Examples of the the word, hungarian , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hungarian ), is the 9381 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And folklore, was Largely Bornemissza. He commanded a detachment of 250,Hungarian, infantry,however it was his skill with explosives that was to make this young
  2. W. W. presenting on, hungarian ," TV University" - April 2007 streaming video *
  3. Give birth to handicapped kids. " In 2011,he denounced Roma women at the, hungarian , police authorities. Another Sides parliamentarian, Ilona Ekes, wrote to the
  4. To the village in the year 1093. Therefore, the village was named Peter in, hungarian , Petrodollar in Latin and Beiersdorf in German. Since the end of World War I
  5. NARA old patrician village, with 152 houses an 867 r. path. And Ruth., hungarian , inhabitants. Post and telegraph in Szombathely. In its borders signs of roman
  6. Popular and he had to promise to not give land and nominations to other than, hungarian , nobles. However, this was not applied on Sailor of Stiboricz that was
  7. Until 1958. In the first editions Bartok himself and the accomplished, hungarian , poet ADY Andre were suggested as the hidden text writer. Denies Lille
  8. Observation post, a mobile command/observation post and NBC reconnaissance. The, hungarian , FUG version can be fitted with a pintle-mounted RPD LEG, but on the OT-65 the
  9. On Alaska bar (Alaska bog),between Tempering, Nadalj, and Gospođinci. The, hungarian , name means" apple ". According to the 1715 census, the population of the
  10. Consisted of nearly 1,000 soldiers The state failed when it was invaded by, hungarian , troops in June 1919. The territory claimed by this state became part of the
  11. Called for independent nation-states, but this totally disconsidered the, hungarian , population and national interests. In the dictate of Treason Treaty of Treason
  12. Continued through the years, with the Soviet Union pressing and maneuvering, hungarian , politics through the Hungarian Communist Party, intervening whenever it needed
  13. Considered as the greatest Hungarian mathematician ever. The most prestigious, hungarian , scientifical award is named in honor after János Bonsai. Paul Erdős, famed for
  14. Site * http://nol.hu/cikk/452502/ Report of the media hack on a popular, hungarian , news site. (in Hungarian) * http://www.africaresearchinstitute.org/ Website
  15. 2010 and IF decided to hire Trail Hansen as his assistant. IF sold their, hungarian , goalkeeper,Andres Gang to NSW and didn't resign Hungarian midfielder, Balázs
  16. Usage of Serbian language and its scripts in Vojvodina Image: Vojvodina, hungarian , map. PNG|Official usage of Hungarian language in Vojvodina Image: Vojvodina
  17. Physiology or Medicine (1961) * FAMAS Freud, neuro-scientist, one of three (, hungarian , ) co-winners of the Danish Brain Award 2011 * Karl Merely, co-founder of
  18. Balalaika Hiragana Smith - Kongannure External links Hadar, or Hour in old, hungarian , short for Heyday Urey, meaning " War Lord" or" Army Lord" in Hungarian, was
  19. HDF Special Operation Team Afghanistan - objectives: Recon and Support (The, hungarian , Government hands it in top secret) *HDF Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team
  20. Kinsey_Park. JPG|Kinsey Park File: Count Ivan Szechenyi the founder of, hungarian , horse racing. JPG|Count Ivan Széchenyi the founder of Hungarian horse racing
  21. None of these attempts were successful during the siege of Ever. Siege The old, hungarian , data and Gárdonyi's roman about the number of the Ottoman Army (150-200,000
  22. 1962. External links * http://franka-egom.ofm.hu/nevadonk/nevadonk.htm Page in, hungarian , Language Lorna Goldberg is a social worker, certified psychoanalyst
  23. Of Honduras. JPG|Honduras File: Cover_of_HK SAR_e-Passport. JPG|Hong Kong File:, hungarian , passport. JPG|Hungary File: Icelandic Passport Front Cover. JPG|Iceland File:
  24. And 17th centuries, separating Czech and Moravian traditional music. The" new, hungarian ," style has influenced the music of the area in the past three centuries
