Examples of the the word, hymn , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Vein receptor Pentium (a Christmas, hymn ,) *http://victorcauchi.fortunecity.com/christwrit/ hymn s.htm Text of some
  2. For the allegory of the storm-tossed ship of state. The following fragment of a, hymn ,to Castor and Poly deuces (the Missouri) is possibly another example of this
  3. As a symbol of Lesbian supremacy in song). According to Porphyrin,the, hymn ,to Hermes was imitated by Horace in one of his own 'sapphire' odes (C.1.10:
  4. An antiphon. St. Ambrose was also traditionally credited with composing the, hymn ,Te Drum, which he is said to have composed when he baptized St. Augustine of
  5. Was the author of the verses that were sung to Robles' music. This first, hymn ,was sung until 1828,when it was replaced with what is sung today. Second
  6. For example a" brilliant supplement" by Maurice Born in for.34 (a),a, hymn ,to the Missouri that includes a description of St Elmo's fire in the ship's
  7. Land of Hope and Glory (used since 1930) and God Save the Queen. Use as a, hymn ,Although the music was composed as a unison song," Jerusalem" has been
  8. Fire, lightning and the sun. In the Vedas Agni is the first word of the first, hymn ,of the Rigged: Agni I laud, the high priest, god,minister of sacrifice, The
  9. Violence across a wide variety of cultures. " Amazing Grace" is a Christian, hymn ,with words written by English poet and clergyman John Newton (1725–1807)
  10. Walked on, then it’s you. In the background, the men continue to chant their, hymn ,as the hurricane draws nearer. Act 2, Scene 12 Magically, the hurricane bypasses
  11. Of Prometheus, Karl Kearny noted (in Heroes of the Greeks). *In the Homeric, hymn ,to Aphrodite, the goddess uses" ambrosia oil" as perfume," divinely sweet
  12. Incorporated into Hare Krishna chants and adapted for Wicca ceremonies. The, hymn ,has been employed in several films, including Alice's Restaurant, Coal Miner
  13. Until Colin Welland saw a TV program, Songs of Praise, featuring the, hymn ,and decided to change the title. Other composers Blake's lyrics have also been
  14. Touch is that Jerusalem is sung in four-part harmony, as if it were truly a, hymn , This is not authentic: Parry's composition was a unison song (that is, all
  15. God's help. Yet his lyrical subtlety, in Steve Turner's opinion, leaves the, hymn ,'s meaning open to a variety of Christian and non-Christian interpretations. "
  16. For the first time in 1930 by Fiddling' John Carson, although to another folk, hymn ,named" At the Cross ", not to" New Britain ". Gospel superstar Malaria
  17. To repose in the Chaise di San Zachariah. The following is a proportion (, hymn ,) to St Athanasius sung in some Eastern Orthodox churches.: O Holy father
  18. Osborne and Charlie Chamberlain, the featured guest performance, and a closing, hymn , It ended with" Till We Meet Again ". The guest performance slot gave national
  19. And Emily Gather. Modern interpretations In recent years, the words of the, hymn ,have been changed in some religious publications to downplay a sense of imposed
  20. The language, made plain for common people to understand. Several prolific, hymn ,writers were at their most productive in the 18th century, including Isaac
  21. Of for.6,about ships in a storm, in his study on Homer's use of allegory. The, hymn ,to Hermes,fr308 (b),was quoted by Reflection (grammarian) and both he
  22. The Tripoli tan city of Erna (The" shores of Tripoli" part of the Marines ', hymn ,). *1810 – Beethoven composes his famous piano piece, Für Elise. *1813 – War of
  23. Been adopted by the Church and is frequently sung as an office or recessional, hymn ,in English cathedrals, churches and chapels on St George's Day. It is also
  24. Use" Jerusalem" as the English anthem. Jerusalem is the ECB's official, hymn , although God Save the Queen was the anthem sung before England's games in
  25. Of Newton's finest work ". Between 1789 and 1799,four variations of Newton's, hymn ,were published in the U. S. in Baptist, Dutch Reformed, and Congregationalist
