Examples of the the word, wildly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wildly ), is the 9371 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Instead. The Drake equation has been used by both optimists and pessimists with, wildly ,differing results. Dr. Carl Sagan, using optimistic numbers, suggested as many
  2. 1978–1986) In 1977,American director George Lucas had released Star Wars,a, wildly ,successful science fiction film influenced by Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress
  3. As the best form of religious instruction. While the date of composition varies, wildly ,among scholars, ranging from the era of Plato and Aristotle to the seventh
  4. Transformation of character - the dragon has become St. George ... It's, wildly ,preposterous, imaginative and funny (often intentionally). It demonstrates
  5. Of philosophical argumentation, the deliberate obscurantism of the prose,the, wildly ,exaggerated claims, and the constant striving to give the appearance of
  6. And a cartridge game—initially Combat and later Pac-Man. The Atari 2600 was, wildly ,successful, and during much of the 1980s," Atari" was a synonym for this
  7. Sink. Meanwhile, the crew of the Nicosia watched from the lifeboats, cheering, wildly , Captain Manning was heard to scream," If any of those bastard Huns come up
  8. m) - \frac12 a (m). Individual values of arithmetic functions may fluctuate, wildly ,- as in most of the above examples. Summation functions" smooth out" these
  9. Except in Kerala, where Christianity has a long history),practice varied, wildly , The Philippines As the Philippines is connected to the worldwide Anglican
  10. Era under American hegemony. “ All of these people around me were cheering, wildly ,” Fukuyama remembers. But in his view the Iraq War was being blundered. “ All
  11. Of Scotland (Robert the Bruce) in the film is considered by historians to be, wildly ,inaccurate. In particular his taking the field on the English side in the
  12. In fact Africa Corps had been reinforced, and a few days after Auchinleck's, wildly ,optimistic appreciation, struck at the dispersed and weakened British forces
  13. Tend to serve more Americanized versions of Italian foods, which often vary, wildly ,from the versions found in Italy or in other countries. For pizza delivery
  14. In the audiovisual room whilst sitting, smoking cigarettes and coughing, wildly , * Tree (Stephen Curry) appears as Jase's replacement as the sound recorder
  15. The buffoonery of puns and invented words, obscenities,disciplined verse, wildly ,absurd plots and a formal, dramatic structure. *Fantasy and absurdity: Fantasy
  16. After he took office in January 2004 it was made public that the FRG had, wildly ,ransacked the government going to the extremes of stealing computer equipment
  17. In late-1984 and the show was first broadcast on 19 February 1985,and became, wildly ,popular, often displacing Coronation Street from the top of the ratings for the
  18. Z mainframe, a Burroughs B5000,a VAX, a Pilot Z80000,and a 6502 all vary, wildly ,in the number, sizes,and formats of instructions, the number, types,and sizes
  19. In Rome, and the excitement was increased by people running about the City with, wildly ,exaggerated accounts of the news he had brought. The wailing cry of the matrons
  20. As Les six. In the early twenties, he and other members of Les six frequented a, wildly ,popular bar named Le Bonus SUR LE Tort, a name that Cocteau himself had a hand
  21. And stylistic techniques he would employ in his later work. It is at once, wildly ,playful and funny while being pointed and harshly critical of its targets. In
  22. Significant power from helium 3 obtained from the moon is regarded as, wildly ,impractical. Schmitt was chair of the NASA Advisory Council, whose mandate is
  23. Committed by Satanists who spoke Spanish. Aaron's further statements were, wildly ,inconsistent, and he was unable to identify Baldwin, Echols or Misspelled from
  24. Voodoo ceremonial traditions, Rara parading music, troubadour ballads, and the, wildly ,popular Compass. Compass (in French) or Kong (in Creole) is a complex
  25. Who had beaten Earnhardt in the Budweiser Shootout, found his car tumbling, wildly ,down the backstretch. The race was red flagged to facilitate cleanup of the
  26. Reaction to the film was mostly negative, with much being made of Taylor's, wildly ,fluctuating weight from scene to scene. Some critics talked more positively of
  27. Also in 1983,Cole co released the Cabbage Patch Kids series of dolls which were, wildly ,successful. In 1986,they introduced an ALF plush based on the furry alien
  28. Is an open question. Even Poirot acknowledges that Ossoff has told several, wildly ,varying accounts of her early life. Poirot later became smitten with the woman
  29. Computers, so the company settled on EBCDIC at the time. The System/360 became, wildly ,successful, and thus so did EBCDIC. All IBM mainframe and midrange peripherals
  30. Or pending) directed by Romero. John Waters' Pink Flamingos (1972),was, wildly ,controversial (being an exercise in" poor taste" ) featuring incest and
  31. That his foreign ambitions (which were greatly expensive and fluctuated, wildly ,) should have no legal impediment, and that he was himself above reproach.
  32. By his stage-name The Amazing Creswell (), was an American psychic known for, wildly ,inaccurate predictions. In person, he went by Charles Creswell King, and was
  33. B-movie producer Hammer Films to embark on their series of influential and, wildly ,successful horror films. Beginning with black and white adaptations of Nigel
  34. Thought is the Übermensch. While interpretations of Nietzsche's overran vary, wildly , here is one of his quotations from Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Prologue,§§3–4):
  35. Out for help. Hamlet, believing it is Claudius hiding behind the arras, stabs, wildly , through the cloth, killing Polonius. When he realizes that he has killed
  36. Of the principles of freedom of association. The issue has been protested on, wildly ,in the Philippines. Case Number 2669 - International Wiring Systems Workers
  37. The English of 5,000 archers and 900 men-at-arms, but Mortimer notes it is ", wildly ,inaccurate" in stating the English were outnumbered 30–1,and there have also
  38. Of his circuit around the bases, temporarily startling him. As the fans cheered, wildly , Aaron's parents ran onto the field as well. Dodgers broadcaster VIN Sculls
  39. Spider-Man's canon was the design for what would become one of Spider-Man's most, wildly ,popular antagonists, the super villain Venom. Issue #299 (April 1988) featured
  40. Growing market support from application software developers made Windows 3.0, wildly , successful,selling around 10 million copies in the two years before the
  41. Is regarded as" fair use" in most jurisdictions, but the restrictions vary, wildly ,from nation to nation. Recent Israeli District Court decision dated 2 Sep. 2009
  42. And local exhibitions are provided in Baku Expo Center. Architecture Baku has, wildly ,varying architecture, ranging from the Old City core to modern buildings and
  43. Of course," student protest. " The cover features a cartoon drawing by Camp of, wildly ,dressed, angry hippies carrying protest signs with slogans like" End Camp
  44. Of Aurangzeb's notoriety, was his policy of temple destruction. Figures vary, wildly ,from 80 to 60,000,However,Aurangzeb's Firmans on behalf of the Balaji or
  45. Shells and Congreve rockets; he was disappointed with the latter, as they were, wildly ,inaccurate. He employed a full time officer to decrypt intercepted French
  46. A significantly different theme for a later republication, or for two games on, wildly ,different themes to have very similar mechanics. Combat themes are uncommon and
  47. Many stocks to dizzying heights and made the initial controllers of the company, wildly ,rich on paper. This combined with a period of relative wealth, with many "
  48. Regained levels it had not achieved since octogenarian Clara Peller's, wildly ,popular" Where's the beef? " Campaign of 1984. Thomas was posthumously
  49. The set would actually (and very suddenly) rock to one side, vibrate, wildly , and throw the actors out of their seats. According to interviews on the DVD
  50. Thus enabling Nero to quickly take the throne as emperor. Accounts vary, wildly ,with regard to this private incident and according to more modern sources, it

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