  25. JPG|Gate of Faith File: So pron (Hungary)101. JPG|Cedar Since (traditional, hungarian , tavern ) File: So pron (Hun)101. JPG|Ehrenberg House courtyard File:
  26. Index in French The Budapest University of Technology and Economics (), in,Hungarian, abbreviated as BME, English official abbreviation BUT, is the most significant
  27. They used to wear eagle wings on their backs (this tradition was imitated by, hungarian , hussar troops later),put on helmets with bullhorns, wear coats made of
  28. Mountains * http://www.radnaihavasok.ro/ Website of Rodney Mountains in, hungarian , *
  29. Lisowczycy were victoriously set by Johann Tubercles, Count of Tilly against, hungarian , cavalry. They captured twenty standards. After the battle, they terrorized
  30. Of the office of Kendo. House of Kende also refers to the noble, hungarian , House of Kendo settled in the eastern region of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy
  31. House from Transdanubia, Hungary File: Toronto. JPG|Rime tea (Toronto),Hungarian, village in Transylvania, Romania File: Székelykő. JPG|Székelykő in Transylvania
  32. IF sold their Hungarian goalkeeper, András Gang to NSW and didn't resign, hungarian , midfielder,Balls Sink and Faeroese national team defender, Bartal Eliasen. IF
  33. Usage of Serbian language and its scripts in Vojvodina Image: Vojvodina, hungarian , map. PNG|Official usage of Hungarian language in Vojvodina Image: Vojvodina
  34. Sil BS AGZ ", meaning bed of elm trees in Hungarian * the name is a, hungarian , transcription of the" Zillenmarkt ", the German name of Alan city. Notes
  35. http://www.kolozsvar.ro/colectiafarmacie/Fo.htm Info about pharmacy in, hungarian , Margrit Bieber Monday is Vice President of Cultural Affairs at Robert Monday
  36. Did Nicholas II Gary succeed in suppressing them. To ease the pressure from, hungarian , nobles,Sigismund tried to employ foreign advisors which was not popular and he
  37. Otto, President of the European Union (2000) * Poor There Laurel, hungarian , astronomer (2009) Sights of Palomar Twin cities Sources * Chilling Eyed
  38. No_cache 1&cHash d1551acd93,Hungarian, and *2 fellows of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and professors on Budapest
  39. Hungarian singer Susan Köniz performed this folk-song Borodin Bristol with, hungarian , text by Janos Brody. The instrumental title tune of the British television
  40. Of Chicago. Gödel Prize (1993). * László Loves (b. 1948),Famous, hungarian , mathematician. Awards: Wolf (1999,) Knuth (1999),Gödel (2001),Bonsai (
  41. Without any exception, the Goals using polish dialect of Spitz region). The, hungarian , censuses ignored the Polish nationality, all ethnic Poles were registered as
  42. Bio in, hungarian , Illapel is a Chilean city, which is the capital of the Cheap Province
  43. Parachute, the first parachute ever deployed in actual use. Born in Nesting (, hungarian , Jánostelek),Austria-Hungary (now part of Violence, Slovakia ), Banič
  44. János Bonsai is together with John von Neumann considered as the greatest, hungarian , mathematician ever. The most prestigious Hungarian scientific award is named
  45. Weaver, butcher ) were working in the village. Elk Fences wrote:" NARA, hungarian , village,in Va's county, one hour from Szombathely: 634 path.,8 Jew inhabit. Path
  46. Hungarian government claims there are between 80,000 and 100,000 Brazilians of, hungarian , descendent
  47. The village was first mentioned in 1267. The village was the birthplace of the, hungarian , noble Sofia Bosniak, who is the unofficial patron saint of Replica NAD Whom.
  48. Of Austria-Hungary (1918). SVG|War ensign (not implemented) File: Royal, hungarian , maritime flag. GIF|Royal Hungarian maritime ensign The colors black-yellow
  49. And a hidden track. It seems that Yesterdays had the chance to play with their, hungarian , infuences, like FAMAS Mohair (ex. East, Faxni, RABB, etc.),Hungary's most
  50. Km² was created in this pass. The Romanian name of the pass derives from the, hungarian , word " stardom ", which means" defile" or" canyon ". The Oak tree Foundation

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