Examples of the the word, covenant , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, has a foundational statement of principles, or ", covenant ," which claims that the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, colonialism
  2. Concern Israel’s relationship with Yahweh. It is this integral component of the, covenant ,between Yahweh and Israel which is threatened by the practices to which the
  3. Golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tablets of the, covenant , " Says the prophet saw God's temple in heaven opened," and the ark of his
  4. At this time Baha'is view Baha'u'lláh's revelation as a binding lesser, covenant ,for his followers; in the Bahá'í writings being firm in the covenant is
  5. Presents his role as one that could only be fulfilled through a monotheistic, covenant ,established between him and God. The Qur'an has stories about Abraham and his
  6. Union of the Church of England into the Church of Scotland, and although the, covenant ,referred repeatedly to union between the three kingdoms of England, Scotland
  7. Will be dedicated to Yahweh. Eli, the priest of Shiloh (where the ark of the, covenant ,is located),blesses her, and a child named Samuel is born. Eli's sons prove
  8. To be circumcised, an act to be followed by his descendants:: This is My, covenant ,between Me, and between you and your offspring that you must keep: You must
  9. Is structured along the lines of a judicial trial, a suzerain treaty or a, covenant ,– one of the major themes throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Implicit in the
  10. Lesser covenant for his followers; in the Bahá'í writings being firm in the, covenant ,is considered a virtue to work toward. The Greater Covenant is viewed as a more
  11. Chapter two describes a divorce. This divorce seems to be the end of the, covenant ,between God and the Northern Kingdom. However, it is probable that this was
  12. Judah and Israel to see their exile as punishment for failing to uphold their, covenant ,with Yahweh, it was not long after they had been restored to the land and to
  13. Hosea is believed to be the first prophet to use marriage as a metaphor of the, covenant ,between God and Israel, and he influenced latter prophets such as Jeremiah. He
  14. Jesus Christ who provides the opportunity for all mankind to be under the same, covenant ,that was offered to Abraham and all of his people. Judaism Abraham’s life can
  15. A society where genealogy was considered extremely important because of God's, covenant ,with Abraham and his descendants, the author may have felt compelled to
  16. Secular use). Here it does not connote mutuality; rather, it is a unilateral, covenant ,offered by God to individuals. Old Testament The Old Testament consists of a
  17. V=B3FAU2a0Roc Brit Milan (b'it MI'LA, Ashkenazi pronunciation, bris Milo,", covenant ,of circumcision "; Yiddish pronunciation, bris) is a Jewish religious
  18. Is a translation of the Greek διαθηκη (diatribe),also often translated ", covenant , " It is a legal term denoting a formal and legally binding declaration of
  19. Which are dealt with in the book of Zephaniah go straight to the heart of the, covenant ,which is reaffirmed in the book of Deuteronomy before Israel enters into the
  20. Described in Kings is the result of Israel's failure to uphold its part of the, covenant ,: faithfulness to Yahweh brings success, economic,military and political, but
  21. Israel was to live there: twelve tribes, with a designated leader, united by, covenant ,in warfare and in worship of Yahweh alone at single sanctuary, all in obedience
  22. 1.3-4),and hymn prayer of petition and confidence (7.14-20),and the ", covenant ,lawsuit" ( 6.1-8),a distinct genre in which Yahweh (God) sues Israel for
  23. A metaphor for the conflict between a Covenant Theology (Israel violating the, covenant ,relationship with YHWH) and a Creation Theology (YHWH will undo the fertility
  24. He ends this prophecy with the declaration that God will one day renew the, covenant , and will take Israel back in love. In Chapter three, at God's command, Hosea
  25. Staff of God" ( Ex. 17:8–13). *Joshua served as the mediator of the renewed, covenant ,between Yahweh and Israel at She chem (8:30–35; 24),just as Moses was the
  26. For them, and of the need to love Yahweh alone. Joshua performs the concluding, covenant ,ceremony, and send the people to their inheritance. Composition Tradition
  27. Charges the leaders of the Israelites to remain faithful to Yahweh and the, covenant , warning of judgement should Israel leave Yahweh and follow other gods; Joshua
  28. Recently established a working group to examine the feasibility of an Anglican, covenant ,which would articulate the conditions for communion in some fashion. Provinces
  29. Israel at She chem (8:30–35; 24),just as Moses was the mediator of Yahweh's, covenant ,with the people at Mount Sinai/Mount More. *Before his death Joshua delivered
  30. Bowls (11:15-19) ####The temple of God opens in heaven, where the ark of His, covenant ,can be seen. There are lightnings, noises,thundering, an earthquake, and
  31. Or" law" ), comprising the origins of the Israelite nation, its laws and its, covenant ,with the God of Israel; (2) the Nevi'I'm (" prophets" ), containing the
  32. Genre The essence of Deuteronomistic theology is that Israel has entered into a, covenant ,(a treaty, a binding agreement) with the god Yahweh, under which they agree
  33. And he shall be a son to me ..." - 2 Samuel 7:14). God enters into an eternal, covenant ,(treaty) with David and his line, promising divine protection of the dynasty
  34. Social justice and concern for the disadvantaged; the idea that Israel's, covenant ,with God did not exempt them from his position on sin; God is God of all
  35. In relation to interpreting Hosea. Hosea falls under a unique genre called “, covenant ,lawsuit” where God accuses Israel of breaking their previously made agreement.
  36. Of this metaphor. Organ describes the importance of understanding the, covenant ,in relation to interpreting Hosea. Hosea falls under a unique genre called “
  37. Him to his injury from all the tribes of Israel with all the curses of the, covenant , which are written in the Book of the Law. But you who cleave unto the Lord God
  38. God) sues Israel for breach of contract, that is, for violation of the Sinai, covenant , Content Structure At the broadest level Micah can be divided into three
  39. And her leaders are judged by their obedience to the teachings and laws (the, covenant ,) set down in the book of Deuteronomy. Although tradition holds that it was
  40. Jericho (6): :2. Failure and success at Ai (7:1–8:29): :3. Renewal of the, covenant ,at Mount eBay (8:30–35): :4. Other campaigns in central Palestine (9:1–27):
  41. Europeans, this was scandalous. Nothing was considered more holy than the, covenant ,of marriage, and to portray it in such a way was completely unacceptable;
  42. 6:1–5): Yahweh accuses Israel (the people of Judah) of breaking the, covenant ,through their lack of justice and honesty, after the pattern of the kings of
  43. Towards Israel is therefore expressed through the broken marriage, covenant ,made between husband and wife. Contribution Hosea is believed to be the first
  44. Intriguing for the themes it leaves out as for what it includes: the ark of the, covenant , which is given so much importance in the stories of Moses and Joshua, is
  45. Says the prophet saw God's temple in heaven opened," and the ark of his, covenant ,was seen within his temple. " A number of Roman Catholic writers connect this
  46. A positive light, and since Homer represents the role of the wife in a marriage, covenant , women themselves are not portrayed in a positive light. This is reflected
  47. 4-14:9; Oracle judging Israel, Ephraim in particular, for not living up to the, covenant , No further breakdown of ideas is clear in 4-14:9 Following this, the prophecy
  48. And his promise of the land. *10. The priests, Levites and people enter into a, covenant , agreeing to separate themselves from the surrounding peoples and to keep the
  49. Begins at Mount Sinai, where the Israelites have received their laws and, covenant ,from God and God has taken up residence among them in the sanctuary. The task
  50. Altar to Yahweh at Mt eBay (northern Canaan) and renews the Covenant. (The, covenant ,ceremony has elements of a divine land-grant ceremony, similar to ceremonies

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