Examples of the the word, fireman , in a Sentence Context
The word ( fireman ), is the 12168 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of" Indian" *" Gender-neutral" terms such as" firefighter" in place of ", fireman ," * The use of the word" gender" instead of the word" sex" to distinguish
- Long Beach, California,into a conservative Methodist family, the daughter of a, fireman ,father and housewife mother. Her younger brother Randy Soffit grew up to
- Help rebuild what is left of it. Characters * Guy Montag is the protagonist and, fireman ,who presents the dystopia through the eyes of a loyal worker to it, a man in
- Was born in 1944 in Indianapolis, Indiana. His father, Timothy Kelly, was a, fireman ,who perished from a heart attack during a fire while saving two children. John
- Rich, Tony-nominated orchestrator, grew up in Valley Stream * Ohio Palmer, fireman ,who died while rescuing World Trade Center occupants on 9/11 * Matt Rubato
- And many types of food. * At the end of July, Hilton holds its annual, fireman ,'s carnival with rides, food,and the beverage tent known as" The Zoo ". * In
- Ostia, so intense and so red that a cohort of the army, stationed nearby for, fireman ,duty, galloped to the city. * Benjamin Franklin theorized that the" mystery of
- Bernie Carbon hit a three run homer into the center field bleachers off Reds, fireman ,Rawly Eastwick to tie the game. In the top of the eleventh inning, right
- Such as sawing. Groom recalls," The curtains were opened by me, playing a, fireman ,wearing a simple costume of white pants and T-shirt with a poncholike cloak and
- To rob a train as it passed through Enfield, shooting at the engineer, fireman , and conductors. They also shot up the train station. They failed in their
- December 20, 2004 when Erik's great-great-grandson and Bishop Hill volunteer, fireman ,Theodore Arthur More Sr. died south of the Colony while on a fire service call
- In their relationship, and the two eventually separate. Samantha sleeps with a, fireman , a short man, her assistant, a black guy with a disapproving sister, a
- Child of Robert and Mabel, neither of whom could read or write. Robert was the, fireman ,for Islam Colliery pumping engine, earning a low wage, so that there was no
- Used as verbs. The three sentences" Bob runs "," Bob is old ", and " Bob is a, fireman ,", for instance, would all have the same form in Lojban: la bob. Bajra, la bob.
- The festival features flea market vendors, a parade, cake walks, live music, fireman ,'s water ball competition, outhouse races and other attractions. The festival
- Susan (Faye Dunaway),Lissette and the children, along with a supervising, fireman , As it descends, an explosion rips the elevator off its track at the 110th
- The messenger inside to open up. When the messenger refused, the train's, fireman ,was ordered to break open the door with his pick. Once inside the bandits were
- Plaza de San Isidro in Buenos Aires that injured three policemen, blinded one, fireman , and killed another. In April 1973,Colonel Héctor Ira barren, head of the 3rd
- Then that a heck of a lot of trees. Participants receive a t-shirt depicting a, fireman ,using a dragon's tail as a fire hose, representing the Lake Bayamon Fire
- 2002 Glendale Fire Company District 2 hires Wall Township's first career, fireman , Christopher Rosenfeld. *May 2005 Glendale Fire Department hires 10 additional
- Persons of the tale, The sinking ship, The two matches, The sick man and the, fireman , The devil and the innkeeper, The penitent, The yellow paint, The house of ELD
- A team featuring a number of works employees including Thomas Freeman (ships, fireman ,), Walter Parks (clerk),Tom Muddy, Walter Granter and James Lindsay (all
- S baseball and softball fields also host several youth leagues as well as a, fireman ,'s softball league. The school also has a large public playground and a pond.
- Officials said they would modify the proposal to exclude Penny Lane. The, fireman ,and fire engine referred to in the lyrics is based upon the fire station at
- Traditionally begins on a Friday evening in May and includes carnival rides,a, fireman ,'s parade, and craft vendors. To celebrate the area's German roots, an
- And René Maxime Lionel" LE Dee" Departed, a metalworker and volunteer, fireman , His mother did not want more children and told Departed that she had tried to
- 50 Cent in a new film directed by David Barrett called Fire with Fire, about a, fireman ,who must save the love of his life. Willis will also join Vince Vaughn and
- Then as a fitter in the Renault factory in the Paris suburb of Vaillancourt,a, fireman ,on a locomotive and a kitchen hand. He barely earned enough to survive. Many of
- Notable Australian IWC song, and is still current. It was written by ship's, fireman ,William" Bill" Casey, later Secretary of the Seaman's Union in Queensland.
- To choose a service in the" weapons-free" branch, such as an airport, fireman , nurse or telecommunications technician. Most refuse such service, as they feel
- Beneath the blue suburban skies" ), yet at the same time it is raining (" the, fireman ,rushes in from the pouring rain" ) and approaching winter (" selling poppies
- Be heard on the final mix. These include a clanging bell in references to the, fireman , a wispy flute depicting the children laughing, a splashy cymbal illustrating
- The Hearth and the Salamander On a rainy night while returning from his job, fireman ,Guy Montag meets his new neighbor Clarisse McClellan, whose free-thinking
- Was badly scalded in the accident, requiring several weeks in a hospital. The, fireman , Martin Devine, who was called to the scene of the accident reported:" ... I
- Resulted in five deaths (three passengers, the train guard, and the locomotive, fireman ,) and nine serious injuries. The bridge had been designed by Robert Stephenson
- Granted United States Patent #312,085 for a Safety-Belt for tourists, painters, fireman , etc. who are being raised or lowered, described in the patent as" designed to
- One episode (" Mystic Manor" ) has a scene where Garfield slid down a, fireman ,'s pole in a haunted house, and Davis has a brief cameo as himself drawing a
- Suit. It is said that the idea started from a crude emergency rig-up of a, fireman ,'s water-pump (used as an air pump) and a knight-in-armour helmet used to try
- Went on to remark that she had encountered Pagans in jobs that ranged from ", fireman ,to Ph.D. chemist" but that the one thing that she thought made them into an "
- American Navy admiral (b. 1809) *1892 – Alexander Cartwright, American, fireman , and inventor of baseball (b. 1820) *1910 – Charles Stewart Rolls, British
- Leading the fight on all scorecards at the end of round 6. Mercado worked as a, fireman ,in Dade County, Florida for many years. He is a native of Caguas, Puerto Rico
- The train derailed, no other lives were lost. On the train, the driver and, fireman ,were severely injured when the engine caught fire, and about half of the 50
- You Chuck and Larry (2007) alongside Kevin James, as a New York City, fireman ,pretending to be gay to keep up an insurance scam so that his best friend's
- 1911 to Glendale, California,where his father worked as a pharmacist. A local, fireman ,at the station on his route to school in Glendale started calling him" Little
- Only one year earlier, there had only been 6,600 full-time and 13,800 part-time, fireman ,in the entire country. The WVS (Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defense
- Such circumstances may include: * Murder of a police officer, judge, fireman , or witness to a crime In the United States, these murders are referred to as
- From acting, was originally offered to Olivia de Havilland. The acrophobia, fireman ,who was afraid to rappel down the elevator shaft was played by Paul Newman's
- Graduated from Hayesville High School. His grandfather James Marvin Camp was a, fireman ,of this town for over thirty years. Roswell is a city located in northern
- And below) also follow U. S. Navy convention with white for seaman, red for, fireman , and green for airman. In a departure from the U. S. Navy conventions, all
- Edward Group headed by the late Charles Fellini Sr., a decorated former FD NY, fireman ,; about $60 million was initially spent, but only of land on the site of the
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