Examples of the the word, classics , in a Sentence Context

The word ( classics ), is the 9379 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Johnson, British Conservative politician and current Mayor of London; studied, classics ,at Balliol College, Oxford. Most other pre-twentieth century Oxbridge
  2. The Russian language and stereotypes. So-bad-they're-good cult films and camp, classics ,Many films enjoy cult status because they may be seen as ridiculously awful
  3. Empire *William Wart Gladstone,19th century British Prime Minister, studied, classics , at Oxford University *Theodor Mommies, author of History of Rome and works on
  4. To Northern Africa and parts of the Middle East. Philology Traditionally, classics ,was essentially the philology of ancient texts. Although now less dominant
  5. Mixed both styles. After WWII, blues had a substantial influence on jazz. Bebop, classics , such as Charlie Parker's" Now's the Time ", used the blues form with the
  6. Most examinees were of the gentry background. Expertise in the Confucian, classics ,did not guarantee competent bureaucrats who could manage public works or
  7. Lough borough Grammar School followed, before he took up the position of senior, classics ,teacher at Colby Grammar School, Northamptonshire,in 1959. In 1966,he was
  8. Gone on to transcend their original cult status and have become recognized as, classics ,; others are of the" so bad it's good" variety and are destined to remain in
  9. Played by Will Smith mentions his Converse shoes several times, calling them ", classics ," because the film is set far in the future. I, Robot and Space balls also
  10. Initial innovations The press was started by ALUs based on his love of, classics , and at first printed new copies of Plato, Aristotle,and other Greek and Latin
  11. As I Am, and a compilation album featuring her solo hits alongside some ABBA, classics , In 2004,she made a successful comeback, releasing the critically acclaimed
  12. For example the opera house by Wilhelm Fifth, are nowadays regarded as, classics ,of modern architecture. Nevertheless, the uncompromising style of the Cologne
  13. Played by Will Smith mentions his Converse shoes several times, calling them ", classics ," because the film is set far in the future. I, Robot and Space balls also
  14. After completing his National Service with the Royal Corps of Signals he read, classics ,at Christ's College, Cambridge,graduating in 1953 and receiving an honorary
  15. Home video in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Comedy films have also been cult, classics , In 1979,Steven Spielberg, after two blockbuster hits (Jaws and Close
  16. Of their live performances. Moe. Also frequently covers Blue Oyster Cult, classics ,in their sets, and members of Blue Oyster Cult have appeared on-stage with the
  17. Campaigned for the abolition of corporal punishment at the school. He won a, classics ,scholarship to Christ Church, Oxford. He served as an officer in the Welsh
  18. Version of it. In the live album Live at The Fillmore some old, classics ,are played in a rock/metal version, with Sen Dog's band SX-10 and Eric Bob
  19. Then a romantic style. Her novels, like those of her sisters, have become, classics ,of English literature. Family background Anne's father, Patrick Bronte (
  20. In 1494 in Venice, from which were issued the celebrated Aldine editions of the, classics ,(Latin and Greek masterpieces plus a few more modern works). The Aldine Press
  21. A course in its own right. Also, many civil servants, politicians,etc. studied, classics ,at Oxford University, by taking a course in Greats, up till the 1920s,when
  22. Of the Last 25 Years. In a special Entertainment Weekly issue,100 new film, classics ,were chosen from 1983 to 2008: Blue Velvet was ranked at #4. In addition to
  23. And PC compatibles which included emulated versions of Asteroids and other, classics , In 2004,Asteroids (Including both the Atari 2600 port and the arcade
  24. Origin of the story of the Amazons has been the subject of speculation among, classics ,scholars. In the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica speculation ranged along the
  25. Space (1959) and other films by Edward D. Wood, Jr. were considered cult, classics , attracting devotees who reveled in his incompetence. Other low-budget science
  26. Easier and quicker exposure than a concert tour. Some of these videos became, classics ,because of the 1970s-era costumes and early video effects, such as the grouping
  27. Geraldine, who was a clerk in Holy Orders. Catherine studied religion,the, classics , Latin histories, canon and civil law, heraldry,and genealogy. She had a
  28. At Seaborne, whose definition of education placed more emphasis on the, classics , His headmaster wrote to his parents:" I hope he will not fall between two
  29. The classics One of the most notable characteristics of the modern study of, classics ,is the diversity of the field. Although traditionally focused on Ancient Greece
  30. The Ethics of Liberty, and For a New Liberty, are considered by some to be, classics ,of natural law libertarian thought. Historical precedents similar to
  31. In the final examinations at Eton, Ayer came second in his year, and first in, classics , In his final year, as a member of Eton's senior council, he unsuccessfully
  32. In Switzerland *Oscar Wilde, nineteenth-century playwright and poet; studied, classics ,at Trinity College, Dublin and Magdalena College, Oxford *A. E. Housman, best
  33. Of art of the time, was designed by Francesco Laura. His devotion to the, classics ,was exceptional even for the time. For example, Alfonso halted his army in
  34. Value and have been continuously in production for at least 10 years; i.e., classics , " It was inducted into the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design's Hall
  35. Of which (such as A Tale of Two Cities in 1980) mirrored his affinity for the, classics , He also took roles in horror films opposite the late Margaux Hemingway in the
  36. 1954,he started his teaching career in the East Midlands, becoming assistant, classics ,master at Suggestion School, Leicester. A post at Lough borough Grammar School
  37. Works from Shakespeare, John Milton and Geoffrey Chaucer, works now considered, classics , The expansion of the public domain in books broke the dominance of the London
  38. Acclaimed Poirot novels appeared from 1932 to 1942,including such acknowledged, classics ,as Murder on the Orient Express, The ABC Murders (1935),Cards on the Table (
  39. Principal study in the humanities. History of the Western Classics The word “, classics ,” is derived from the Latin adjective classics :“ belonging to the highest
  40. Curtis Rufus' history of Alexander the Great were read to him. However,the, classics ,had not refined his taste, for he was amused by setting itinerant scholars, who
  41. Like the Gun dam and The Super Dimension Fortress Across series became instant, classics ,in the 1980s,and the robot genre of anime is still one of the most common in
  42. In the history of world literature. His career as a dramatist produced four, classics ,and his best short stories are held in high esteem by writers and critics.
  43. Of the classical world to the contemporary world. Sub-disciplines within the, classics ,One of the most notable characteristics of the modern study of classics is the
  44. P. G. Wodehouse, writer,playwright, lyricist and creator of Jeeves; studied, classics ,at Ulrich College *Enoch Powell, British Conservative and later Ulster
  45. Pre-twentieth century Oxbridge playwrights, poets and English scholars studied, classics ,before English studies became a course in its own right. Also, many civil
  46. And at first printed new copies of Plato, Aristotle,and other Greek and Latin, classics , He also printed dictionaries and grammars to help people interpret the books.
  47. The“ Philosopher” who seeks understanding of the world as it is, thus,most, classics ,scholars recognize that the roots of Western philosophy originate in Greek
  48. And Heinrich Heine, but specifically denied any influence of Greek and Latin, classics ,in his poetry. Later collections In the early 1920s,when Moses Jackson was
  49. Since become iconic. The first two films in the series are considered horror, classics ,and are credited with spawning the" horror comedy" genre. He has appeared in
  50. Are now called country rock, introducing with his Texas Playboys such C & W, classics ,as Take Me Back to Tulsa and New San Antonio Rose ". Discography Albums Singles

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