Examples of the the word, georgian , in a Sentence Context
The word ( georgian ), is the 12170 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And information, and a variety of other resources. The European Democrats (, georgian , ევროპელი დემოკრატები) is a political movement in Georgia, formed in 2005 by a
- Scott, ( Duckworth,1977). 1893 on the concert tour in Georgia, married with, georgian , Pianist Tamar Tristan. He save contacts with Georgia all his life a with
- Director: Hermann Dedekind. Performed by Theaterwerkstatt Melchiorsgrund and a, georgian , orchestra.: Director: Hermann Dedekind. Performed by Theaterwerkstatt
- From 542 to 562. Furthermore, in the early 3rd century, Rome had to give up the, georgian , areas of Caucasian Albania and Armenia to Sassanian Persia, but all what is now
- Director: Hermann Dedekind. Performed by Theaterwerkstatt Melchiorsgrund and, georgian , singers.: Director: Hermann Dedekind. Georgian children ensemble.: Director:
- Pianist Tamar Tristan. He save contacts with Georgia all his life a with, georgian , misitions Van Saradjishvili, Michel Danial (Nanobashvili),Sandro Nashville
- New Georgian Ballet — non-repertory theater of modern dance, founded by, georgian , choreographer Tamar Vassalize in Tbilisi, Georga, in 1993. The Ballets Rushes
- List-style-type — Prior to 8.0,Armenian, decimal-leading-zero,Georgian, lower-greek, lower-latin, upper-latin are not supported. #
- Officials initially claimed that up to 2,000 Essential civilians were killed by, georgian , forces. These high casualty figures, are according to Russia the reason for the
- Called them" conversations" or" dialogues" and he was called" Russian (or, georgian , ) Socrates" ) were taped and published after his death by his disciple Yuri
- Significantly increase the magnitude of Georgian literature. Work Books in, georgian , * Icons of moon day (stories, short stories and miniatures),1990 * The snake
- Next to the General Post Office building in O'Connell Street. Originally four, georgian , buildings - they were combined to form a hotel. The building suffered
- His poem" antitkaosani" in 2006 (in which author countered so-called ", georgian , bible "" The knight in the panther's skin" ), he gained wide popularity in
- With Pound, who blue-inked it with comments like" make up yr. mind ..." and ", georgian , " Eliot wrote of it:" I should like to think that the manuscript, with the
- From c.870,located in St. Burghs churchyard. *Homestead, large detached, georgian , mansion,Sit well Street. *Stone Archways, to London House (demolished),Park
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