Examples of the the word, workman , in a Sentence Context
The word ( workman ), is the 12167 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Outward characteristics of functional management lies in the fact that each, workman , instead of coming in direct contact with the management at one point only, ...
- Delegates depart, leaving Andrew McNair (the custodian),the courier, and a, workman ,in the chamber. The workman asks the courier if he has seen any fighting, and
- Respecting all labor is, that it should be paid at a fixed rate, but the good, workman ,employed, and the bad workman unemployed. The false, unnatural,and destructive
- Place to his hand--and if possible have gravity carry the part to the next, workman ,for his operation.:: (3) Use sliding assembling lines by which the parts to
- Unemployed. The false, unnatural,and destructive system is when the bad, workman ,is allowed to offer his work at half-price, and either take the place of the
- D'un brave home (1880) – a kind of counterblast to the view of the French, workman ,presented in Émile Zola's L'Assommoir. He is best remembered as a farmer, for
- Is distracted by nothing, not by politics, nor socialism, and who, like a true, workman , sleeves rolled up, is there to do his task morning til night with the will to
- Would seem to be a piano) and" Hole in the Ground" ( in which an embittered, workman ,murders a bowler-hatted harasser). He also appeared reduced to OO gauge in
- Visited the North, you well remember when word passed from the newspaper to the, workman ,that it circulated through mines and mills, factories and workshops, and they
- Product that it could shed light upon. From then on, as soon as night fell,the, workman ,remained idle; he lost the 4 pennies which his work could obtain him, and
- Andrew McNair (the custodian),the courier, and a workman in the chamber. The, workman ,asks the courier if he has seen any fighting, and the courier replies that his
- Offer, to commit such a depraved act. The killers were arrested after a passing, workman ,spotted the victim's body in an isolated nature preserve near the Indiana
- To have roasted his enemies alive in a brazen bull; it was devised for him by a, workman ,named Perilous or Perilous, who made it so that the screams of the victims
- Was emphasizing" story and character" while merely using technology as a ", workman ,uses his tools. " Jonathan Rosenbaum, then of the Chicago Reader, was less
- Stripped of the editorship of Commonweal in favor of Frank Kit, an anarchist, workman , Morris was left to foot the ongoing operating deficit of the publication
- But times in which publicans and beer sellers prosper and grow rich ... A, workman ,earning 50s. To 60s. A week (above the average pay of bankers' clerks) was
- Working, and we call one a gentleman, and the other an operative; whereas the, workman ,ought often to be thinking, and the thinker often to be working, and both
- Pesos in damages. This amount was extremely high when compared to an average, workman ,'s daily pay, which was about one peso. In addition to this amount, Mexico had
- He was pulled through it. It was later discovered that an over-enthusiastic, workman ,had" mended" the bookcase before the broadcast. The actors working with him
- Up his discoveries. Little more was done for a long time, although in 1914 a, workman ,found another altar at the site, set up by the civilians living at the fort in
- All means, also,choose your bricklayer; that is the proper reward of the good, workman , to be" chosen. " The natural and right system respecting all labor is, that
- Of Alexandria. On 15 July 1823 a fire, started through the negligence of a, workman ,who was repairing the lead of the roof, resulted in the almost total
- Claimed to have been given a fragment of the skull four years earlier by a, workman ,at the Meltdown gravel pit. According to Dawson, workmen at the site had
- Needed replacement as early as 1794 and an accident with the engine killed a, workman ,in 1796. In order to reach the same level as the Oxford Canal the W&N ascended
- Could not get into the flat, but eventually gained access with the help of a, workman , Charles Lang ridge. They found Plath dead of carbon monoxide poisoning in the
- Marauding Indians shot Ebenezer Treble and a, workman ,as they tended his farm on the northern end of the island. They then attacked
- Hardships; (5) Confess one's sins; (6) Accept oneself as a" worthless, workman ,"; (7) Consider oneself" inferior to all "; (8) Follow examples set by
- Brought to the series, John Glen, criticized for a less stylistic and more ", workman ," style of direction, directed all the EON Bond films from 1981 to 1989.
- Charles Dickens wrote (in his periodical" All the Year Round" ) of: the, workman ,'s pain de ménage and the soldier's pain de munition, to the dainty croissant
- But she died within six months of the marriage. Towards the end of 1878 a young, workman ,of Tarragona, Juan Olive Monkeys, fired at the king in Madrid. Second marriage
- I was in the habit of marking the price I would pay on each sketch. If the, workman ,lost, I would pay his regular wages; if he made more than the wages, he kept it
- Finishing.:: (2) Use work slides or some other form of carrier so that when a, workman ,completes his operation, he drops the part always in the same place--which
- It should be paid at a fixed rate, but the good workman employed, and the bad, workman ,unemployed. The false, unnatural,and destructive system is when the bad
- As a means of making an allowance for wastage in an industrial process. The, workman ,is provided with a long weight ton and is expected to return a short weight ton
- Was realized as the high-tech" Rat cave ", accessed from a hidden lift in a, workman ,'s shelter. * The twelfth and final episode of the anime Victorian Romance Emma
- And impaired his ability to provide a constant supply of grain rations to the, workman ,of the Dare Medina community. These difficult realities are completely
- Resides at the Cabrillo in New Orleans, La. Mysteriously, the crew and all the, workman ,broke camp without a word and left one night after several weeks of work. A
- To Malaya and he achieved the rank of Corporal, and he nearly always wears a, workman ,'s belt adorned with army cap badges. During the 1960s series he had been a
- A particular range of social types: the noble soldier, the scoundrel, the proud, workman , the fearless spy, the alluring mistress. That Balzac was able to balance the
- For modern lives spent working at futile jobs in factories and offices. " The, workman ,of today works every day in his life at the same tasks, and this fate is no
- Tend to be fruitcakes that will keep for many days and were often served as a, workman ,'s tea. Traditional recipes such as lob scows (a lamb-based stew),Welsh
- In a letter that Samuel Colt wrote to his father in which he said," The first, workman ,would receive two or three of the most important parts…and would affix these
- I would pay his regular wages; if he made more than the wages, he kept it. The, workman ,who got the sketch was John Truest. I didn't have much faith that it would
- Large universities' gardening departments, in public parks, or for highway, workman ,use with blowtorch cylinders strapped to its sides and a pneumatic drill air
- Hotel de Ville, including Louis Blanc, Armand Arrest, Ferdinand Flocon, and, workman , Albert. Proudhon published his own perspective for reform which was completed
- Curvature of the bench surface Saudi used the shape of buttocks left by a naked, workman ,sitting in wet clay. The curves of the serpent bench from a number of enclaves
- Momohiki (pants),hachimaki (headband)," hardware" ( traditional, workman ,'s apron) with a Aramaic underneath (a strip of cloth wrapped around the
- Union of Marian Lind, a lady of the upper class, to Edward Coolly, always a, workman ,but now a magnate, thanks to his invention of an electric motor that makes
- Likewise that of the society to which he belongs. The improved dexterity of a, workman ,may be considered in the same light as a machine or instrument of trade which
- Maud slay in London, and after showing him his work was engaged as an assistant, workman ,at 10 shillings a week. Unfortunately, Maudslay died two years later, whereupon
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