushes and devours tigers, is full of popular misconceptions, but was much
  21. Only the stick man or a dealer can place a service bet. The bets include: 2 (, snake ,eyes, or Aces): Wins if shooter rolls a 2. 3 (ace-deuce): Wins if the
  22. In shallow waters in the Amazon Basin. One of the world's the largest species of, snake , the anaconda spends most of its time in the water, with just its nostrils
  23. To Great Britain: the common European adder, the grass snake and the smooth, snake ,; none are native to Ireland. In general, Great Britain has slightly more
  24. Three lizards and one toad known to inhabit Diego Garcia, and possibly one, snake , All are believed to have been introduced by human activity. The House Gecko (
  25. S magicians performed the same act with their own rods. However,Aaron's, snake ,ate up all the other snake s (Exodus 7:9) proving his rod was victorious.
  26. Declared visits a replica animal vendor and learns that it came from a, snake ,made by Abdul Ben Hassan (Ben Star). Hassan directs Declared to Taffy Lewis
  27. Something Roberts exposed on Saturday Night's Main Event when he threw his, snake , Damien, on the frightened André; as a result, André suffered a Payfare mild
  28. The Inhale henakandaya. However, this name is used to refer to the brown vine, snake , Ahaetulla pulverulenta, a slender arboreal species that grows to five feet (
  29. The English language in 1768 by R. Edwin in a colorful description of a large, snake ,found in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka),most likely a reticulated python, Python
  30. Called Peroxide in Greek),and the only venomous snake is the nocturnal cat, snake ,which has evolved to deliver its venom in to geckos and small lizards and is
  31. Three snake s are native to Great Britain: the common European adder, the grass, snake ,and the smooth snake ; none are native to Ireland. In general, Great Britain has
  32. The board found at Share South the fields are fashioned by the coils of a, snake , Tour Darya (2006) — on the subject of the first written mention of early
  33. Phobos ## Deimos ## Arrested ## Harmonic ## The Erodes ### Eros The Egyptian, snake ,goddess Wad jet was associated with the city known to the Greeks as
  34. Seen as the equivalent of wood. Air is represented in the Aztec religion by a, snake ,to the Scythians, a yoke to the Hindus and for Greeks as a sword and in
  35. By an alexandrine:: A needless alexandrine ends the song: that like a wounded, snake , drags its slow length along. A few lines later Pope continues:: Not so, when
  36. The 18th century. Beginning at the north, Antlia is bordered by Hydra the sea, snake , Pyxes the compass, Vela the sails, and Centaurus the centaur. History Anglia
  37. Include the leopard snake (locally known as Chandra),the Balkan whip, snake ,(locally called Dendrogallia),the dice snake (called Peroxide in Greek)
  38. Word used (δράκων dragon, genitive δράκοντοϛ dragons) could also mean ", snake ,". Δράκων dragon is a form of the artist participle active of Greek δέρκομαι
  39. Having three heads, a mane of live serpents (similar to Medusa's hair) and a, snake ,'s tail. In most works the three-heads each respectively see and represent the
  40. Dragons are usually shown in modern times with a body like a huge lizard, or a, snake ,with two pairs of lizard-type legs, and able to emit fire from their mouths.
  41. Three claws ". India In the early Vedic religion, Vritra (as AHI (", snake ,") (), and he is said to have had three heads. The Life of Apollonian of
  42. Spear. It also had a crystal shield with the head of the Gorgon on it. A large, snake ,accompanied her, and she held the goddess of victory in her hand. Athena is
  43. 130 BC. During the 4th century BC Scythian archers tipped their arrow tips with, snake ,venom, human blood, and animal feces to cause wounds to become infected. There
  44. Has completely shed her animal form, has reduced the shapes she once wore of, snake ,and bird to attributes, but occasionally in black-figure vase-paintings she
  45. Probably the Brahmin Blind Snake (Ramphotyphlops bra minus). This, snake ,feeds on the larvae, eggs and pupae of ants and termites, and is about the size
  46. Magicians; when Aaron's rod was thrown down to the ground it had turned into a, snake , so Pharaoh's magicians performed the same act with their own rods. However
  47. From Afrikaans" commando" meaning small fighting unit," boom slang" (" tree, snake ,") and apartheid (" segregation "; more accurately" awareness" or" the
  48. Tortoise, and the stripe-necked terrapin. There are four species of, snake ,on the island and these are not dangerous to humans. The four species include
  49. And hunting its population has dramatically decreased. Reptiles. The anaconda, snake ,is found in shallow waters in the Amazon Basin. One of the world's largest
  50. A mythical snake of enormous proportions found in South America. * Any large, snake ,that" crushes" its prey (see Constriction). Applied loosely. Etymology As

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