Examples of the the word, firework , in a Sentence Context

The word ( firework ), is the 9372 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Portugal, on 31 December 2006. Longest firework waterfall The world's longest, firework ,waterfall was the 'Niagara Falls ', which measured 3,517.23 m (11,539 ft 5 in
  2. In front of a visual stage set comprising video screens and 3D lighting. A, firework ,display rounded off the show. Having being banned by police from playing in
  3. The show and to help out at this all-volunteer event. Aside from the nightly, firework ,shows, the competition is a highlight of the convention. This is a completely
  4. Fireworks, and late night parties. Lisa is one village with a notable, firework ,display. Carnival (Maltese: il-karnival ta' Malta) has had an important
  5. Class and Division. An example of this hybrid marking would be a consumer, firework , which is labeled as 1.4G or 1.4S. Examples of national markings would include
  6. Cast ells and La Nit del FOC On the nights of the 15,16,17,and 18th there are, firework ,displays in the old riverbed in Valencia. Each night is progressively grander
  7. During the summer solstice. This is followed a week later by seven nights of, firework ,and pyrotechnic contests between companies on the urban beach Playa del
  8. r. 1100-1125) and his court. A record from 1264 states that a rocket-propelled, firework ,went off near the Empress Dowager Gong Sheng and startled her during a feast
  9. On 23 August 2008 at the Ariane Seas Fireworks Festival, Fukuoka,Japan. Most, firework ,rockets launched in 30 seconds The most firework rockets launched in 30 seconds
  10. As of 18 June 2011 are: Largest Catherine wheels A self-propelled vertical, firework ,wheel was designed by The Lily Fireworks Factory and fired for at least one
  11. Stages a torchlight procession through the streets, with a beach bonfire and, firework ,display. Other smaller events include the Hastings Beer and Music Festival
  12. Lantern Festival (Lichterfest, early July) in Millersburg park with its famous, firework ,display and fairground attractions * The Wine Village (Waldorf, late
  13. Inc. (Philippines),in Cebu, Philippines,on 8 May 2010. Largest, firework ,rocket The largest firework rocket is 13.40 kg (29.53 lb) and was produced
  14. Combustion will vary depending on the mix of ingredients of a particular, firework , (The color green, for instance, may be produced by adding the various
  15. Were respected for their knowledge of complex techniques in mounting, firework ,displays. During the Song Dynasty (960-1279),many of the common people could
  16. Festival comprised 230 unique acts. Worcester Festival ends with a spectacular, firework ,display on the banks of the River Severn on the Monday of the August bank
  17. And safety match production and offset printing in India, over 60 % of, firework ,production is contributed from Sakai Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, one
  18. Although apparently this is not the custom elsewhere in Canada. The two known, firework ,displays used during All Hallows' Eve in the United States are the annual "
  19. Festival, Fukuoka,Japan. Most firework rockets launched in 30 seconds The most, firework ,rockets launched in 30 seconds is 125,801,in an attempt organized by Preworks
  20. And sounds like a gunshot, technically called a report. Crackle The, firework ,produces a crackling sound. Hummers Tiny tube firework s that are ejected
  21. Are generally classified as to where they perform, either as a ground or aerial, firework , In the latter case they may provide their own propulsion (skyrocket) or be
  22. Red at pH 2.9. *Yellow firework s are produced by adding sodium compounds to the, firework ,mixture. Sodium has a strong emission at 589.3 nm (D-line),a very slightly
  23. children's playgrounds and recorded music. Twice a week in August there are, firework ,displays. Nearby is the Land's End Hotel. Gallery File: Land's End, Cornwall
  24. Recreational activities include watercraft rentals, surrey bike rentals, and, firework , cruises that launch from several resort marinas. Former parks and attractions
  25. Of Michigan's official Christmas tree in front of the State Capitol and a, firework ,show (weather permitting) over the State Capitol. Music * The Lansing
  26. Or black powder, or article containing secondary detonating substance, such as, firework , class D model rocket engine, etc., for shipment because they are harder to
  27. Devices used for aesthetic and entertainment purposes. The most common use of a, firework ,is as part of a firework s display. A firework s' event (also called a firework
  28. 1605. His effigy is often burned on a bonfire, commonly accompanied by a, firework ,display. Early life Childhood Guy Fawkes was born in 1570 in Stone gate, York.
  29. Paper tightly around a former, such as a dowel. They can be made by hand, most, firework , factories use machinery to manufacture tubes. Whenever tubes are used in
  30. By and visited by. The farewell was viewed by large crowds and concluded with a, firework ,display. QE2 then sailed around Scotland to the Firth of Forth on 7 October
  31. In Cebu, Philippines,on 8 May 2010. Largest firework rocket The largest, firework ,rocket is 13.40 kg (29.53 lb) and was produced and launched by Associated
  32. Happening firework s, Derry: Midsummer Common, Cambridge There are many, firework ,societies in the counties of East Sussex and West Sussex which were at one time
  33. In),on June 18th,2011. Largest firework display The record for the largest, firework ,display consisted of 66,326 firework s and was achieved by Macedon'S Pyrotechnic
  34. Return home to find Nestor emaciated from Abdullah's stay and an exploding, firework ,in the Captain's chair as a parting gift. And no sooner have they got rid of
  35. Parties, while other practices in Ireland include lighting bonfires, and having, firework ,displays. Mass transatlantic immigration in the 19th century popularized
  36. Kinds of firework s with a variety of effects and color. The art and science of, firework ,making developed into an independent profession. In China, pyrotechnicians were
  37. With a diameter of 32.044 m (105 ft 1.56 in),on June 18th,2011. Largest, firework ,display The record for the largest firework display consisted of 66,326
  38. Clothes and food from all around the world. It ends with a spectacular, firework ,display. Frankfurt's oldest folk festival is the Dispenses (analogous:
  39. A firework s show or pyrotechnics) is a display of the effects produced by, firework ,devices. Fireworks competitions are also regularly held at a number of places.
  40. A large fun fair, ice rink, and other attractions, culminated in a laser and, firework ,display on New Year's Eve. It also served as the venue for a number of frees
  41. Of sparkling shapes, often variously colored. The skyrocket is a common form of, firework , although the first skyrockets were used in war. Such rocket technology has
  42. Ancient Greek unit of mass * Mine or star mine (in pyrotechnics),a type of, firework ,* Leaf mine, a space in a leaf, between the upper and lower epidermis, made by
  43. Pyrotechnic LDA. In Funchal, Madeira,Portugal, on 31 December 2006. Longest, firework ,waterfall The world's the longest firework waterfall was the 'Niagara Falls '
  44. Weeping willow-like effect. Ground Bloom Flower Small twirling ground, firework ,in which sparks come out of one end causing it to rotate extremely quickly.
  45. Color-producing compounds are tabulated here. The color of a compound in a, firework ,will be the same as its color in a flame test (shown at right). Not all
  46. Passantenhaven and Ideal. *July & August: The city hosts a series of weekly, firework ,displays by the sea front in Scheveningen, as part of an international
  47. Of firework s. This is due to the fact that they impart a deep red color to the, firework , Compounds The primary use for strontium compounds is in glass for color
  48. Has a loud report with a fireball. Mine A mine (aka. Pot à few) is a ground, firework ,that expels stars and/or other furniture into the sky. Shot from a mortar like
  49. As they wait for midnight, such as fire poi, a pipe band, street drumming and a, firework ,display after the last fireball is cast into the sea. The festivities are now
  50. Used internal-combustion rocket propulsion, was the 'ground-rat,' a type of, firework ,recorded in 1264 as having frightened the Empress-Mother King Sheng at a feast

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