  26. And the second is six. Newton and Cowper attempted to present a poem or, hymn ,for each prayer meeting. The lyrics to" Amazing Grace" were written in late
  27. Rock of Ages ... Hymns & Faith. Looking ahead Although neither of her latest, hymn ,releases have captured the popularity of her previous gospel career, Grant
  28. Had encouraged Newton to go into the clergy. Watts was a pioneer in English, hymn ,writing, basing his on the Psalms. The most prevalent hymn s by Watts and others
  29. Spirit and frees the person. " Popular use Following the appropriation of the, hymn ,in secular music," Amazing Grace" became such an icon in American culture
  30. Of this symphony with his falling fourths and timpani strokes. The church, hymn ," Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee ", with words written in 1907 by Henry van Dyke
  31. Of the archangel Raphael. Slaver-turned-abolitionist John Newton composed the, hymn ,Amazing Grace about a wretch who" once was lost, but now am found, Was blind
  32. Of England to make it more locally relevant. A widely published alternative, hymn ,text for the tune is Carl P. Daw's O day of peace that dimly shines of 1982.
  33. In 1904 and 1913. Several existing pieces of music were adapted to the poem. A, hymn ,tune composed by Samuel A. Ward was generally considered the best music as
  34. Ward had originally written the music, Materna, for the 19th century, hymn ,O Mother dear, Jerusalem in 1882. Ward's music combined with the Bates poem
  35. For organ (or orchestra). Neither does it appear in any standard, hymn ,book in a guise other than Parry's own, so it may have been harmonized
  36. In sight. Under these circumstances, Bridges,finding the poem an appropriate, hymn ,text to" brace the spirit of the nation to accept with cheerfulness all the
  37. Off like surprised bats. Then, in probably the most interesting part of the, hymn , Enheduanna herself steps forward in the first person to recite her own past
  38. And the music is generally more elaborate and varied than that of psalm or, hymn ,tunes. Though the anthem of the Church of England is analogous to the motet of
  39. Of Newton's lyrics had both literal and figurative meanings for Americans. The, hymn ,was translated into other languages as well: while on the Trail of Tears, the
  40. An inch of daylight left" ) though it is possible that he coined it himself. A, hymn ,(for. 34) Antaeus rarely used metaphor or simile, and yet he had a fondness for
  41. An Anthem for England ", have said that the song is not technically a, hymn , as it is not a prayer to God (which hymn s always are). Consequently, it is
  42. A recounting of how much he had changed since then. The title ascribed to the, hymn ," 1 Chronicles 17:16–17 ", refers to David's reaction to the prophet Nathan
  43. I believe with perfect faith that ..." These principles are reflected in the, hymn ,Signal. Sikh The Sikh articles of faith are the Five K's: #K'ESH: Unshorn hair
  44. Return to his former princely palace in the non-canonical Pale devotional, hymn , Natasha Agatha (" The Lion of Men" ). Among the 32 main characteristics it
  45. With other words. The Church of Scotland debated altering the words of the, hymn ,to read" Albion" instead of England to make it more locally relevant. A
  46. On, thus perhaps to off the cuff analogy. He composed the tune for the old, hymn ," O Mother Dear, Jerusalem ", retitling the work" Maternal ". Ward's music
  47. When we need to confess with joy that we are saved by God's grace alone; as a, hymn ,of response to forgiveness of sin or as an assurance of pardon; as a confession
  48. NEM OEM Que Na's TEM" directed by François Burnham," John and Michael ", hymn ,to the collective love," Mon leopard et moi ", collaboration with Darry Cowl
  49. Efforts to give" America the Beautiful" legal status either as a national, hymn , or as a national anthem equal to, or in place of," The Star-Spangled Banner "
  50. Controversially adopted by some Christian private schools for singing as a, hymn ,at internal assemblies. The substituted verse did not appear in the 1879

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